Wednesday, October 29, 2014

In sign of desperation 1 week before election RNC suit dangles border security in front of rubes: Elect GOP and border security will be 'first step' before any talk of illegal immigration reform. Border fence overwhelmingly approved 1 month before 2006 elections remains unbuilt

"On September 29, 2006, the Senate voted 80-19 for passage of H.R. 6061, the Secure Fence Act of 2006...All 435 members of the House of Representatives and one third of U.S. senators faced reelection contests just one month after passage of the Secure Fence Act."...7/7/2008, "Obama, Clinton Back Off Border-Fence Law," CNS News


10/27/14, "Exclusive–Priebus Rallies Base: GOP Will Stop Obama's 'Un-American' Amnesty if We Win Senate," Breitbart News, Matthew Boyle

"Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), says it’s “un-American" for President Barack Obama to consider implementing an executive amnesty for millions of illegal aliens across the country.

“It’s unconstitutional, illegal, and we don’t support it,” Priebus replied when a Tea Party activist asked him about the president’s plans for an executive amnesty on a conference call...on Monday evening.

I don’t support it. It is wrong,” Priebus said. "It is un-American for a president to try and do such a thing. I want to make it clear: There is no part of me, there is not a molecule in my body that agrees with the president on executive amnesty.”

Priebus promised the hundreds of activists on the call that the Republican Party, 

if it takes the Senate on Nov. 4 in the upcoming midterm elections, will do everything in its power to stop Obama from proceeding on the executive amnesty. Priebus even boldly predicted that Republicans can and will succeed in stopping Obama 

if elected on Nov. 4.
“While I can’t speak for the legislature, I’m very confident we will stop that,” Priebus said. “We will do everything we can to make sure it doesn’t happen:  

Defunding, going to court, 


You name it.

It’s wrong. It's illegal. And for so many reasons, and just the basic fabric of this country, we can’t allow it to happen and we won’t let it happen. I don’t know how to be any stronger than that. I’m telling you, everything we can do to stop it we will.”...

There were multiple immigration questions during the town hall, illustrating how important an issue it is to the grassroots across the country....

"I have said repeatedly on immigration that the first thing is border security and the second thing is upholding the law that’s in place today. What ever happened to the border fence that was promised by Congress in 2006? It never happened. What about these sanctuary cities out there that take federal money and they’re not even upholding the law that we have in place? So somehow or another what can’t get lost in any of this conversation is the importance of border security and 

making sure that any sort of immigration reform talk doesn’t even begin 

without taking that first step.”"...

Rush Limbaugh: Why are they announcing this now?

10/28/14, "Reince Priebus: GOP Senate Will Stop Obama’s Illegal, Un-American Executive Amnesty," Rush Limbaugh

"You ought to hear the shock and surprise I am being greeted with here in the studio.  People are saying, "Why'd they wait so long to announce this?"...   


Added: The GOP must know they're losing. They despise their voters and wouldn't be pandering to them unless they were desperate. Empty suit Paul Ryan on pathetic Hannity show Tues. night selling same "lawsuit" crap as Priebus "Exclusive" to Breitbart. Absentee and early voting must look bad for GOP. 
10/29/14, "Ryan Vows Lawsuit, Purse Power Against Executive Amnesty," Breitbart TV

Paul Ryan pitching open borders with his pal Gutierrez in April 2013:

via commenter at Breitbart


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