Thursday, December 4, 2014

Decline of Wall St. Journal Editorial page overseen by amnesty radical and GOP Establishment crony Paul Gigot-Mark Levin

12/4/14, "Mark Levin: Wall Street Journal Blackout of Ted Cruz Caused by ‘Thin-Skinned’ Chief Editor," CNS News, Michael Morris

"Nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin suggests that The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial page is in decline thanks to its “thin-skinned” editorial page chief editor Paul Gigot, who has routinely published material undercutting Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Paul Gigot, the chief editor of the WSJ’s editorial page, “is an amnesty radical who’s thin-skinned and often sophomoric,” says Levin in a Facebook Note, and “[h]e uses the paper’s opinion pages to carry not a conservative message but the corporatist water – bailouts, subsidies, debt increases, amnesty, etc.”

According to National Review Online, Senator Cruz met “with Wall Street Journal editorial writers last year and laid his cards on the table. ‘I don’t really care what other people write about me, but I really do care about what the Wall Street Journal writes,’ Cruz said, according to a source in the room at the time.”

That’s not all Senator Cruz had to say. “Cruz maintains that the tension is one-sided. ‘I’m a big fan of the Wall Street Journal. The Journal’s editorial page has long been the most important space in journalism, a thriving intellectual platform that provides space for ideas to compete.”

Evidently Senator Cruz was wrong. This “intellectual platform” just might not be a “space for ideas to compete,” as it seems clear that the WSJ routinely attempt[s] to diminish his potential as a presidential candidate, with critical asides woven into pieces on issues to which Cruz is only tangential,” says National Review Online.

The WSJ reportedly suggested that Senator Cruz’s actions during the government shutdown last year would harm Republicans in the 2014 midterm elections and that Senator Cruz and Senator Mike Lee were more concerned with getting their faces on TV than actually solving problems.

National Review Online also reports that “[t]he tension between Cruz and the Journal goes back years now, to his meeting with the editorial board when he was a Senate candidate in 2012.” Apparently one person at the meeting suggested that Senator Cruz “came across as a bit of a know-it-all.”

But Levin says, it’s not Senator Cruz that is the problem. No, it is the WSJ editorial page chief editor Paul Gigot, “an amnesty radical who’s thin-skinned and often sophomoric” that is to blame for the estranged relationship between the WSJ and Senator Ted Cruz.
“[Gigot] has also smeared the Tea Party, attacked talk radio, etc., with unsigned editorial opinion pieces. [He] has cost the editorial page much of the prestige it once had among many conservatives since his appointment as its chief editor.”
And Levin didn’t stop there. Implying that Paul Gigot is nothing short of faux conservative, Levin finished his rebuke of the WSJ chief editor saying this:
“[Gigot’s] editorials reflect his predictable role as a mouthpiece for the GOP establishment. Thus, the praise for Jeb Bush and his ilk while mocking Ted Cruz.”"


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