Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ebola nurse called CDC several times but they OK'd her air travel. Too bad Mitch McConnell isn't eager to "crush" Ebola as he was to "crush" conservatives "anywhere in the country." "Leader" McConnell silent on Ebola, says follow 'experts,' knowing he may be condemning us to death since "experts" so far have been mistaken

10/15/14, "Ebola nurse called CDC several times before boarding flight," CBS News, Jonathan LaPook

"In the case of Amber Vinson, the Dallas nurse who flew commercially as she was becoming ill with Ebola, one health official said "somebody dropped the ball."

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that Vinson called the agency several times before flying, saying that she had a fever with a temperature of 99.5 degrees. But because her fever wasn't 100.4 degrees or higher, she didn't officially fall into the group of "high risk" and was allowed to fly.

Officials in the U.S. have been trying to calm fears over the Ebola crisis, but time and again events have overtaken their assurances.

In August, before the first U.S. infection, CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said: "We're confident that we have the facilities here to isolate patients, not only at the highly advanced ones like the one at Emory, but really at virtually every major hospital in the U.S."

On Sept. 30, Thomas Duncan tested positive in Dallas.

"This case is serious," Texas Gov. Rick Perry said in reaction. "Rest assured that our system is working as it should."

And there was reassurance from the White House.

"Every hospital in this county has the capability to isolate a patient, take the measures, put them in place to ensure that any suspected case is immediately isolated and the follow-up steps that have been mentioned are immediately taken," Lisa Monaco, a  

homeland security and counterterrorism 

adviser to President Obama, said Oct. 3.

But health care workers weren't so sure.

"We want to make sure that we have the correct equipment - the protective equipment - to protect both our patients and ourselves," Katy Roemer, who has worked as a nurse in California for 20 years, told CBS News correspondent John Blackstone last week.

Blackstone asked her whether hazmat suits were available to her.

"Not that I know of," Roemer said.

Duncan died Oct. 8. Four days later, nurse Nina Pham got sick.  

Federal officials were now discovering what

health workers had warned about.

"The proof of the pudding, the training, was not adequate," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of infectious diseases at the National Institutes of Health. "It was not adequate. The training was not adequate. We've got to make sure the training is adequate."

The director of the CDC, who in August said he was  
"confident," said this Tuesday:

"We could've sent a more robust hospital infection control team and been more hands-on with the hospital from day one," Frieden said. "... I wish we had put a team like this on the ground the day the patient - the first patient - was diagnosed. That might have prevented this infection."

The CDC is reacting to the mistakes made in Dallas by turning up the heat on every hospital in the country, saying to be prepared."
Image: "The 2nd Nurse Infected With Ebola Has Been Identified," Business Insider


Beltway hack Mitch McConnell given a microphone and the chance to save lives opts out. He has a large staff which has had plenty of time to read up on Ebola. He knows the CDC's best advice has just led to another Ebola case but he tells you to listen to the CDC anyway. He's basically telling you to shut up and die:

10/15/14, "Mitch McConnell: Listen To Experts On Ebola Flight Ban," Huffington Post, Igor Bobich

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) thinks the United States should heed expert advice on whether to impose flight restrictions on Ebola-stricken countries in West Africa, contrary to what some lawmakers in his party have been saying for weeks.

"I think we ought to listen to what the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] thinks they need either in terms of financing or certainly they'll decide the procedures for travel and all the rest," McConnell told NBC News in an interview. "I think we need to follow 

the advice of the experts

who know how to fight scourges like this."...

McConnell's remarks come as officials struggle to contain transmission of the deadly virus at a hospital in Dallas, Texas. A second nurse who became infected with Ebola while caring for a dying patient from Liberia took a flight to Dallas from Cleveland, Ohio, the day before she reported developing symptoms of infection, according to a report in Reuters on Wednesday." 


"Tough" Republican "leader" Mitch McConnell runs to the NY Times about the need to "crush" (non-contagious) conservative Republicans:

3/8/2014, "Leading Republicans Move to Stamp Out Challenges From Right," NY Times, Carl Hulse

"This election season, Republicans led by Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky are taking a much harder line as they sense the majority within reach. Top congressional Republicans and their allies are challenging the advocacy groups head on in an aggressive effort to undermine their credibility. The goal is 

to deny them any Senate primary victories, 

cut into their fund-raising and 
diminish them as a future force in Republican politics.
I think we are going to crush them everywhere, Mr. McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, said in an interview, referring to the network of activist organizations working against him and two Republican incumbents in Kansas and Mississippi while engaging in a handful of other contests. “I don’t think they are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country.”...
“I know this: Politics doesn’t like losers,” said Mr. McConnell, who suggested that a high-profile series of defeats would deflate the groups. “If you don’t have anything to point to, it is kind of hard to keep it going.”"...

2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes, op-ed  

They "collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old."....(subhead 'Public Safety')" 


"So long as the Uniparty exists, mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does."

12/15/13, "Breaking The UniParty," Angelo Codevilla,



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