Friday, February 6, 2015

Obama taking shots at Christianity averts attention from thousands today being shot, flogged, beheaded, raped, or burned alive-Rush Limbaugh

"This guy is just a simple radical -- a modern-day, classic radical -- just like the professors that have tenure at all these universities."

2/5/15, "Why our President Chose to Insult Christianity and Excuse Militant Islam at the National Prayer Breakfast," Rush Limbaugh transcript

"RUSH: I have a question, ladies and gentlemen. You go to the National Prayer Breakfast, and you're president of the United States. You go to the National Prayer Breakfast, today -- the National Prayer Breakfast! There are, in attendance, thousands of Christians of one denomination or another.  Fundamentalists, evangelicals, Protestants, Catholics, the whole gamut. Why would you insult them? Why would you attempt to downplay militant Islam.

Why would you attempt to downplay Islamist extremism? Why would you attempt to put in perspective the actions being taken today by Al-Qaeda and ISIS and Boko Haram and the Khorasan Group and all of the rest of them by claiming that just as many atrocities have taken place in the name of Christ? Why in the world would you make that point?  Why in the world would you even be thinking that way?...

OBAMA:  We have seen violence and terror perpetrated by those who profess to stand up for faith, their faith.  Professed to stand up for Islam, but in fact are betraying it.  Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. And lest we get on our high horse and think this is (pause) unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ.  In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow, all too often was justified in the name of Christ....

Rush: High horse?  Who among us is running around here on our high horse, if not for the president of the United States?  Who is it, among all of us in this country, who doesn't seem to realize or want to admit the great threat that we all face today?  It's not a thousand years ago!...Take you back 2008 in that campaign and remember what we were all told about the Obama candidacy and a potential Obama presidency, and that is what?... Finally we were gonna get rid of these base disagreements, large and small.  The world was once again going to love the United States of America...and now here came a man unlike any America had ever seen -- entering the political world, unlike that world had ever seen....We were not gonna have any strife, because we were now going to have a new kind of politics, where there were no blue states and there were no red states....Where is all this love around the world for the United States, and how about all that racial strife that's come to a screeching halt?  You seen the new weapons in Ferguson, Missouri?...Whatever people thought it was gonna be, we're not even close to it.  In fact we've gotten worse....What instead do we really get?  I think this National Prayer Breakfast kind of dots the I, crosses the T on all this. We have a guy, we have a man who really has a problem with this country. He has a problem with this nation's founding....The US was founded as a racist, slave, bigoted nation, and we still haven't paid the price for that as far as he's concerned. Why on earth would you go to the National Prayer Breakfast with thousands of Christians from across the spectrum and insult them? And at the same time, try to downplay the present day threat?  And not just downplay it, but to try to put it in some sort of context as, "Hey, nothing unique here! Been there, done that. You Christians did just the same kind of stuff back in the days of the Crusades!...Except that the problem today is not Christianity.  The problem today is that people are being killed and captured and conquered to advance and impose Sharia law, which is militant Islam. I don't know of a Christian leader today who takes the past and uses it as an excuse to blast Christians or Jews or Muslims or Hindus, you name it....Taking shots at Christianity's past asks people to take their eyes off the ball today.  Whether people are being shot, imprisoned, flogged, beheaded, or burned alive, it's not the only problem....

Here's another sound bite from the president at that breakfast today.

OBAMA:  I believe that the starting point of faith is some doubt, not bein' so full of yourself and so confident that you are right and th-that God speaks only to us and doesn't speak to others, that God only cares about us and doesn't care about others --

RUSH: Who thinks that?

OBAMA:-- that somehow we alone are in possession of the truth.  Our job is not to ask that God respond to our notion of truth.  Our job is to be true to Him, Hi-His word and His commandments, and we should assume humbly that we're confused and don't always know what we're doin' and we're staggerin' and stumblin' towards him and have some humility in that process.

RUSH:  All right, so now we're gonna be lectured on humility, see? Somehow we're all to blame because we haven't been humble enough....At the National Prayer Breakfast today, President Obama has to go back 1,000 years, 10 centuries, in order to find any examples that might serve to blunt the impact of militant Islam today....
RUSH:  And, by the way, it's just as relevant that Obama had to throw in Jim Crow and slavery into all of this....You know, I make a big point on this program of telling you: Where does this stuff find its way into the mainstream of popular culture, popular belief?  This kind of stuff that you heard Obama say today is typical of what students on campus are learning at most of your major and junior universities out there today. 

This guy is just a simple radical -- a modern-day, classic radical -- just like the professors that have tenure at all these universities, and this is the kind of drivel that students hear all the time.  It's just we've elected one of these guys.  We simply have elected one now -- although unbeknownst to most people." (end of article)

Rush Limbaugh, "Related links"

"Breitbart: Obama At National Prayer Breakfast: 'People Committed Terrible Deeds In The Name of Christ'

Comment: This is only happening because Obama ran unopposed in both 2008 and 2012 and remains unopposed today. The GOP Establishment wanted the democrat to win. They have the same agendas. This is probably why Rush Limbaugh has had a successful talk radio show for close to 30 years. Limbaugh is Establishment at heart, but knows millions of non-Establishment Americans have no political party to represent them and he's able to speak to them.



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