Tuesday, September 9, 2014

McCrory appointee refuses to fill vacancies on North Carolina sea level panel facing a deadline-Daily Haymaker

9/6/14, "State sea level panel. ANOTHER departure. STILL BIASED. STILL not filling vacancies." DailyHaymaker.com, Brant Clifton

"We’ve posted previously about this Charlie Foxtrot HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.  Here’s some background from a drive-by.  Basically, this panel submitted a report claiming that the sea levels on our coast will rise 39 inches by the end of the century. Some scientists, and many legislators, balked at this report — claiming that it was radical environmentalist propaganda based on Al Gore-ian faux science.

Why is the sea level rise so important? Property owners along the coastal regions of our state should be very interested. This study will have a huge impact on how — going forward — they can use their property and how their property will be valued. Claiming a 39 inch sea rise will likely result in government regulators truly clamping down on property rights along the coast.

In 2011, the 39-inch rise claim got rejected. Legislators ordered the commission to go back to the drawing board and come back with something more realistic and science-based by March 2015. There were three vacancies on the sea level panel.

Three appointees — none of whom worship at Al Gore’s altar — are awaiting a seat on the committee.  Coastal Resources Commission director Frank Gorham — a big McCrory donor and McCrory appointee — is refusing to seat the four global warming skeptics on the panel.  He claimed there was already plenty of scientific expertise on the panel.***

Well, one of the existing panel members has resigned — making that FOUR vacancies on this important panel facing a March 2015 deadline.  The Al Gore crowd appears to be getting their way.   North Carolina-based scientist and global warming skeptic John Droz called out Gorham in a recent email:"...

***In April 2014 Gorham said a report from his commission due in Dec. 2014 wouldn't be ready on time:

"Inlets are dynamic geological bodies." 

4/14/14, "No Easy Answers Yet for Maintaining Inlets," North Carolina Coastal Federation, nccoast.org, Trista Talton

"North Carolina lawmakers will not receive a completed final report on the Coastal Resources Commission’s inlet management study by year’s end. 

We are not going to know everything by final report time,” CRC Chairman Frank Gorham said Wednesday night following the last of a series of public meetings held to discuss inlet issues. “We have a lot to do and I don’t have a problem telling the General Assembly or the governor we’re not finished.”

Maybe 40 percent to half of the report will actually be complete and ready for submission by the Dec. 31 deadline, he said.

The study, born out of a legislative directive to the state Division of Coastal Management to study land adjacent to the mouth of the Cape Fear River, was outlined last year by Gorham in a memo to CRC members. It is tackling a series of highly complex issues related to inlets. Its results will be the basis for policy decisions that will affect dredging, channel realignment projects, development standards for inlet areas, inlet erosion rates, terminal groins and how beach communities will be allowed to respond to emergencies that may require bulldozing sand or sandbagging to protect homes, businesses and infrastructure such as septic tanks and roads.

North Carolina’s coast has 19 inlets. Twelve are “developed inlets,” meaning they are lined by homes, condos, hotels and other businesses. 

Inlets are dynamic geological bodies that generally ebb and flow with the tide or migrate altogether. When these inlets move they sometimes endanger beach structures, threatening to feed them to an encroaching sea.

Beach towns are persistently trying to maintain and manage the inlets not only to protect homes and businesses, but because inlets play a significant economical role."...


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