Monday, December 22, 2014

Wall St. Journal Editorial says Jeb Bush doesn't have to drop support for Common Core. Keep it but just call it something else like Govs. Pence and Jindal have done. Voters won't know the difference

12/16/14, "Wall Street Journal: Jeb Bush and the right," Wall St. Journal Editorial

(parag. 9): "Bush’s two main political liabilities in the primaries are said to be his support for immigration and for Common Core education standards. Neither is an insuperable barrier to the nomination.

Bush needn’t repudiate his support for national education standards, though he should disavow President Obama’s use of the federal purse to coerce states to impose them. The polls show nearly as many Republicans as Democrats support high standards as long as the polarizing “Common Core” is removed. GOP Governors Bobby Jindal (Louisiana) and Mike Pence (Indiana) have already dumped the label and kept similar standards."

Article notes WSJ advice to Jeb Bush not to drop support for Common Core or comprehensive amnesty:

12/17/14, "Wall Street Journal to Jeb: Don't Budge on Amnesty, Common Core," Breitbart, Tony Lee

"The pro-amnesty and open borders Wall Street Journal wants former Florida Governor Jeb Bush to not back down on Common Core and amnesty, the two issues that may represent the greatest divide between the bipartisan political class and Main Street....

“Mr. Bush’s two main political liabilities in the primaries are said to be his support for immigration and for Common Core education standards, the Journal opined. “Neither is an insuperable barrier to the nomination.”

The Journal declared that Bush “needn’t repudiate his support” for Common Core and “shouldn’t budge in his support” for comprehensive amnesty legislation. 
Despite Gallup Polls that found illegal immigration is the top concern for Republicans, the Journal claimed that “immigration isn’t the most important issue for most Republicans, beyond countering President Obama ‘s recent decree, and Mr. Bush can make a strong case for reform that promotes economic growth and keeps the U.S. a magnet for talent.”...

[Ed. note: Gallup headline: 8/22/14, "Republicans More Focused on Immigration as Top Problem," Gallup, Frank Newport]

(continuing): "Denigrating conservatives who want to put American workers and legal immigrants ahead of illegal immigrants as “restrictionists,” the Journal urges Bush to “welcome an immigration debate in the primaries that would set him up to win more minority votes in November” even though studies have shown that amnesty legislation will not guarantee that Hispanics will flood to the GOP.

In fact, there will be a path to the White House without a massive increase in the Hispanic vote for Republicans potentially even beyond 2016."


Added: Pew Poll published a few weeks after Gallup Poll noting illegal immigration #1 issue for Republican voters also cites the issue as major GOP voter concern:

9/23/14: "Neither Party Gets Good Marks from Its Base for Handling Illegal Immigration," Pew Research

Two following posts cite GOP Establishment lack of concern about the border in complete opposition to desires of GOP voters:

Arizona conservative blog notes Gallup and Pew polls citing GOP voter dissatisfaction with party's lack of concern about the border:

9/24/14, "GOP voters dissatisfied with party’s amnesty stance," Seeing Red AZ

"Two new polls stand as evidence of a dramatic shift in priorities among Republican voters as they assess their party leadership.  A newly released Pew Research poll finds that a majority of Republicans think their party is not representing their views on illegal immigration. 

Just 37% of Republicans and self-identified Republican “leaners” think the GOP is doing a good job representing their views on illegal immigration while a massive 56% say the party is not doing a good job.

These findings follow last week’s Gallop poll which also indicates illegal immigration and its costly repercussions has grown to the leading concern among Republicans.

Despite these numbers, the establishment elites in the Republican Party continue to press for what they now slyly refer to as a “piecemeal,” or incremental approach to implementing comprehensive amnesty legislation which would further alienate the GOP base. 

