Monday, December 22, 2014

Republican Sen. Pat Roberts should get an Oscar for his acting performance to convince voters he'd carry out their wishes. Roberts dropped the act one day after his re-election

"That didn't take long," 11/6/14.

12/19/14, "A Tale of Two Senators and a Congressman," Conservative Review, Daniel Horowitz

"On the surface, there does not seem to be much in common between Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Congressman Dave Brat (R-VA), other than the fact that both of them reside in Virginia....


(click parag. to enlarge)
Immediately following the election, Obama put that promise to a test by brazenly violating our immigration laws and remaking America through executive action. Roberts was unequivocal in his response

But on that fateful Saturday night last week, Roberts suddenly realized that the election was over.

The residual intellectual honesty and conservative energy that remained from his election-cycle foxhole conversion dissipated just in time for the first consequential vote after winning reelection. He voted for the CRomnibus bill, granting Obama a blank check on amnesty, Obamacare, and the EPA for an entire year, thereby undercutting the leverage of the new majority. This, after joining with Ted Cruz to declare the bill unconstitutional just 16 minutes before! 

Roberts had voted against every single budget deal from the day Milton Wolf publicly pondered his intention to challenge him in early 2013, yet he voted for the worst budget bill of all as soon as the cycle was over....

Which brings us to the junior senator from Kansas, Jerry Moran. 

Isn’t it funny how Moran and Roberts have traded places in just a few weeks? During the two years that Roberts was “in cycle,” he shot up to over 90% on the Heritage Action scorecard. He even touted his score in a campaign ad. At the same time, Moran scored a 67% and supported a couple of bad budget deals. As soon as Roberts wins re-election and Moran enters his own campaign cycle, they begin to flip. 

They think we’re stupid....
The number of Morans and Roberts are many, while the Brats are few.  It’s incumbent upon us to sift the gems from the sand.       - See more at:

(click shaded paragraphs to enlarge.)  via Free Rep.


Added: One day after his re-election Kansas Senator Pat Roberts began flip flopping. On Nov. 3, said he will "repeal Obamacare." Nov. 5, one day after the election, Roberts wants to "fix Obamacare." From Milton Wolf twitter, 11/6/14:


Ed. note: For whatever reason, I'm unable to copy and paste from Conservative Review. I copied excerpts above from Free Republic and added a few screen shots.

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