Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hundreds of millions of US taxpayer dollars flow to those in the "unaccompanied alien minor" business, TV outlet discovers

7/22/14, "One Media Outlet Catching On To Massive Governmental Non-Profits Housing The Unaccompanied Alien Minors – “Southwest Key” Under Review," sundance, The Conservative Treehouse

"A Texas Media outlet (KEYE TV in Austin) has just caught on to something we discovered and have shared with you. Previously we identified the BIG THREE large non-profit corporations getting massive grants from DHS and HHS. These were the “faith based groups” President Obama met in Dallas 7/9/14.

They are, listed smallest to largest:

      • #3  Bronze –   U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and/or, U.S. Catholic Charities $70,000,000+
      • #2  Silver – Southwest Key Programs Inc  $122,000,000+
      • #1  Gold -  Baptist Child and Family Services Emergency Management Division (BCFS-EMD) $270,000,000+
Today we focus on one. Southwest Key Programs Inc” – KEYE TV in Austin Texas has just discovered the ruse and the tentacles of how these “private corporations”, ie. “non profit groups”, think ACORN, actually tie to their community and hide under the cover of funding from DHS/HHS Grants.  We found this specific Private Company nets 98.76% of earnings from government grants [2012 IRS form 990 pg 14].

When KEYE TV reporters go asking questions they discover the secrecy of HHS.  To quote Bruce Willis:  ..”welcome to the party pal“..

southwest key
KEYE TV – TEXAS, (July 18, 2014)- "More than $100 million of federal grant money this year has gone to an Austin based company that runs unaccompanied minor shelters across the country.

Its website says Southwest Key Programs is the largest provider of services to unaccompanied children in the United States. Their headquarters is in Austin, Texas.

A brief online description details the children they help, how they’re accepted and a short write up of the types of services provided.

A map provided by Southwest Key officials outlines their different locations and programs across the county. But if you have questions about the money it receives from the federal government for unaccompanied children officials with the non-profit aren’t talking.

While their corporate address is listed as right here in Austin when you try to ask about their child immigrant shelters you get directed to a federal agency — the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

But they’re not talking either. In an email back to KEYE TV, government officials say they do not identify regular/permanent unaccompanied alien children program shelters for the safety and security of minors and staff at the facilities.

They did acknowledge more than $120 million in grant money had been awarded to the Austin based non-profit far this fiscal year." (read more with video report).

As part of our ongoing Treehouse research – We’ve been looking into this organization for over a week.
They are led by Dr. Juan Sanchez, President and CEO – 2012 salary $338,770.
With a total company payroll around $65,000,000 on 2012 taxpayer revenue of $85,000,000 (98.76% taxpayer funded).

Dr. Sanchez is proud to have built one of the most diverse nonprofits in the country, where 93 percent of Southwest Key’s 2,000 employees, including most top managers and board members, are people of color“.

We have much more on Southwest Key. Here are their 2014 HHS Grants for “Unaccompanied Alien Children” $122,285,100:"...



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