8/28/14, "Media are Hamas’s main strategic weapons, says visiting US historian," Jerusalem Post, Benjamin Weinthal
"In a talk in Jerusalem on Tuesday at the Israel Center, Dr. Richard
Landes, the director and co-founder of the Center of Millennial Studies
at Boston University, said that “global jihad is waging a cognitive war
against the West because they cannot win on the battlefield.”...
The conflicts against Hamas and other jihadi organizations help to
explain the asymmetrical approach of jihadi organizations, he said....
He defined a three-prong strategy used by Hamas to control public
discourse: “Arouse protest in the West to stop Israel; feed Lawfare (law
warfare) attacks that severely restrict Israel’s use of weapons;
demonize and delegitimize Israel in the world community [with events
such as] Israel Apartheid Week and BDS.”
The main seeds of slanted reporting and the long-war strategy against
Israel originated in the 2000 Muhammad al-Dura affair. During the
second intifada in Gaza, the French journalist Charles Enderlin
alleged, without observing the incident, that Israel subjected a
12-year-old Palestinian, Muhammad al-Dura, to targeted weapons fire
that killed him.
Landes, who has written extensively on Dura, presented evidence at the
talk that the affair falls under the rubric of “Pallywood” – a staged
death to provoke international outrage at Israel.
Landes stressed that “intimidation [of journalists] is the huge story” coming out of Operation Protective Edge.
In August, the Foreign Press Association severely criticized Hamas for
intimidation of journalists in Gaza. The FPA statement unleashed a
series of defensive statements from journalists who rejected Hamas
intimidation, according to Landes.
He cited statements from Jodi Rudoren of The New York Times, saying
“Every reporter I’ve met who was in Gaza during war says this
Israeli/now FPA narrative of Hamas harassment is nonsense.”
A second example was from CNN’s Karl Penhaul, who said that “the mere
suggestion that we [journalists] would show dead, wounded and dying to
make headlines is obscene… there are no Hamas instructions on what to
and not to report.”
Landes sees a brand of advocacy journalism unfolding in the Israel-
Palestinian conflict. He cited a BBC reporter who announced in 2001 at a
Hamas rally, “We journalists stand shoulder to shoulder with you in
your struggle against Israel.”
For Landes, the unintended consequences of Hamas’s war strategy and its
connection to global jihad is “lethal journalism“ and the blood libel
that Israel targets Palestinian children.
He sees hardcore anti-Israel rhetoric and reports bleeding into outrage
on the streets of Europe, with chants of “Death to Jews” and violence
against Jews."
8/21/14, "The Media Intifada: Bad Math, Ugly Truths About New York Times In Israel-Hamas War," Forbes, Richard Behar
8/27/14, "This is the"mega"pro-Hamas rally in Jordan, approved by Jordan's ministry of interior,king's photo on top!15 people? pic.twitter.com/KKj94x40TG," Mudar Zahran
Comment: If you have the NY Times you can get people to believe absolutely anything.
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