Tuesday, April 28, 2015

If Iowa caucuses were held today, Ted Cruz would win-Steve Deace on Breitbart radio, 4/26/15

Deace appeared on 4/26/15 Breibart radio show

4/27/15, "Iowa Radio Host: Religious Freedom Top Conservative Presidential Issue," Breitbart, Robert Wilde

"Nationally syndicated radio host and columnist for the Washington Times, Steve Deace, explained that there are three specific issues animating the 2016 Republican presidential contest.

If you are weak on these, don’t even show up,” Deace cautioned conservative Republican presidential aspirants. “This is sort of the triumvirate of issues. That is amnesty, that is religious freedom, and the other is Common Core. If you are soft on these issues, or have been in the past, you’re done.”

The author of Rules for Patriots: How Conservatives Can Win Again, told Breitbart senior writer and guest host of Breitbart News Sunday airing on Sirius XM Patriot radio channel 125, Matthew Boyle, that religious freedom is going to be a major vetting tool.

The first amendment has been taken for granted by both parties until now. It is a bigger issue this time now for evangelicals than even the life issue is,” Deace insisted. “If you don’t have the freedom to live out your faith in public as an American citizen under the Bill of Rights, your opinion on other matters is actually irrelevant.”

Voted one of the top 100 talk-show hosts in America, according to Talkers Magazine, Deace explained that the left’s goal is to “marginalize the Republican base, drive them underground so that they can’t take a stand on other issues of a conservative magnitude.” Deace thinks that most Republican candidates don’t fully recognize this strategy, with the exception of Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, and Texas senator Ted Cruz.

If you look at how Cruz has stood out on the religious freedom issue and how quickly he has come here and organized Iowa, if the caucuses were held today, he would win. And, he might even win convincingly,” said Deace, who lives with his wife and children in Iowa. “Cruz right now is putting together the parameters of an organization that, if he stays on the road he is on, he will be difficult to beat here.

Moreover, Deace told Boyle that he is not convinced that all establishment Republicans are “all in” with Jeb Bush. He pointed out that Marco Rubio “is making a play for some of Jeb’s establishment support.” With the addition of Ohio Governor John Kasich and Michigan governor Rick Snyder gaining establishment support, Deace contends that the word is getting out among GOP insiders that Jeb Bush is no longer the “establishment standard-bearer” that he once was." Free Rep.



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