Sunday, November 2, 2014

California hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer intervenes in Florida election, opens 21 offices in hope of defeating Republican Gov. Rick Scott by making CO2 in China wedge issue in Florida -NPR

"In Florida alone, (Steyer's) NextGen runs 21 field offices and has spent $12 million."...
10/23/14, "Democratic Climate Activist Is Election's Biggest Donor — That We Know Of,", Peter Overby

"Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer has spent an astonishing $58 million this election cycle, more than any other donor in the traditional, fully disclosed part of the political system. He recently gave $15 million to a superPAC.

This latest contribution, like most of Steyer's others, went to NextGen Climate Action. It's pretty much Steyer's personal superPAC; he's supplied 70 percent of its money....

Put more bluntly, the superPAC is using climate change as a wedge issue in battleground states.

Its biggest fight is the gubernatorial race in Florida. Republican incumbent Rick Scott is seeking a second term. NextGen calls him "a climate change denier." And — as in six states where NextGen is involved in Senate races it links Scott to billionaire industrialists David and Charles Koch."...


Super PAC NextGen Climate Action Fund


10/27/14, "Greens to spend record $85M in midterms," The Hill, Laura Barron-Lopez

"Environmental groups are on track to spend more than $85 million on key races this year, more than ever before, according to an internal memo.

The record spending comes as green groups are worried about the fate of the Senate and the future of President Obama’s climate agenda, which they say is crucial to helping the U.S. and other nations curb greenhouse gas emissions and stave off disastrous climate impacts. 

A memo circulated among five of the nation’s top environmental organizations, and provided to The Hill, summarizes in detail the plan hatched by the groups to put climate change on top as a key issue.

The five green groups

the Environmental Defense Action Fund,
the Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund,
the League of Conservation Voters,
the Sierra Club and
billionaire Tom Steyer’s NextGen Climate — 

shared spending plans in the internal memo, which was first reported on by The Washington Post. 

The memo states the climate groups have worked to execute a “high level strategy” to “raise more money than ever before” for pro-climate candidates, reach more voters than ever before and spend in targeted races. 

“We are on track to spend more than $85 million overall including more than $40 million in just six Senate races,” the document states.

Out of those six Senate races, the groups have spent the most in Sen. Mark Udall’s (D-Colo.) reelection bid, totaling roughly $12.1 million. They have spent the second most in Rep. Bruce Braley’s (D) Senate bid in Iowa, totaling $7.2 million. 

The groups have also spent $6.6 million on Rep. Gary Peters (D) in Michigan, $4 million on Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D) in New Hampshire, $2.4 million for Sen. Kay Hagan’s (D) reelection in North Carolina and $1.9 million on Sen. Mark Begich (D) in Alaska....

NextGen Climate spokeswoman Heather Wong told the Post that the group, founded by Steyer in 2013, has spent a little over $50 million in both state and congressional races as of Oct. 20.

That puts NextGen in front as the biggest spender among the climate groups this election cycle. The League of Conservation Voters comes in second as it is poised to spend $25 million on campaigns.

In the document, the groups described the climate push this year as the “biggest and most sophisticated electoral effort ever” for pro-climate organizations.

“The era of climate science denial will soon come to a close, and voters will demand leadership from their elected officials on this pressing threat,” the document states."....


In 2012 alone, $1 billion a day was spent on the notion of human caused global warming. EurActiv


In 2013 hedge fund billionaire Tom Steyer was a favorite to be named Obama Energy Secretary:

"Tom Steyer, a top Democratic donor and head of Farallon Capital Management, a multibillion-dollar hedge fund, has emerged as one of the early favorites to replace (departing Obama Energy Sec.) Chu."...

1/8/13, "Obama looks to fill out Cabinet," The Hill, Justin Sink


4/4/13, Obama gas guzzling SUV outside home of California billionaire pal Tom Steyer:

4/4/2013, "Irony? Here's POTUS SUV outside home of billionaire climate change activist #Keystone opp Tom Steyer @Jeff Elder pic.twitter.com93nHc3rGlo," Carla Marinucci twitter


"Climate" protesters in Oakland, Ca., Sept. 2014:

9/23/14, "Climate Movement Drops Mask, Admits Communist Agenda," Zombie, PJ Media 

"Communists along with a few environmental groups staged a “People’s Climate Rally” in Oakland, California on Sunday, September 21, in conjunction with the larger “People’s Climate March” in New York City on the same day.

Wait — did I say communists? Isn’t that a bit of an exaggeration? well, no. [Note in picture below, "Free Mumia" poster at left of "Socialist Action" banner.]


At the New York event, many people noticed that gee, there sure are a lot of communists at this march. But in Oakland — always on the cutting edge — the entire “climate change” movement at last fully, irrevocably and overtly embraced communism as its stated goal. Any concerns about “optics” or operating in “stealth mode” were abandoned.

The “climate change” “crisis” is now nothing but the latest justification for “total revolution” and getting rid of capitalism forever.

Yes, capitalism itself is the problem. The primary message of the People’s Climate Rally was this: Climate change is caused by capitalism, and merely attempting to reform capitalism will not stop global warming; it is impossible to work within the existing system if we want to save the planet. We must replace it with a new social and economic system entirely.

Until recently, those attacking the capitalist system as the cause of global warming were intentionally a little vague as to what will replace it if we are to solve the problem. But on Sunday in Oakland, that curtain was drawn back and the new system was finally revealed: Communism. Or at least hardcore socialism as Marx defined it — the necessary transitional phase before true complete communism (i.e. no private property, no families, no individualism). Most countries we tend to think of as “communist” actually self-defined as “socialist”: The USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, for example, was (as its name reveals) socialist. I point out this detail in case anybody reading this article thinks that the “socialism” advocated at the rally was merely some kind of squishy soft-hearted semi-capitalism; no, it is the same type of socialism one finds in places generally thought of as communist.


Below you will find irrefutable proof that communist ideologies, organizations and phraseologies have completely moved to the forefront of the "climate change" movment.  (I was originally tempted to say that the communists, as they are wont to do, have merely “co-opted” environmentalism. But that would imply that the goal of global warming scaremongering was something other than “destroying capitalism” in the first place. At this point I now know that destroying capitalism has always been the goal; the only thing that changed on Sunday is that the mask was dropped.)"...


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