Sunday, November 30, 2014

German Greens face political extinction. Children of Lenin and the Club of Rome, purified Maoists, Trotskyists, hardcore Communists, travel by air more than voters of any other party-Die Welt

11/24/14, "Apocalypse Comes Spring - the Greens are running out of topics," Die Welt, 

"There is merit as weakness of the Greens, owe their existence to a split zeitgeist. To date, he separates the party more than the disagreement between fundamentalists and realists. Origin is the future, especially in the countryside. They are the children of Lenin and the Club of Rome.  

Uncle Sam represented in the left-wing narrative that is progressive, drunk, macho and authoritarian.
Mother Nature represented by the environmentalism of the Club of Rome, is anti-modern, emancipated - and actually authoritarian. Both schools of thought have a penchant for the Apocalypse.
In the historical materialism of the destruction of the bourgeois world was anticipated in the course of the world revolution, the environmentalism resulted in a "unhappy end", where people only when the last tree has been cut, the last river poisoned, the last fish is caught, would realize you can not eat money.
The Greens have both operated and fueled social and ecological fears. Whether or acid rain forest dieback, ozone hole or nuclear energy - the Greens were and are masters of the inner needs of the Germans, so irrational as they may be to use. The disruption of the Green reflects their constituents and the country. Germany, which are poets and thinkers, but also natural romantics and engineers, waste separator and speeders, Neuland meat fetishists and Aldi savers.

Often Green was an invisibility cloak for red 

Who chose the open, then felt better. He had done something good, saved the world a bit. The land of the - some of unbridled - economic miracle was missed a meritorious sustainability guardrail, the relentless use of resources attacked before the controlling departments of the companies did so for reasons of efficiency.

Since political parties like how the CSU realized early Christian motifs from the protection of creation as directions for action and the FDP ownership of the consumer in its ecological dimension - it was the Greens, who were thus identified since the early 80s. The name helped. He was clear and unambiguous. 

Often Green was only the cloak of invisibility for red. Theoretically alive was the heritage left by the Greens. The Greens are today smartest purified Maoists, Trotskyists, hardcare communists. The intellectual brilliance of Trittin was quite the solution of the social question, redistribution, and a bourgeois anti-capitalism committed. The Ecological had taught him. After the retirement of alpha animals such as Trittin and Claudia Roth, the new leadership of the Green wanders through the political landscape.
This also has the lack of employment and often inadequate to deal with the cultural history of ecological thinking. The Greens are mainly the children of Martin Heidegger in their leitmotif. The still controversial German philosopher of the 20th century was revolutionary and conservative at the same time, the sharpest critics of modern technology and its alienation tornadoes.
"Rule of the frame" called the Swabian wooden hut dwellers the dictates of engineers. You should be terminated by a "Return". This bend understand Heidegger as the most unlikely case of world events. She was a kind of miracle, something that can only succeed if people are torn from their "forgetfulness of Being".
The Greens were obviously more pragmatic. She channeled the popular and populist reservations technology and modern life and beat understandable solutions. It called for no Heideggerian turn, but only a departure from the technology and a retreat to a more conscious, more modest life that left less CO2 traces on the planet.

There is a risk of stress fracture

The green flagship municipalities have totalized junk charm the left WG. Whether free Republic of Wendland or the eco-district in Freiburg-Vauban: The green painted remix of the bourgeois status quo seems getting old. The loss of beauty and harmony through the blessings of modernity have other illustrated.
Hollywood, for example. Blockbusters such as "2001", "The Dances with Wolves" and especially the pop-heideggerianische masterpiece "The Last Samurai" reflected the ratio of progress, happiness and modernity exciting and more profound than the noisy barren and often opportunistic debates of the countryside.
In the fourth decade of its existence, the apocalyptic narrative approaches an end. There is a risk of stress fracture. The mantra-like invocation of doom has hardly excitation potential. And the much-maligned art shines with discoveries that were formerly classified in the mythical realm of science fiction.

Conversion of CO2 into oil and gasoline 

Nuclear fusion could in ten years, provide energy, architects build skyscrapers that produce more energy than they consume, 900-horsepower sports car can be moved with three liters of gasoline, the conversion of CO2 into oil and gasoline is on the verge of series production.
Contemporary capitalism has adopted the innovation challenge by the ecology. Green thinkers like Ralf Fücks have recognized this, without sacrificing their apocalypticism. The Hyperrealos in the southwest of the country to discover the SMEs as an authentic resource saver and efficiency magician.
The party at the weekend has shown that the Greens run out of topics after the nuclear phase-out and the mainstream environmentalism. Anton Hofreiters effort to promote the "Return" in agriculture, goes in the right direction. But capitalism has long recognized this. The Greens will it hardly needed.
They begin to sound like a nostalgic project. The Zeitgeist after 40 years Apocalypse tired of pessimism. Engineers and scientists swim in a sea of ​​hopes and concrete breakthroughs. Who needs the Greens still when air, water and food are clean?" via Climate Depot, via No Tricks Zone


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