6/22/2004, "48 Nobel Prize winners slam Bush, back Kerry," Chicago Tribune, Jill Zuckman, Denver
7/9/2004, "Presidential Appointments to Science Advisory Committees," Roger Pielke, Jr., cstpr.colorado.edu
"Should political considerations play a formal role in the empanelling of federal science advisory committees?
Lets consider three possible answers to this question.
First possible response: No. Political considerations should not
play a formal role in the empanelling of federal science advisory
This is the perspective of The Union of Concerned Scientists whose report released this week recommends a policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell”:
“… it should be forbidden to ask scientists and other experts being
vetted for membership on scientific advisory committees about their
political or policy positions, let alone how they have voted in past
elections.” And the Bush Administration would seem to agree, with
Presidential science advisor John Marburger stating: “The accusation of a litmus test that must be met before someone can serve on an advisory panel is preposterous.”
But in reality, whether or not you ask a prospective panelist about
their political or policy perspectives, for several reasons such
considerations cannot be avoided.
First, scientists are both human beings and citizens, and as such
have values and views. Frequently, scientists express these views in a
public forum. Consequently, whether they are asked or not, many
scientists’ views on politics and policy are well known. .
For instance,
we now know 48 Nobel Prize winners who have endorsed
John Kerry for president. It is possible to convene a hypothetical
advisory panel of people who happen to have signed this letter without
formally asking them about their political views. Second, advisory
panels, loosely described, are routinely comprised with political and
policy perspectives at the fore.
Examples include the Supreme Court,
Congressional witness lists, and the 9/11 Investigative Panel, to name
just a few. In no other area that I can think of is it even plausibly
considered that politics can or should be ignored. Third, how would you
evaluate whether or not a policy focused on keeping political
considerations out of the scientific advisory process is actually
working? Presumably, you’d need some information that shows that the
composition of panels is not statistically different than random with
respect to panelists political and policy views, which would require
knowing what those views are in the first place. Finally, for panels
appointed by the President, it is naïve to think that these panels would
deal purely with science. Such panels are convened to provide guidance
on policy. (The President has no business anyway organizing panels
focused solely on science, that is the job of program officers in
federal agencies looking for peer-reviewers and is outside of the FACA
process in any case.) To suggest that policy perspectives should not be
considered when creating panels to provide guidance on policy makes
absolutely no sense.
A policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell” will make it more difficult to
see the role played by politics in the advisory committee appointment
process, but it won’t get rid of politics. It just won’t work.
Second possible response: Yes. Political considerations should play a
formal role in the empanelling of federal science advisory committees.
What if federally advisory panels were to be convened in the same way
that Congressional hearing witness lists are put together? That is,
what if the majority governing party could invite some portion and the
minority party could invite a portion? This could be done with parity
in mind, or by giving the majority party a slight advantage. After all,
the President routinely appoints people to head agencies that oversee
science, based, in part at least, on their political perspectives.
long as the scientist in question is an excellent scientist, what would
be wrong with considering their scientific views? All else being equal,
should George Bush be able to choose a Republican scientist for a seat
on a panel over a Democrat scientist?...
My view is that formally including political and policy perspectives
as a criterion of empanelment would have the effect of further
politicizing scientific advisory committees because it would encourage
the appointment of people with strong ideological perspectives. Left
out of the mix would be the honest broker types who we depend upon to
keep the ideologues of all stripes in check. It would not be a good
idea to formalize political criteria in the empanelment process.
So that brings us to the third possible response: We have asked the wrong question!!
More important than the composition of the panel is the charge that
they are given and the processes that they employ to meet their goals.
The current debate over advisory panels reinforces the old myth that we
can separate science from politics and policy, and then ensure that the
science is somehow untainted by the impurities of the rest of society.
Yet, at the same time we want science to be relevant to policy. A
better approach would be to create processes that facilitate the
connections of science with policy making, rather than trying to somehow
keep them separate. We can do this by clearly distinguishing policy
from politics. I’ve got more to say on this (a foreshadowing of coming
attractions …), but for now have a look at this essay:
Pielke, Jr., R. A., Nature, 2002: Policy, politics and perspective. Nature 416:368.
http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/admin/publication_files/2002.05.pdf, Posted on July 9, 2004 01:02 PM"
6/22/2004, "48 Nobel Prize winners slam Bush, back Kerry," Chicago Tribune, Jill Zuckman, Denver
"Forty-eight Nobel laureates denounced President Bush on Monday for
"compromising our future" when it comes to scientific research and the
environment, and said Sen. John Kerry "will restore science to its
appropriate place in government and bring it back into the White House.""...
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