Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Norway State Broadcaster failed to distinguish between Hamas propaganda and the truth, Broadcast Council says-Aftenposten

8/28/14, "Norwegian succeeded not enough to distinguish the parties' war propaganda from documented information," Aftenposten

 "The morning was devoted to discussing NRK's ​​Middle East coverage for that 50 complaints about the matter came to the Broadcasting Council. After several hours of discussion the council came to the conclusion that NRK has been too little critical of Hamas, they have failed to distinguish war propaganda and verifiable information, and NRK should disseminate more about the underlying conflict than what is done. 
The statement also takes NRK improved their coverage through the summer, and that coverage thus became more nuanced.

After Aftenposten publicized case last week, came in a large number of additional complaints about Gaza coverage. To begin with were 25 complaints in the stack, all criticism of Palestinian sympathy with the national TV channel.
A further 25 complaints came to the last week before the meeting, most of which take the opposite stance and defends correspondents Sidsel Wold and Odd Karsten Tveit.
Former foreign editor at Aftenposten, Kjell Dragnes, defended Broadcasting Corporation during his introduction with the words "Do not shoot the pianist if you do not like music."
- NRK's ​​coverage has been good. It does not differ from international media such as BBC and CNN.... 

He believes that one does not need to set special requirements to NRK that the national broadcaster, but that general journalistic principles apply state channel in the same way as other media.
- The distinction between commentary and news is not always one to observe in practice as a foreign correspondent....
Journalist in Today's Market, Bjørn Gabrielsen, was more critical in his introduction, although he also believed that NRK's ​​coverage did not differ enormously from the international media.
- The western world is incredibly keen Israel, choosing to cover them so close is a political choice. Interest Palestinians do not seem to be for the Palestinians themselves. When it dies Palestinians in a refugee camp, it barely covered, he said....
He also pointed to the problem of mixing of commentary and reportage, combined with the absence of analysis, especially military analysis.
Aftenposten has not had contact with Odd Karsten Tveit criticism. 
Also Elin Ørjasæter, a member of the Broadcasting Council, was critical, both to the overall balance and the individual correspondents statements. 
- It has been a lopsided coverage, and we have learned enough about Hamas, she says during the meeting. -...

Council statement:
"Broadcasting Council has received about 50 complaints about the coverage of the Gaza war this summer. The vast majority have been critical. The complaints both single statement, sources and balance in general....
Broadcasting Council believes that NRK insufficiently critical put the spotlight on Hamas' role. In the early stages of the conflict failed Norwegian well enough to distinguish propaganda from documented information.
The Council notes with satisfaction the Norwegian way got the more votes and that coverage was more nuanced.
Broadcasting Council encourages NRK to a greater extent to convey background information about the Middle East conflict.
The Council expects that NRK has an awareness of boundary between news reporting and comment activity." via Pamela Geller


Summary of Aftenposten article by dk news:

9/3/14, "3/10 Norwegian State Broadcasting Council condemns Norwegian State TV for not being critical enough concerning Hamas, "failed to distinguish war propaganda and verifiable information," Source

"After several hours of discussion the Broadcasting Council decided to criticise NRK's (Norwegian State Broadcasting) Middle East coverage. ...

After several hours of discussion the council came to the conclusion that NRK has not been critical enough concerning Hamas, and that they have failed to distinguish war propaganda and verifiable information, and NRK should provide more information about the causes of the conflict....
Former foreign editor at Aftenposten, Kjell Dragnes, defended NRK with the words 'Do not shoot the pianist if you do not like music.' '- NRK's coverage has been good. It does not differ from international media such as BBC and CNN.'"

The Broadcasting Council believes that NRK has been insufficiently critical about Hamas' role."  


Image from Unknown origin


Former AP correspondent on pro-Hamas bias of media:

8/26/14, "An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth,", Matti Friedman

"A former AP correspondent explains how and why reporters get Israel so wrong, and why it matters."

"The fact is that Hamas intimidation is largely beside the point because the actions of Palestinians are beside the point: Most reporters in Gaza believe their job is to document violence directed by Israel at Palestinian civilians. That is the essence of the Israel story. In addition, reporters are under deadline and often at risk, and many don’t speak the language and have only the most tenuous grip on what is going on. They are dependent on Palestinian colleagues and fixers who either fear Hamas, support Hamas, or both."


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