Thursday, January 15, 2015

Country Club Rockefeller Republican John Danforth to host fundraiser for Country Club Rockefeller Republican Jeb Bush at Country Club in California. Hoping Republicans would lose in 2006 elections Danforth said, "I'm counting on nausea"

Hoping Republicans would lose at the polls in 2006, Danforth said, "I'm counting on nausea."

1/13/15, "Jeb Bush heads to California fundraisers, some hosted by former Romney donors," CNN, Maeve Reston

"The Friday night reception and discussion will take place at the Eldorado Country Club in Indian Wells and will be limited to 100 guests, who were asked to contribute $1,250 per individual or $2,500 per couple to Bush's new Right to Rise PAC. 

Former Missouri Sen. John Danforth, who was considered as a vice presidential running mate for President Bush and later served as his special envoy to the Sudan and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, will be on the honorary host committee for the evening Indian Wells fundraiser, as well as the earlier events to benefit the Bush-aligned super PAC. In 2011, Danforth endorsed Romney and joined him at a fundraising event in St. Louis, praising him as having shown the "skill and leadership ability to ensure that the U.S. remains the strongest and most respected nation in the world."

Other alumni from President Bush's administration on the honorary host committees for Friday's events include former U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Rockwell Schnabel; former U.S. Ambassador to Germany William "Tim" Timken and his wife, Sue; former U.S. Ambassador to Spain and former owner of the Seattle Mariners George Argyros (a longtime GOP fundraiser who helped Romney raise money in California during the 2012 cycle)."...via Rush Limbaugh show


5/20/1987, "Heirs of Fortunes Are Among Wealthiest in Senate," AP via NY Times

"Mr. Danforth, a Republican who is an heir to the Ralston Purina fortune, listed assets as at least $7,240,269."...


Danforth "expects people will sour on the assertive brand of Christianity so closely branded Republican. "I'm counting on nausea," he says." (p. 1 of article)

2/2/2006, "'St. Jack' and the Bullies in the Pulpit," Washington Post, Peter Slevin


5/11/2009, KY3 Political Notebook: Danforth publicly rebukes elected Missouri Republicans and candidates, proposes his own candidate for US Senate from Mo.

Danforth says that today’s GOP
On 3/30/2005, Daily Kos writes,Republican John Danforth Condemns (Republican) Party in NYT Op-Ed Piece”


Deliberately timed to harm Republicans in 2006 elections, Danforth published a book calling for push back of Republican and Conservative Christians. (p. 5).

His book, “Faith and Politicsasked, “Are Christians reconcilers or dividers? Perhaps he references Christians who weren’t slaughtered by Islamic terrorists on 9/11/2001. 
More on Danforth:

6/11/2004, Washington Post, “He (Danforth) loved working with democrats.” (parag. 16)

Danforth took office in 1977: 

2/1/2006, “Danforth style GOP can forgive anything except success.” “When Danforth took office in 1977, there were 143 Republicans in the House and 38 in the Senate, compared with 232 in the House and 55 in the Senate last year (2003).” (“St. Jack and the Bullies in the Pulpit,” Washington Post, p. 4)


Danforth continually sabotages Republicans and the Republican Party:

12/8/2013, Former GOP Senator John Danforth works to eliminate the Republican Party, sabotage its candidates, persuade voters not to vote Republican 


11/8/13, The Sabotage Republicans,” By Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator


Danforth heads $312 million family foundation:

1/30/2000, "John Danforth, Partner, Bryan Cave LLP,"

"After forging a distinguished national political career, the former U.S. Senator came home to St. Louis in 1995 to make a difference here. Now, as chairman of St. Louis 2004 and chairman of the $312.5 million Danforth family foundation, Jack Danforth is setting much of the agenda for a revitalized St. Louis. The foundation's largest grant last year was the $60 million seed money for the new Donald Danforth Plant Science Center. As the Clinton administration's independent investigator of the Waco incident, Danforth is back in the national spotlight."... 



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