Monday, December 8, 2014

Along with 'Hands up, don't shoot,' 2014 midterms never happened. GOP makes budget deal to Oct. 2016 with defeated Democrats, nullifying first year of newly elected Republicans-Politico (Democrat agenda advances after GOP 'victory')

12/7/14, "House-Senate negotiators near spending deal," Politico, David Rogers.

"House-Senate negotiators neared agreement Sunday on the last pieces of a $1.1 trillion spending bill designed to...put most government agencies on firm footing through next September.

Building on a long weekend of talks, the goal was to file the giant measure by late Monday and then push for quick floor action before the current funding runs out Thursday night....

To appease the right, the Department of Homeland Security will be kept on a short leash so Republicans can revisit the issue of Obama’s executive order on immigration. But all other Cabinet departments stand to greatly benefit from the chance to update accounts. And as the bill gains momentum, efforts are underway to use it as the engine to pull other year-end legislation, such as an extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, a priority for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

If successful, the package would very much be a personal triumph for (Democrat) Mikulski and (Republican Hal) Rogers after the two lawmakers passed a similar omnibus measure a year ago....

The leadership would argue that the secrecy is justified given the political tensions in Congress.  

But the picture is of a committee so scared of outside disruptions that it’s forgotten 

the pride it once took as 

a public panel making public decisions 

about public money." (end of article)


Following are 3 citations re: "Hands up, don't shoot," a media creation that never actually happened:


12/2/14, "(Washington Post's) Eugene Robinson claims no evidence Michael Brown's hands weren't up," NewsBusters, PJ Gladnick

(Click above to enlarge. Copy and paste from NewsBusters is disabled at least from my computers.)


12/2/14, "MSNBC ‘Hands Up’ Segment with Eugene Robinson Gets Awkward," MediaIte, Evan McMurry

"A Morning Joe discussion of whether Michael Brown had his hands up during the altercation with Ferguson officer Darren Wilson that led to his shooting death got awkward Tuesday morning, when cohost Mika Brzezinski asked Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson whether he was providing a specific, perhaps untruthful answer to avoid offending people.

“I don’t believe there’s anything in the record, certainly not in the forensic evidence, that precludes the possibility that he had his hands up at some point when he was approaching the officer,” Robinson said.

“That’s an awfully low standard,” cohost Joe Scarborough replied. “There’s also no evidence that doesn’t suggest a flying saucer from Venus swooped over all of them. There’s no evidence that it’s precluded, Gene. I’m not being difficult. I’m just saying the truth actually does matter.”"... 

Hands Up! Don't Shoot!
It's the gesture now making the rounds of football fields to Congress to a host of other places that is based on Ferguson myth. So what happens when someone who buys into the myth, such as Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post, is challenged to back it up with facts? Well, the lame defense as you can see is the incredibly low standard that there is no evidence that his hands were never up.
- See more at:
Eugene Robinson Claims No Evidence Michael Brown's Hands Weren't Up - See more at:

11/25/14, "The Ferguson Fraud," Politico, Rich Lowry

"Aided and abetted by a compliant national media, the Ferguson protestors spun a dishonest or misinformed version of what happened—Michael Brown murdered in cold blood while trying to give up—into a chant ("hands up, don't shoot") and then a mini-movement. When the facts didn't back their narrative, they dismissed the facts."...


Comment: I bet in the new budget I still have to pay for UN IPCC parasites to jet set around the world and lecture me that my lifestyle is unsustainable while people in their own countries don't have toilets or electricity, and girls get raped for going outside at night to go to the bathroom, The US two-party system ended after the Nov. 2008 election. The Republican Party only came back to life to beat down the Tea Party who were just people who wanted the US two party system back. In the 2014 midterms many who voted for Republicans did so only because they wanted to stop the Democrat agenda. Now voters are finding out their votes have been nullified by the GOP Establishment. The GOP has invited Democrats who've been thrown out to remain in charge next year.  


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