Thursday, November 27, 2014

ABC News to Ferguson Police Officer: Have you searched your heart and mind? Are you 100% sure you didn't shoot Michael Brown because of his skin color?

11/26/14, "Kevin Jackson: ‘Everybody Knows Race Relations Have Gone in the Toilet Since Obama Took Over’," CNS News, Michael W. Chapman

"ABC’s  George Stephanopoulos to (Ferguson Police) Officer (Darren) Wilson:

And you’re absolutely convinced, when you look through your heart and your mind that if Michael Brown were white, this would have gone down in exactly the same way?”...

To me, in terms of journalism, it’s terrible journalism,” said Jackson....

“What is his motivation? How about just getting home to his family? That’s his motivation.”

Jackson continued,  “How about the idea that this thug [Michael Brown] walked into that store, did that [robbery], came out and attacked me [Officer Wilson], and you want to question me? And all of the evidence points to this.”"...

Top image: "ABC's George Stephanopoulos, left, interviews police office Darren Wilson. (Photo: ABC News)"

Second image: "Author and talk-radio host Kevin Jackson. (Photo: Salem Communications)"


Comment: Darren Wilson chose to give the exclusive interview to ABC News and Stephanopoulos. Wilson and his representatives had extensive talks with media prior to their selection. Wilson had to know the racist theme would be pursued. Pathetically, he agreed to it:

11/23/14, "Exclusive: Why TV anchors met secretly with Ferguson officer who shot Michael Brown," CNN,

Practically every journalist covering the death of Michael Brown would like to interview Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot and killed Brown.

In the pursuit of that interview, several high-profile television anchors have secretly met with Wilson, according to sources at several TV networks. All of the meetings were off the record, meaning the anchors could not describe what was said."...

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