Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Oregon still has the worst high school graduation rate in the US-KGW

Oregon's graduation rate rose from 69% in 2013 to 72%  in 2014 though it remains worst in US:
5/14/15, "Report: Oregon has worst graduation rate in the U.S.," KGW.com, Sara Roth

"A comprehensive U.S. report showed that Oregon not only has the worst graduation rates in the nation, but it's holding the country back from achieving its graduation rate goals.

The 2015 Building a Grad Nation report analyzed 2013 graduation rate data from every state in the nation. While the national average reached a record high of 81.4 percent, the four-year graduation rate in Oregon was only 69 percent.

Furthermore, Oregon hadn't improved from the year before, showing stagnation as the last remaining state with graduation rates lower than 70 percent.

"Oregon did not experience significant improvements and became the state with the lowest graduation rate in the nation and the last remaining state with an ACGR [Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate] in the 60s," the report said.

The Grad Nation report shows that overall, much of the country is on track to graduate upwards of 90 percent of seniors by 2020, and many states are already graduating more than 80 percent of students, including neighboring California. Washington State had a 76.4 percent graduation rate.

Also noted was the sharp decline in schools with extremely low graduation rates (the report called them "dropout factories"). African American students also showed steady improvement, although minority graduation rates were still significantly lower than Caucasian students.

To reach the 90 percent goal, the report said 310,000 more students would have to earn a diploma in 2020 than in 2013. The nation needs to concentrate on its low-income students and students with disabilities, English language learners, and minorities.

"The analysis of third-quarter progress shows that this rate of growth is obtainable. The challenge then is to spread what has worked in the states and districts that have improved to those that have not."

Oregon's graduation rate rose to 72 percent in 2014, thanks mostly to counting those who received a modified diploma or went to community college before graduating. It still had the worst rates out of any state in the country.".

"Released annually, by the Alliance for Excellent Education, America’s Promise Alliance,, Civic Enterprises, and the Everyone Graduates Center at Johns Hopkins University, shows detailed progress toward the GradNation goal of a national on-time graduation rate of 90 percent by 2020. Release Date: 05/12/15"


Oregon has championed outcome-based education:

5/18/15, "Common Core Crowns OREGON ‘Worst Graduation Rate in the U.S.’," politichicks, Macey France

"This recent headlineOregon Has the Worst Graduation Rate in the US, is perhaps shocking to those who don’t know what’s going on in education.  However it comes as no surprise to those of us who study diligently.

All over the country folks are upset about Common Core, which is basically outcomes-based education. We are no longer providing the same opportunities for all with the hopes that the outcomes will be good, but ultimately will be what the kids do with those opportunities. We are skewing the opportunities so that everyone has an equal outcome. Make sense? That’s outcomes-based education.

Oregon has been doing this since the 1990s. We had the cim/cam (think certificate of mastery) debacle, which failed. Did we ditch it? No. We renamed/rebranded it.

For all the other states in the nation that are watching and see that Oregon is the worst across the country, take note. We will all be ‘tied for last’ if we move forward with the Common Core.

The federal government is working towards making all states like Oregon. We are simply ahead of the curve. Instead of pulling back on failed OBE policies and letting the teachers do their jobs, we continue to write legislation that entrenches it deeper. We double down on failed procedures."...via Junk Science


10/28/2010, "Oregon State Board of Education Adopts Common Core Standards and Higher Interim Math Achievement Standards," Oregon Dept. of Education
11/13/14, "What is the Common Core? A guide to Oregon's new education standards," oregonlive.com, Betsy Hammond

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