Saturday, September 20, 2014

If the GOP loses the Senate, blame the Establishment-Laura Ingraham

9/19/14, "If the GOP Loses the Senate—Blame the Establishment," NRO, Laura Ingraham

"Now the concerned whispers are becoming audible groans. Turns out after premature high-fiving in certain Republican circles, the GOP just may be on the verge of blowing its opportunity to take control of the U.S. Senate in November. A few of us have been warning for months that unless the GOP responded smartly to the huge public outcry over the border surge, it would miss a chance to energize disaffected voters. We also urged our friends in the establishment that they shouldn’t take their primary victories against more-conservative candidates as a sign that they could “play it safe” during the campaign.

The public wants policies to strengthen the American workforce, raise its standard of living, and renew and protect the homeland. It wants to see an affirmative agenda to spur growth and economic opportunity—one that goes beyond “dump Obamacare.” But the voters are enduring uninspiring candidates, boring political ads, and wishy-washy campaign statements on immigration enforcement. One of the only Senate campaigns playing the immigration issue correctly is that of moderate Scott Brown in New Hampshire. And guess what? After trailing Jean Shaheen for months, he is now in a dead-heat race with the pro-amnesty Democrat incumbent. Go figure.

Then there’s the issue of money. Writing in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal, establishment fave Karl Rove says the GOP Senate majority is “still in doubt,” noting that the GOP Senate candidates are being outspent $109 million to $85 million in media buys. He urges Republicans to “open their wallets to candidates whom they have never met.” Here’s what I say to this entreaty: How much money did the establishment spend to save Thad Cochran? How much did they spend to try to save Eric Cantor? How much did they spend to save Lamar Alexander, and Lindsey Graham, and all the other incumbents who they defended earlier this year? None of those dollars were spent to fight the Democrats — they were all used to beat and in many cases malign the Tea Party.

Meanwhile, how many voters in places like Mississippi, and Tennessee, and South Carolina, decided that they aren’t going to give any more money to a GOP establishment that hates them and mocks them at every turn? How much money has that cost the GOP? 

The bottom line is this: If the GOP loses the Senate, it’s all due to establishment incompetence. From beginning to end, they ran exactly the campaign they wanted. They took all the budget issues off the table. They refused to use the power of the purse—congressional Republicans’ most potent weapon for curbing White House excesses. They spent most of the year talking about immigration reform instead of criticizing Obama. They saved almost all of their incumbents from primary challengers. And they pushed through guys like the vanilla Thom Tillis in North Carolina and Bush loyalist Ed Gillespie in Virginia. This is their race. If they can’t win it — then how can they expect to beat Hillary in 2016?"

Among comments at NRO:


We do not have an opposition party in this country. We had one in the Tea Party. However, once they got to Washington, the dark forces that run that machine ground them down or into submission. There are still far, far too many Americans that have abdicated their responsibility for electing good men and women and pay little or no attention to what is going on. We shall reap what we have sown." 


The RINOs/establishment repubs are as bad as democrats. this country has no chance. Always remember, when the GOP had the white house, the senate and the congress, they didn't seal the border either. if you can't tell a republican from a democrat, why would you vote for either?"



Well, let's see. We had (Scott) Brown in the Senate before. I wonder what his voting record was? Hmmm Let's see! HE VOTED WITH THE DEMOCRATS ON ALL MAJOR IMPORTANT LEGISLATION! Which not only hurt the American people who believe, like you, that they had a representative in D.C. who held their values, but he also hurt the Republican Party because people like me no longer trust them WHATSOEVER."


Look, that is not the whole story. When you have the Establishment bashing/lying, obfuscating the truth against the "tea-party" types in dirty races, as in the Mississippi Senate primary AND what they did to Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia and you can bet there have been others. The Establishment are altogether Evil and power hungry, they do nothing for the people and only look to further their power. And by somebody "less conservative" do you mean someone who embraces amnesty? In that case we really only need to do this whole stupid "dance" once more time. Right? Because then, its all over but the shouting!"

RNC official Henry Barbour ran Sen. Thad Cochran's June 2014 Mississippi primary campaign. Barbour incited racial hatred and violence against innocent Americans--which apparently isn't criminal: "The Tea Party intends to prevent blacks from voting on Tuesday." The fliers were distributed in black neighborhoods. This is how the RNC "crushes" "fellow Republicans:"

RNC Cochran campaign strategy. "The tea party intends to prevent blacks from voting on Tuesday," read one mailer distributed in black neighborhoods...."Mississippians cannot and will not be intimidated to the bygone era of intimidating black Mississippians from voting," this campaign flyer declared."

Comment: The GOP wants democrat voters to be their voters. They want permanent, dependent voters who don't ask questions like, if you erase a country's southern border, doesn't that mean the country no longer exists? Forget merging with democrats, the GOP has merged with Soviet style dictatorship: 

"All they (the GOP) gotta do is throw away their base. That's Christmas morning for 'em."... 
10/16/13, "GOP Seeks to Rid Itself of the Tea Party," Rush Limbaugh



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