12/19/14, "What Is Thomas "Loopy" Friedman Talking About?" Rush Limbaugh
"RUSH: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, your host was on the news quite a bit since
we were last together. Last night on PBS Charlie Rose, New York Times
columnist Tommy "Loopy" Friedman was the guest. And this is really
inane. I mean, when you listen to this, keep in mind who won the
November elections and by how much. Charlie Rose says, "Mr. Friedman,
do you think that the politics on Cuba may change? I mean you look at
some of the early reaction on the Republican side to Cuba, Marco Rubio,
even Jeb Bush, they're both from Florida, but..."
FRIEDMAN: How long, you know, is
that party gonna be dragged around by the base? Really, Charlie, in my
next life I want to be part of the base. The base has all the fun,
okay? Look at just the Cuban-American issue. Two-thirds of
Cuban-Americans, I read in the poll this morning, support this, 'cause
it's a new generation. They don't carry the feelings, very legitimate
feelings of their parents having, you know, been exiled, forcibly in
some cases. So I think ultimately you gotta pay attention to that. You
can't just be responding to what Rush Limbaugh is stoking up in the
base. Too many times we start the day by saying, "Where's the base?
Where's the base?" okay? I think a lot of what the last election was
about was real disgust with that.
RUSH: Real disgust with what? The last election, the real disgust
was with the base? How does that figure? The base is who engineered
this Republican victory for the Republicans. The base and a cross
section of American people at large engineered this massive landslide
defeat for the Democrats. Who is this loopy guy talking about? "Last
election, real disgust with the base"? No, the real disgust with the
base is with people like you, Mr. Friedman, and the Republican
leadership and the Democrat establishment. They are the ones with
problems for the Republican base.
"You gotta pay attention to that, Charlie. You can't just be
responding to what Rush Limbaugh is stoking up." They're not. The base
is being urinated on. The base is not yanking anybody around by the
chain. These guys, I tell you, they are so cloistered and they're so
caught up in the daily soap opera script, narrative, that they're 180
degrees out of phase with what is really happening. And they are
considered the brightest among us."
END TRANSCRIPT. Image from Rush Limbaugh
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