Saturday, February 21, 2015

Having failed to put 'Al Qaeda on the run,' Obama admin. now funds group to put individual Americans "on the run," those they term "climate deniers"

2/20/15, "White House Funding Attacks On Skeptics, Steven Goddard

"There are large numbers of web sites devoted to making personal attacks on climate skeptics. Apparently they are being funded by the White House.

They aren’t debating the science. They are simply making personal attacks, while desecrating the memory of the Holocaust.

The President’s Select Committee on Un-Climate Religion Activity.

“Are you now, or have you ever been a member of any skeptical organization?”
Astonishing that the US could be experiencing such vile behavior from the President in 2015."


Comment: $2 billion a day is spent on the notion of CO2 danger. This money isn't spent on the poor and needy, much of it goes to the rich:

4/25/13, "OFA On Climate Change: Obama-Allied Group Enters The Climate Wars," Huffington Post, Sam Stein, Lucia Graves

"Organizing for Action, the advocacy arm pushing the Obama administration's agenda, will begin its next big policy push on Thursday with a focus on climate change. 

The group, which was formed using the 2012 Obama campaign's machinery, will begin what organizers view as a potential multi-year effort to lay the groundwork for legislative action on climate change. The first steps will come in the form of an email blast to the group's reported 20 million subscribers Thursday morning featuring a "greatest hits" video compilation of what it calls the climate deniers in Congress....

The climate campaign, said (Ivan) Frishberg, will be the first sustained advocacy effort for the non-profit 501c4 organization since its formation in January."...  


Source: $2 billion a day spent on CO2 scare:

2/5/14, "India contests UN report on climate financing,", PTI, Lima, Peru

Finance for climate action flowing globally stood at USD 650 billion annually in 2011-2012, and possibly higher,” the report said."...  


Source: Rich get richer via CO2 scare industry:

2/4/15, "It might seem unethical but someone has to get rich fighting climate change," UK Guardian, Australia News, Gabrielle Kuiper 


Source: Poor, needy and civil society starved of taxpayer dollars in favor of CO2 industry:

12/10/14, "Hot Stuff, Cold Logic,"

"A fifth of official development aid is now diverted to climate policy. Money that used to be spent on strengthening the rule of law, better education for girls, and improved health care, for instance, is now used to plug methane leaks and destroy hydrofluorocarbons. Some donors no longer support the use of coal, by far the cheapest way to generate electricity. Instead, poor people are offered intermittent wind power and biomass energy, which drives up the price of food. But the self-satisfaction environmentalists derive from these programs does not put food on poor peoples’ tables.

In sum, while climate change is a problem that must be tackled, we should not lose our sense of proportion or advocate solutions that would do more harm than good. Unfortunately, common sense is sometimes hard to find in the climate debate. Desmond Tutu recently compared climate change to apartheid.1 Climate experts Michael Mann and Daniel Kammen compared it to the “gathering storm” of Nazism in Europe before World War II.2 That sort of nonsense just gets in the way of a rational discussion about what climate policy we should pursue, and how vigorously we should pursue it. (end of article)

1Tutu, “We Fought Apartheid. Now Climate Change Is Our Global Enemy”, Guardian, September 20, 2014.

2Mann and Kammen, “The Gathering Storm”, Huffington Post, September 19, 2014."


"Richard Tol teaches economics at the University of Sussex and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He is a veteran of four assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change." via Judith Curry, 12/26/14


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