Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ted Cruz put hold on Obama State Dept. nominees until questions were answered about $47 million US taxpayer dollars being shipped to Hamas terrorists-Debbie Schlussel

7/24/14, "MENSCH: Ted Cruz Blocks State Dept Nominees Over Aid to HAMAS, Grounded Flights to Israel,"

"Ted Cruz is truly the only Republican with any balls (for the record, it’s a foregone conclusion that no Dems have any) and the only one who deserves the GOP Presidential nomination in the near future. He demonstrates his courage time and again no matter the issue. And this time, he’s doing so by putting a hold on all Obama State Department nominees, until the Obama Administration answers questions regarding why it is sending $47 million in additional funds to HAMAS and why it grounded Israeli flights in a manner that can only have been meant to hurt Israeli tourism.

As you may know, despite HAMAS’ daily rocket barrage on Israel, your tax money is going to fund at least $47 million in aid to HAMAS from the United States. Just like the millions the Bush Administration sent to Hezbollah-controlled South Lebanon (all of which was doled out by Hezbollah) when Hezbollah went to war against Israel in 2006, the Obama Administration insists on showering your money on HAMAS in an identical fashion. 

And as for the Obama FAA diversion of all flights to Israel this week, here’s a tip: despite the rockets falling, I’d feel safer landing in Israel at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport than I would at any airport in the United States. Israel, for instance, doesn’t have the laser pointer problems. By the way, have you ever tried landing in Ukraine? Or Nigeria? Or Yemen? Uh-huh, those places are soooooo safe. Right?

Yesterday, my friend Paul Teller, Cruz’s Deputy Chief of Staff, sent me this press release:


"Sen. Ted Cruz Press Office

Catherine Frazier: 202-228-7561
July 23, 2014 

Cruz: I Will Hold All State Department Nominees Until Questions Are Answered About Israeli Flight Ban

WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, announced that he will hold all State Department nominees until the Obama Administration answers questions about its unprecedented decision to cancel flights to Israel, while at the same time announcing continuing aid that will be funneled to the terrorist organization, Hamas.

Earlier today, Sen. Cruz questioned whether the FAA’s decision to ban all U.S. flights to Israel amounted to an economic boycott

of the nation and asked that five questions about the ban be answered. When asked about his remarks, a State Department spokesperson said the questions were “offensive and ridiculous.”

Serious questions were asked about the nature of a decision that handed Hamas a public relations victory and will cost Israel billions of dollars,” said Sen. Cruz. “The only thing ‘offensive’ about this situation is how the Obama Administration is spurning our allies to embolden our enemies; the only thing ‘ridiculous’ is the administration’s response to basic questions. Until the State Department answers my questions, I will hold all State Department nominees.”

The five questions Sen. Cruz is asking are below:

Was this a political decision driven by the White House? For instance, who was this decision made by – a career official, a political appointee, or someone else (at the FAA, State Department or White House)?

If the FAA’s decision was based on airline safety, why was Israel singled out when flights would be permitted into Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen?

What was the FAA’s ‘safety’ analysis that led to prohibiting flights to Israel, while still permitting flights to Ukraine—where a commercial airline flight was just shot down with a BUK missile?

What specific communications occurred between the FAA and the White House? And the State Department? Why were any such communications necessary, if this was purely about airline safety?
Was this a safety issue, or was it using a federal regulatory agency to punish Israel to try to force them to comply with Secretary Kerry’s demand that Israel stop their military effort to take out Hamas’s rocket capacity?

The full statement Sen. Cruz released earlier today, asking if the FAA ban amounted to an economic boycott of Israel may be viewed at"

Right on, brother! This guy is a mensch."


Map of Israel's Sunni and Shia neighbors:


Comment: Regarding the term "Republican," meaning holding principles in opposition to those of the Democrat Party which you aren't embarrassed about and won't relinquish to become a member of the UniParty, Ted Cruz is one of few today who qualify. The Republican Party basically ceased to exist after Nov. 2008 except as a group that collects $1 billion every 4 years running a losing candidate. The George Bush crowd wasn't and isn't Republican and in any case deliberately destroyed the Republican Party. The US hasn't had an actual Republican president since Reagan which is mainly Reagan's fault. He knew George Bush was a vicious person but made him VP anyway.

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