Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Ferguson protesters shut down CNN broadcast claiming it's Zionist, run by AIPAC-Washington Free Beacon

10/21/14, "Ferguson Protesters Shut Down CNN Broadcast Because It’s ‘Zionist’," Washington Free Beacon, Kirsten Hunter

"Angry protesters in Ferguson, Mo., shut down CNN’s live broadcast Monday night after repeatedly heckling the reporter and cameraperson for working for an organization “run by AIPAC” and “Zionists.”

The heckling is audible in a video filmed by protester Bassem Masri, whose Twitter profile touts the Palestinian cause and reads “long live Palestine.”

You fucking lie about Ferguson; you lie about Occupy Wall Street; you lie about Palestine. You’re all run by Zionists,” one protester said. “We’re holding y’all accountable.”

The hecklers threatened to shut down future CNN broadcasts. “They’re an AIPAC-run agency,” Masri said. “Don’t even think that we won’t.”

Protests have continued in Ferguson since the August 9 shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson." via Mark Levin show

"Zionist" accusation begins at 1:17, AIPAC mentioned shortly  after that:


10/21/14, "Ferguson Protesters Chase CNN News Reporter Off Live Broadcast," Breitbart News, Kerry Picket

"CNN reporter Sarah Sidener’s on air stand up in Ferguson, Missouri was disrupted on Monday night (Oct. 20) when supporters of Michael Brown surrounded Sidener and her cameraman and demanded that they leave the area. The video at Ferguson, shot by Bassem Masri a local activist, includes Masri and others accusing CNN of lying about the Michael Brown case and supporting “Zionists.”

According to his FaceBook page, Masri is a Chesterfield, Missouri resident and pro-Palestinian political activist who also supports Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

In his blog talk radio profile he says:

Born in St Louis and raised here I lived in East Jerusalem in Palestine from 98-00 Al Quds Wad IL Jos neighborhood where my father is from. My mom is from Ramallah West Bank.

Sidener attempted to give a report in front of the Ferguson Police Department after CNN Anchor Don Lemon introduced the segment and tossed to Sidener, but the reporter could not talk over the protesters who screamed at her, calling CNN a “fake media” outlet. Pro-Palestinian groups have been organizing in Ferguson since Brown’s death in August.

When it was apparent Sidener could not do her report, Lemon moved on to a guest interview segment. Masri continued to scream at CNN’s reporter as she spoke on her cell phone and communicated on her BlackBerry....

Wilson fatally shot Brown, who was unarmed two months ago in Ferguson. The incident sparked a violent face off between protesters and local police immediately thereafter."


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