6/30/15, "Mexican cardinal: (Mexican) Supreme Court is puppet of ‘new order’ seeking to destroy marriage and Church," lifesitenews,
Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez, archbishop of Guadalajara |
"Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez, the archbishop emeritus of Guadalajara, Mexico, has produced a video denouncing the Mexican Supreme Court’s recent declaration imposing homosexual “marriage” on the entire country as a machination of those seeking to create a global government and a “new order,” and lamenting the weak response from Catholic bishops, who have failed to mobilize the faithful in opposition.
In the video broadcast on the Catholic television network Mariavision and widely distributed on the internet, Sandoval says that Mexico’s Supreme Court is seeking to “destroy marriage itself” by its recent declaration nullifying state laws defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and associating the institution with procreation. He then repeats an accusation that he has made several times since 2011: that the Court is being influenced by bribes received from international organizations.
“Marriage, in accordance with nature, is a man and a woman, and it is also so in accordance with Christian revelation,” said Sandoval. “Marriage is a man and a woman. Anything more is something deviant. And if you ask why the Supreme Court is engaged in this, where the pressure is coming from, from where are they receiving, perhaps, great donations and great amounts of money, and as I have said, the ‘feeding’ [of the judges], from where these influences are coming for the Supreme Court to be legislating these things, always against morality, the fundamental problem is that there are international organizations at the service of a project that is called the ‘new order,’ a plan for global government.”"...
[Ed. note: The Cardinal is correct. In 2011 the Vatican called for "global public authority" led by UN to oversee "fair distribution of world wealth" and "global political society." In 2014 Pope Francis told a UN meeting that wealth should be redistributed "by the state." "The state" and the Catholic Church are pals. US government "redistributed" $2.6 billion to Catholic groups in 2008 alone.]
(continuing): "“Russia, China, and the Arab world have now escaped from their hands,” Sandoval noted. “They don’t dominate them, but in Western countries they want to establish a single government and they want to use it to destroy the family, the Catholic Church, which are in their way, as well as the true national governments. And one of the means for destroying the family is to pervert the concept itself of the family, to speak of matrimony as a union of people, so that the definition applies to any bond or union. It’s very lamentable, very sad.”
The cardinal also decried the “rather lamentable silence” on the part of “those of us who are pastors of the Church, who don’t speak clearly, who don’t denounce, who don’t organize our faithful to offer resistance.” The Church’s leadership could fight back by “organizing, for example, the gathering of signatures, whether for the Supreme Court or for the national congress, for local congresses, many signatures that say clearly that they do not want such legislation. It’s very important for the good of the country that marriage be healthy, that marriage be what it should be and not be perverted.”
Sandoval expressed his confidence that the upcoming Synod of Bishops, to be held in the Vatican in October, will issue a clear reaffirmation of the Church’s traditional teaching. “The position of the Synod of the pope cannot be any other than what is fixed in the pages of Sacred Scripture: God made them man and woman, and commanded that they unite...so that they may be fertile. Whatever departs from this divine institution is an attack against it and is an aberration, and it can never fit into the mind of a Catholic, of a Christian.”
In response to the cardinal’s statements, multiple homosexual organizations say they have filed criminal complaints or are planning to do so, including a coalition of groups that accuse Sandoval of “discrimination and inciting violence” by calling homosexual “marriage” an “aberration,” according to the Spanish news agency EFE. Mexico’s Milenio newspaper reports that one homosexualist group, the Cohesion of Diversities for Sustainability (CODISE), plans to file a complaint against Sandoval with the federal Secretariat of Governance, as well as against the seminary of Guadalajara because they “give a talk that incites hatred and discrimination and that generates confusion among heterosexual parents regarding the rejection of their homosexual children, and creates a repressive and suicidal mentality in their homosexual children.”" image from Lifesite News
Two citations for Vatican calling for world government, 2011, 2014:
10/24/2011, "Towards Reforming Financial and Monetary Systems in the Context of Global Public Authority," Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, The Vatican, Peter K.A. Cardinal Turkson, President, Bishop Mario Toso, Secretary
"With due respect for the competent civil and political authorities, the Council hereby offers and shares its reflection: Towards reforming the international financial and monetary systems in the context of global public authority....
The G20 leaders themselves said in the Statement they adopted in Pittsburgh in 2009: “The economic crisis demonstrates the importance of ushering in a new era of sustainable global economic activity grounded in responsibility” (3)....
We hope that world leaders and all people of good will
find this reflection helpful."...
"A long road still needs to be travelled before arriving at the creation of a public Authority with universal jurisdiction. It would seem logical for the reform process to proceed with the United Nations as its reference because of the worldwide scope of the UN’s responsibilities, its ability to bring together the nations of the world, and the diversity of its tasks and those of its specialized Agencies. The fruit of such reforms ought to be a greater ability to adopt policies and choices that are binding because they are aimed at achieving the common good on the local, regional and world levels. Among the policies, those regarding global social justice seem most urgent: financial and monetary policies that will not damage the weakest countries(19); and policies aimed at achieving free and stable markets and a fair distribution of world wealth, which may also derive from unprecedented forms of global fiscal solidarity, which will be dealt with later. On the way to creating a world political Authority, questions of governance (that is, a system of merely horizontal coordination without a higher authority super partes) cannot be separated from those of a shared government (that is, a system which in addition to horizontal coordination establishes a higher authority super partes) which is functional and proportionate to the gradual development of a global political society."...via Rosa Koire, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21
At 2014 UN speech in Rome, Pope Francis says earned wages must be taken from workers "by the state" and redistributed. Ban Ki-Moon invites Francis to speak at UN:
5/9/2014, "Pope urges 'legitimate redistribution' of wealth," AP, Nicole Winfield
"Pope Francis called Friday for governments to redistribute wealth and benefits to the poor in a new spirit of generosity to help curb the "economy of exclusion" that is taking hold today.
Francis made the appeal during a speech to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the heads of major U.N. agencies who met in Rome this week. Latin America's first pope has frequently lashed out at the injustices of capitalism and the global economic system. On Friday, Francis called for the United Nations to promote a "worldwide ethical mobilization" of solidarity with the poor.
He said a more equal form of economic progress can be had through "the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the state, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society.""....
Citation for US government's massive support of Catholic Church:
Nov. 2009 article: "The bishops have a long history of almost unlimited access to enormous quantities of federal funding....Sixty-seven percent of Catholic Charities’ income comes from government funding.... That represents over $2.6 billion in 2008."
11/10/2009, "The Catholic bishops' double standard," Politico, by Nancy Keenan and Jon O'Brien
"The bishops have a long history of almost unlimited access to enormous quantities of federal funding. When it comes to funding for Catholic schools and hospitals or programs run by Catholic Charities, they accept federal funding with open arms. The bishops never question their own ability to lawfully manage funds from separate sources to ensure that tax dollars don’t finance religious practices."...
Comment: The mafia can only dream of being an operation like the UN. Nothing about the UN is "ethical." It was invented by US politicians to bleed US taxpayers. Though not elected by or accountable to them, US politicians think it's a good idea to force taxpayers to turn over large portions of their earnings yearly to thousands of UN personnel on a no-strings basis. No UN employee can be prosecuted for any crime anywhere in the world. They're exempt from all laws. They can put all the US taxpayer money in personal bank accounts without consequence. As bad as the Pope is, the UN isn't his fault. The UN exists only because the US political class wants it to.