Monday, March 9, 2015

Democrats rule House of Representatives, only need 30 Republicans to pass whatever they want as with Obama amnesty victory. If this is governing, the American people can just close shop and let the president run everything, said one who didn't vote with democrats

3/3/15, "Here Are the 75 House Republicans Who Conceded the Immigration Fight," The Blaze, Pete Kasperowicz

"The House on Tuesday admitted defeat after a month-long effort to defund President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration, and passed a Department of Homeland Security funding bill that leaves Obama’s plan intact.

The vote came after dozens of House Republicans fought to the bitter end to reject the “clean” DHS bill, in an effort to oppose what they see as an unconstitutional action from Obama. The House passed the bill 257-167, and sending it to the White House for Obama’s signature into law.

In the end, 167 Republicans voted against the Senate’s version of the bill. But because the bill was supported by every Democrat, only 30 or so Republicans had to support it to ensure it’s passage, and 75 GOP members voted for it....

Rep. Tom Massie (R-Ky.) led the group of Republicans who opposed the clean DHS bill, even at the risk of a partial DHS shutdown, in order to make the point that the House shouldn’t be steamrolled by the White House and the Senate.

“Today we heard Mr. Netanyahu say this is the most powerful legislative…organization in the world,” Massie said. “I would say it is, except for when the Senate decides that it’s not.”
“The fault lies in the U.S. Senate,” added Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.).

Several others agreed that the need to protect the constitutional role of the House was a larger issue than DHS funding. Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.) rejected the Democratic criticism that Republicans can’t “govern,” and said conservative GOP members are trying to follow the Constitution.

If it was just about governing, then I think that the American people can just close shop and let the president just run everything. But we actually have a constitution that we have to adhere to,” he said.

Despots all over the world, they govern. They keep the trains running on time. But we stand for something different,” he added....

Below is the full list of House Republicans who voted for the “clean” DHS spending bill:
1. Benishek
2. Bishop (Mich.)
3. Boehner
4. Bost
5. Brooks (Ind.)
6. Buchanan
7. Calvert
8. Carter (Texas)
9. Coffman
10. Cole
11. Collins (N.Y.)
12. Comstock
13. Costello (Pa.)
14. Curbelo (Fla.)
15. Davis, Rodney
16. Denham
17. Dent
18. Diaz-Balart
19. Dold
20. Ellmers (N.C.)
21. Emmer (Minn.)
22. Fitzpatrick
23. Frelinghuysen
24. Gibson
25. Granger
26. Guinta
27. Hanna
28. Hardy
29. Heck (Nev.)
30. Hurd (Texas)
31. Jolly
32. Katko
33. King (N.Y.)
34. Kinzinger (Ill.)
35. Kline
36. Knight
37. Lance
38. LoBiondo
39. MacArthur
40. McCarthy
41. McCaul
42. McHenry
43. McMorris Rogers
44. McSally
45. Meehan
46. Miller (Mich.)
47. Moolenaar
48. Murphy (Pa.)
49. Noem
50. Nunes
51. Paulsen
52. Pittenger
53. Pitts
54. Poliquin
55. Reichert
56. Rogers (Ky.)
57. Ros-Lehtinen
58. Royce
59. Ryan (Wis.)
60. Scalise
61. Schock
62. Shimkus
63. Simpson
64. Smith (N.J.)
65. Stefanik
66. Stivers
67. Thompson (Pa.)
68. Tiberi
69. Trott
70. Turner
71. Upton
72. Valadao
73. Walden
74. Walters, Mimi
75. Young (Ind.)"


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