Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hundreds line up to see Ted Cruz in Andover, Massachusetts on Saturday, May 30

Two minute video showing people in line Sat., May 30 to see Ted Cruz in Andover, Massachusetts at Jim Lyons Barn posted by attendee:


5/30/15, "Line at Ted Cruz Event at Jim Lyons Barn," You Tube. via Free Republic commenter:

"Attended this event with family, I was surprised at the size of the crowd, considering it was not well publicized. My wife heard about it through a Free Republic post. Cruz was great! Very patient with the crowd, doing pictures and asking questions. He is the real deal, more charismatic than I realized. Let's get people to rally around Cruz before they block him out with large field! I suspect the party fears he will shred their favored candidates on the debate platform so they are pushing more candidates to jump in. Here is a YouTube video of the crowd going in.

1 posted on 5/31/2015, 11:44:18 AM by TimPatriot"
"Texas Sen. Ted Cruz drew raucous cheers yesterday from a crowd of hundreds of Bay State voters gathered at the Andover home of state Rep. Jim Lyons, where the presidential hopeful took shots at presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and President Obama.
And while his jabs at Clinton and Obama were met with cheers from the crowd, Cruz’s opening line may have generated the most enthusiastic hollers: “Tom Brady was framed ... and I have it on good authority that Hillary Clinton did it.”

The heavy turnout at Lyons’ Highvale Lane home, where some were turned away at the door once maximum capacity was reached, came as a surprise, even to Cruz.

“Who would have predicted 500 people in Andover, Mass.?” Cruz asked before echoing the same mantras that have defined his campaign event appearances in recent months; calling for an overhaul of the Affordable Care Act, Common Core and Obama’s approach to foreign policy.

“We need to repeal every word of Obamacare,” he said.

The audience erupted as Cruz called for greater religious freedom and laxer gun laws. “We need to defend our constitutional rights,” he said.

“This is not a typical election,” Cruz told the crowd, saying the country faces serious national security and deficit challenges. “The world right now is literally on fire.”

Cruz spoke on the steps of the Lyons’ barn, which was adorned with red-white-and-blue star decorations.

“I’ve stood on this barn’s steps many times. I’ve never seen it look like this,” Lyons said before turning to Cruz and his wife, Heidi, who attended graduate school in the area and saying: “You are among friends in Massachusetts.”

Cruz, who is looking to establish himself as a contender in a Republican field that includes the likes of Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former New York Gov. George Pataki and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, has spent the past few days campaigning in New England, including stops in New York City and Manchester, Ridge and Mont Vernon, N.H.

“We have seen incredible grass-roots support” in Massachusetts, he told a reporter after the rally.

He said if there is one thing he wants audience members to take away from his speech, it’s that he is “deeply optimistic” about his chances of winning.

The candidate — a Harvard Law grad — and his wife were heading to his wife’s class reunion at Harvard Business School after the event, he said."


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