Tuesday, March 3, 2015

"Wow. Holy cow. Just wow." Netanyahu gave a speech to rally and save Western civilization which is under assault-Rush Limbaugh

3/3/15, "Netanyahu Is Everything Obama Is Not," Rush Limbaugh
Netanyahu before US Congress, 3/3/15

"RUSH:  Wow. Holy cow. Just wow.  Man, what have we been missing for the last six-plus years, what could have been?... 

Nothing focuses the mind and heart like moral, ethical, and legal clarity.  And today in the House of Representatives chamber at the United States Capitol, the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, gave an historically important speech. A speech that any previous American president could have and maybe would have made, a speech to rally and save Western civilization.

We are talking about thwarting a plan that gives the world's leading terrorist state, we're talking about thwarting a plan being brokered by our administration that gives Iran a certain path to produce nuclear weapons. Iran, the world's leading exporter of terrorism, the greatest threat to peace in the Middle East. And Benjamin Netanyahu came to the United States today in a desperate plea for the world to focus, to get serious, and take notice of what is happening. It was stunning....

Ladies and gentlemen, it was powerful, and the Drive-By Media is underselling this. As I watched the post-speech commentary on the cable news networks, never has it been more clear that the world in which they live is not the world in which we live. To them it's just another hum-ho speech that happened to be delivered by a foreign leader....

They're looking at it through the political prism of how does it help or hurt Obama? How does it help or hurt the Democrat Party, and what is Obama going to do? Will this hurt the Democrats who boycotted this speech? 

They are missing the full impact and importance of what this speech was. So we will try during the program today to tell you what that was, explain to you the importance of this speech. The optics of this speech were just so overwhelmingly powerful. When I say "what could have been," this was leadership. This was leadership in full force. 

Benjamin Netanyahu today was everything Barack Obama is not.  Everything. This speech today even featured Netanyahu turning to a guest in the gallery, much like presidents who deliver State of the Union speeches. Netanyahu's guest, Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor. This speech, as I say, historically important, moral, ethical, and legal clarity. Nothing like that combination to focus the mind. And this speech was all about rallying and saving Western civilization, which is what is under assault

Here's some excerpts of what Netanyahu said for those of you who haven't yet had a chance to see it.  "Iran's regime is not merely a Jewish problem anymore than the Nazi regime was merely a Jewish problem. ... the greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant Islam with nuclear weapons....Many hope that Iran will join the community of nations, Iran is busy gobbling up the nations."

By the way, that highlights one of the stark differences between the Obama administration's approach to all of this and what the approach is in opposition to Obama. The Obama administration believes that they have no right to tell any nation what they can or can't do, particularly and especially involving nuclear weapons. So what the Obama administration is relying on is, go ahead and give them a time frame where they can get the bomb, ten years, but in that time frame we will persuade them never to use them. 

This highlights the hubris and arrogance of Obama, that speeches and words can tame tyrants.  We've already seen after six years that that promise of Barack Obama back in 2008 has fallen flat.  People elected Obama in 2008 with the belief that speeches and words and intelligence could tame the world's tyrants and make them once again love the United States, which they had only recently begun to hate because of George W. Bush.  Well, after six years of Obama's speeches and persuasion and ego and arrogance, the world is on fire.  It is less safe than when Obama arrived on the scene. 
Speeches, words, persuasion, will never work. Ask Neville Chamberlain. Ask anybody who has asked a tyrant to stop being a tyrant. But this highlights the difference. That is the Obama approach. Even though Obama only has two more years in office, he still believes that the power of his personality and his community organizer skills or whatever, that he can persuade Iran after they get the nuke not to use it. 

The Israeli approach is prevention. Do not let them get the bomb. Don't take the risk. Don't rely on a nation which has a 36-year track record of terrorism to all of a sudden get up one day and become nice guys. Netanyahu doesn't believe it, doesn't believe he wants to take the chance, doesn't think it's worth the chance. He said, "Many hope that Iran will join the community of nations, Iran is busy gobbling up the nations."

He said, "When it comes to ISIS and Iran, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy....Don’t be fooled. The battle between Iran and ISIS doesn’t turn Iran into a friend of America."
And then it got really powerful. By the way, I should point out, he started out with overwhelming praise of Obama. He understands Obama to a T. He understands what you have to do. He understands you have to kiss ass. He understands you have to bootlick. He understands this is what Obama requires. It didn't work, but nevertheless it makes Obama look small when he responds....

This was a call to action, a call to a specific type of action that's much different than the rhetoric we are getting from this administration, and rhetoric is all we get. He said, "This deal does not block Iran's path to the bomb, it paves Iran's path to the bomb." Do you realize, ladies and gentlemen, the powerful accusation contained in just that sentence? "This deal does not block Iran's path to the bomb, it paves Iran's path to the bomb."  This was a direct punch. If Obama watched this, the first thing that would have-ticked him off would have been the rousing presidential-like standing ovation that Netanyahu got as he entered the House chamber. And it would have only gotten worse for Obama after that
Netanyahu very cleverly committed, by virtue of the applause he got in the chamber, virtually committed the United States Congress to his conception of defending Israel. But he said, "Israel now has the ability to defend herself, and, if necessary, Israel will go it alone." Which is another slap, or shall I say punch. Netanyahu said, "This deal won't be a farewell to arms. It would be a farewell to arms control." He pointed out everybody's praising the fact that there are inspectors, UN inspectors will go in and inspect what Iran has done. He pointed out inspectors can't and don't stop anything.  Inspectors, at the end of the day, are meaningless. Look at the inspectors in Iraq.

If the inspectors in Iraq had actually had access, we could have learned that Saddam was using artful BS about his weapons of mass destruction. He pointed out that we've had inspectors go into North Korea time and time again. Inspectors who spotted X, Y, and Z.  They leave. North Korea has the bomb. Netanyahu said, "If Iran wants to be treated like a normal country, let it act like a normal country. ... They need the deal a lot more than you do," he said. "This is a bad deal. It's a very bad deal. We're better off without it. ...The alternative to this bad deal is a much better deal."...

But I'm telling you, folks, this was leadership, this was fearlessness. This speech today has a lot of people wishing we had this kind of forceful moral, ethical clarity leading our own country. And there will be a lot of Democrats, of course, who disagree with that profoundly. Don't expect this to unify anything. But what this is going to do, and what it did, was expose the abject weakness in the United States position on this whole concept of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon."... 



Comment: Netanyahu's speech was necessary only because the Republican Party no longer exists. The Bush crowd and Rupert Murdoch handed the country to the radical left then retired to lobbyist and crony offices where they remain today making sure the radical left stays in power.


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