Monday, August 18, 2014

Yazidi spokesman joins NYC rally for persecuted minorities, Sun. 8/17/14, photos of wonderful day hosted by AFDI

8/17/14, "AFDI makes history in Union Square,"

Union Sq., NYC, 8/17/14

Yazidi spokesman Haider Elias


"Predictably the mainstream media ignored this event. CBS local interviewed me, but their piece on the rally didn't use a single word I said, and characterized the rally as solely pro-Israel, without any mention of our stand for persecuted Christians, Yazidis, Hindus, etc. And the main information CBS's report gave was how many "Palestinians" have been killed in the recent conflict. Typical and egregious. There were speakers all over the world, representing minorities at the front lines of Islamic State persecution, including the Yazidis and the media carried not a word--this wasn't newsworthy?"

Salar Motidi, 8/17/14
Salar Motidi

Pamela Geller, 8/17/14

More photos and notes about the wonderful day by Pamela Geller at her site. All images from


Comment: The Thought Police are serious about silencing Pamela. Google et al. don't allow me to copy and paste from Pamela Geller's blog. I typed the paragraph above manually. The same blockade is in place against several other important conservative blogs, affects my non-google owned blogs as well, MAC or PC, has gone on for many years. The Thought Police don't even like DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21. Susan

Predictably, the mainstream media ignored this groundbreaking event. CBS Local interviewed me, but their piece on the rally didn’t use a single word I said, and characterized the rally as solely pro-Israel, without any mention of our stand for persecuted Christians, Yazidis, Hindus, etc. And the main information CBS’s report gave was how many “Palestinians” have been killed in the recent conflict. Typical and egregious. There were speakers from all over the world, representing minorities at the front lines of Islamic State persecution, including the Yazidis and the media carried not a word — this wasn’t newsworthy? - See more at:

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