Monday, November 3, 2014

If you like your scabies you can keep your scabies. Two days before election, Rupert Murdoch news channel hosts Romney telling rubes that top priority for GOP Senate is to put 'comprehensive immigration' deal on Obama's desk

11/2/14, "Say what, Romney?" Mark Levin Facebook

"What is with these guys?  Now Romney telling us what this election is about,  

after the GOP said squat!  

It's about comprehensive immigration reform? Really?  

Which candidate ran on that? 

They see victory in sight, due in large measure to conservatives reluctantly voting for RINOs, and at the eleventh hour they position this as a mandate for what?  

Comprehensive immigration reform, an omnibus budget passed during the lame duck session,votes on tiny and mostly irrelevant pieces of the Obamacare law?"



11/2/14, "Romney: If GOP Wins Senate, We’ll Have Immigration Reform," MediaIte, Evan McMurry

"Despite the fact that the Senate passed a comprehensive and bipartisan immigration reform bill, former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney told Fox News Sunday that if the GOP retook the Senate on Tuesday an immigration reform bill would almost certainly make it to President Barack Obama’s desk for a signature.

You’re going to see a provision to secure the border, deal with those who come here illegally, and to make sure our immigration policies are more open and transparent to the many people who do want to come here illegally,” Romney promised. “That’s going to happen. You’re going to see a bill actually reach the desk of the president if we finally have someone besides Harry Reid in the Senate.”

Romney’s argument was that the House was displeased with the Senate’s reform bill but thought it pointless to press forward given the Senate’s current makeup. It’s called legislating."...Fox News clip at link

Unwillingness to use flush toilets a continuing problem at US taxpayer funded illegal alien camps:

10/6/14, "Disease plagues illegal immigrants; lack of medications, basic hygiene blamed," Washington Times, Stephen Dinan

"Communicable diseases continue to be a problem at the New Mexico facility built to house illegal immigrant families surging across the U.S.-Mexico border, and the immigrants themselves aren’t taking their own health care very seriously, according to an audit released Monday....

"Previous reports had detailed some of the difficulties of handling the surge, including the communicable diseases some brought, such as scabies, lice or chickenpox.

And investigators found “unfamiliarity” with bathrooms resulted in unsanitary conditions,

including exposure to human waste.”

Volunteers who have been at some of the facilities have reported that the children and families would often try to throw used toilet paper away, 

rather than flush it down the toilet."
(end of article)


Comment: Rupert Murdoch and the entire Bush family should be cleaning the floors the aliens use as toilets and washing the aliens' hands. This is what they wanted.


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