Tuesday, October 14, 2014

WaPo creates Romney, the temptress: Hagiography by twins Rucker and Costa 'sneaks' in real reason for their elaborate drama in 25th paragraph: Ted Cruz

WaPo creates Romney the temptress: "When reporters tried to question him afterward, he sneaked into a dark maze of cubicles." (parag. 13)

10/13/14, "Can’t quit Mitt: Friends say Romney feels nudge to consider a 2016 presidential run," Washington Post, Philip Rucker and Robert Costa (the twins), Cedar Rapids, Iowa

(paragraph #25): "Many Romney boosters believe that his window of opportunity will be in mid- to late 2015, should Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) or Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) ascend and party establishment types turn to Romney as a savior."...via Mark Levin twitter


Comment: Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are in no way comparable. Their names shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence. What the Washington Post really means but won't say is, "should Ted Cruz ascend"...


P.S. For many years, baseball media used the phrase,"closers like Trevor Hoffman and Mariano Rivera." The two of course aren't comparable. Linking the two names greatly helped Hoffman and diminished Rivera. Finally, baseball media stopped doing it.


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