Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Beltway Ruling Class has decided US will have no sovereignty over its borders. Funding of Obama amnesty breaks social contract between US government and the people-Rep. Michele Bachmann on Laura Ingraham show

12/15/14, "Bachmann: ‘Ruling Class In Washington’ Decided US Will Have ‘Open Borders’," Daily Caller, Al Weaver

"Outgoing Rep. Michele Bachmann said Monday that her vote against the 2015 government spending bill last weekend was the “most consequential vote” of her tenure because it funded President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration.

On Laura Ingraham’s radio show, Bachmann took aim at the “ruling class in Washington,” saying that the U.S. will “not have any sovereignty” over its borders. Bachmann also opined that with the executive action, the president put in place an “insurance policy,” allowing Democrats to win “every presidential contest from here on out.

“It was the most consequential vote of the eight years that I was in the United States Congress because it contains the funding to have the president’s illegal, unconstitutional work permits,” said the Minnesota congresswoman.

“That not only is a constitutional crisis, it’s a rending of the social contract between the government and the people. Because the ruling class in Washington have just decided is that we will have open borders, we will not have any sovereignty over our borders,” Bachmann told Ingraham. “It is in effect the president has just put the insurance policy in the bank so that Democrats in the future in all likelihood win every presidential contest from here on out.”

“We heard these Republicans; very few spoke out about the merits of this bill. Very few Senators and Congressmen talked about the nitty-gritty in the bill,Ingraham told Bachmann. “They only talked about avoiding a shutdown.”"


Comment: A place without a southern border isn't a country, it's just a place on a map. There's no basis for holding elections, having a military, a Commerce Dept., or an IRS. Without borders, there's no authority for taxing and distributing income. The GOP E, Wall St. Journal and others have been desperate for open borders for decades. 


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