Thursday, October 23, 2014

Rare correction made in Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg's dissent in 6-3 decision on Texas voter ID law, Veterans ID's are also allowed

The referenced dissent was in a 6-3 decision.


10/23/14, "Rare correction made in Justice Ginsburg’s dissent on Texas voter ID law," Fox News, by

"The U.S. Supreme Court made a rare correction on Wednesday to an error in Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's scathing dissent of the majority opinion [6-3] on Texas' controversial voter ID law -- a dissent that had been highly touted by critics of the law. 

The dissent attracted widespread attention, in part because Ginsburg and fellow dissenting justices were up all night Friday, into Saturday morning, writing their statement skewering the law. They came down hard on the majority opinion by the Supreme Court to allow Texas to enforce the voter ID law in the upcoming November elections. 

In her seven-page dissent, Ginsburg wrote that the law “may prevent more than 600,000 registered Texas voters from voting in person for lack of compliant identification.” Her dissent was widely covered in liberal-leaning media outlets....

But it turns out Ginsburg overstated her case in at least one regard. 

Aside from “small stylistic changes,” Wednesday’s correction erases a sentence from Ginsburg’s official dissent that refers to photo identification cards issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs not being an acceptable form of ID in Texas -- when they actually are....

As it currently stands, the Texas law allows seven types of approved ID documentation, including handgun licenses. The problem some groups had was that it did not include some types of identification -- like college IDs -- which are accepted in other states. Veterans Affairs ID's, though, are acceptable....
The dissent has no force of law, and so the correction is more a black eye than anything. While corrections made by U.S. Justices are uncommon, they do happen."...via Lucianne


10/20/14, "Supreme Court Upholds Texas Voter ID Law," Richard Cohen,

"In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court has permitted Texas to enforce its controversial voter ID law in the Nov. 4 election."...


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