In fact, the issue is eclipsing all others. What many now refer to as the “illegal invasion” rose from 4% to 15% among all adults as the top problem. Gallup reported that “in the past three months, 20% of national adults who self-identify as Republican named illegal immigration as a top issue, compared with 8% of Democrats. In the first half of the year, a nearly identical 4% of Republicans and 3% of Democrats referred to the issue the country’s most important problem.”

The poll found that a third of Republicans (33%) say their party has not done a good job on illegal immigration because it is too willing to allow foreign nationals living illegally in the U.S. to gain legal status.
Republicans who believe in the rule of law are speaking. Are their members of congress listening?"


It's about the border, not the people crossing it: Rush Limbaugh

12/16/14, "Conservatives Don't Hate Immigrants!" Rush Limbaugh

"It dawned on me yet again that people do not understand principled opposition to amnesty. There's nothing personal about it.  It has nothing to do with these particular 15 or 20 million people.  It has nothing to do with that. It has everything to do with borders.  It has everything to do with preserving the country as we know it with a distinct and proud of it, damn it, American culture, which is why every immigrant in the past has wanted to come here

There's not a person I know that wants to deport, try to round up 15 or 20 million people and send 'em packing.  It isn't practical.  It isn't going to happen.  What everybody wants is the border secured with active limits on the amount of immigration so that the flow is two things:  economically acceptable and productive, and that something that used to happen automatically begins to happen again; that's assimilation

Every time I tell people that there was no immigration in this country for over 40 years, from the 1920s to the 1960s, seventies, they're shocked.  You'd be amazed at the number of people that do not know we totally closed the borders after the wave of European immigration in the 1920s.  And we did it for one reason.  That mass arrival of immigrants needed to be assimilated. 

Now, they wanted to be.  They wanted to become Americans.  They had to learn English.  They learned American custom.  They became acquainted with American holidays.  They studied for citizenship.  All of this they wanted.  And it took that many years to assimilate.  All the opposition to amnesty is not personal to these 15 million people. It is, A, rule of law.  If we lose the rule of law, that's all we've got.  We are seeing how really precariously structured this country really is

We've got a document, the Constitution, that is the law of the land, and we've now got a president who, when he doesn't like it, pretends it doesn't exist.  There is no mechanism other than censure or impeachment to deal with that.  And the Republicans have taken both off the table.  So there's no signal that he must stop. If this continues, the United States is not gonna be what it was founded and the Constitution spells out.  Somebody asked me on the phone recently, "Is it the honor system, Rush?  Is that how it's worked for 200 plus years, the honor system?" 

What the caller meant was was it just high elected officials, presidents are just duty-bound to obey the Constitution?  Well, partly, but it was respect for it, but it was also respect for the law.  There was a reverence for it.  Now, there's always been opposition to it.  Since the days it was written there have been people opposed to it.  I don't mean to present a Pollyannish picture here.  But it is precariously balanced.  If any given president or succession of presidents just decides to pretend it doesn't exist, and if the other two branches of government aren't gonna do anything about it, then it won't exist, and this country, there will always be an America, but it won't be what was founded.  Who knows what it will be, but it won't be. That's what people are worried about....

 And when you realize that amnesty and open borders is a weapon used by the anti-American left, that's reason enough to oppose 'em.... 

It isn't personal. It has nothing to do with ethnicity or race whatsoever.  And, by the way, don't go crazy crediting all these amnesty people with love of humanity....They want these people to be voting as dependent incompetents. The political powers that be that are trying to make this happen see a wave of potential registered voters who are unskilled and uneducated and will never be self-reliant.  Therefore they are always going to need support from government.  They are seeking dutiful, respectful, appreciative dependents....

And so Ted Kennedy thought after 40 years of no immigration, well, let's open the borders.... 

You can't just promise that you agree with securing the border and then we make 'em legal.  You gotta show three years that you're serious about securing the borderThen we do it.  There has to be some value attached to this or it all becomes meaningless. Which, sadly, way too much of what used to be important is now becoming meaningless as the political class corrupts as much as they can for their own power." 


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