Monday, July 7, 2014

Dallas County Judge Jenkins and his family should be infected with scabies and lice, Judge Jenkins' wages should be reduced to pay for thousands of illegals entering Texas now and millions more who'll arrive until Central America is emptied out. Jenkins says "immigrant children" aren't an immigration issue, strapped taxpayers should be "angels"

Democrat Dallas County Judge Jenkins is "the chief-elected official of the county."

7/5/14, "City Leaders Shut Out Of Plan To Shelter Immigrant Kids,", Grand Prairie, Brian New

"A week ago, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins publicly welcomed as many as 2,000 unaccompanied border children to North Texas.

Two days ago, he announced three possible locations to house the children once they arrive. One of which, the old Lamar Alternative Education Center, is located within the Grand Prairie city limits. However, City of Grand Prairie leaders say they were never notified until hours before the site announcement made public.

The City of Grand Prairie sent a letter to Judge Jenkins and the Grand Prairie Independent School District asking why city leaders were not included in the discussion to make Lamar School a potential shelter site....

In the letter, the mayor writes whether its police or EMS, city services will be impacted once a shelter open....

(Judge) Jenkins told CBS 11′s Brian New that he did notify Grand Prairie’s mayor that Lamar was one of the sites the night before making the announcement. (Judge) Jenkins said, “Community input is important as we find the best way to moved scared and traumatized children from incarceration on the border to compassionate care in Dallas County.”"


Dallas County Judge is chief elected official of the county:

"As the chief-elected official of the county, Judge Jenkins is also responsible for the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Department that provides around the clock staff to protect Dallas County citizens through coordinated security and emergency-management resources with regional and national partners."...

Jenkins, center

7/4/14, "(Dallas County Judge) Clay Jenkins expects fierce debate over immigrant housing plan," Dallas Morning News, Gromer Jeffers, Jr., Political Writer

"Clay Jenkins said Friday that he’s bracing for strong opposition against a Dallas County plan to house and care for 2,000 children who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border alone....

I hope people will listen to their greater angels and see these children as children and not the others,” Jenkins said while attending Rep. Dan Branch’s annual Fourth of July picnic.

On Thursday, Jenkins, a Democrat, announced three proposed sites to house the immigrant children....

Texas has been the main entry point for the more than 50,000 children who’ve come illegally to the U.S., many without adults, from Central American countries ravaged by gang violence and political unrest....

Jenkins has been criticized for politicizing his own plan, including his campaign developing an online fundraising appeal that mentioned the plan to house the immigrant children, and the fact that he first announced the proposal during his speech last week at the Texas Democratic Convention....

State Rep. Jason Villalba, R-Dallas, said Jenkins had shaken a wasp nest by taking a unilateral and wrongheaded approach.

We have an already overburdened public school system and health care delivery infrastructure that will be severely taxed by the addition of persons who have no ability to contribute to the costs of such services,Villalba said.
“To rely on the federal government to provide the requisite resources for this action, when the Obama administration’s unconstitutional executive actions are responsible for the problem in the first place, is disingenuousness and irresponsible,” he said....

But Jenkins says the issue of the immigrant children has nothing to do with the ongoing debate over immigration reform.

“This is not a statement about immigration, but passion toward children,” he said.

Dallas County Republican Party Chairman Wade Emmert, who also attended Branch’s picnic, said many Dallas County citizens don’t believe that there will be no tax implications to Dallas County.

“There should be significant debate on the president’s policy of encouraging unaccompanied minors to make the dangerous trek from Central America to the Texas border,” Emmert said. “Stronger immigration policies and a real effort to secure the border is the most humane response.”"

Image: "Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins at Rep. Dan Branch's Fourth of July picnic." photo DMN staff (Rep. Dan Branch recently lost a Texas Republican primary in a landslide):

5/27/14, Texas Attorney General-Republican Runoff

"Ken Paxton (R) 64%

Dan Branch (R-Crony) 36%"


George Bush erased the southern US border:

A Jan. 1, 2008 law signed by George Bush provides special protections for illegal alien children from non-contiguous countries. The law said they must be turned over to HHS as we're seeing today: 

7/2/14, "Obama seeks change to law that protects immigrant kids," USA Today, Alan Gomez

"The 2008 law, which passed both chambers of Congress by unanimous consent and was signed into law by President George W. Bush, dictates exactly how children caught crossing the border without their parents must be treated.

For children coming from "contiguous countries" – in other words, Mexico and Canada – a Border Patrol officer has the authority to determine whether the child is eligible to stay in the country....

But for children from all other countries, any repatriation to their home country involves a plane flight and more preparation. The law dictates that after being caught, the child must be turned over within 72 hours to the Department of Health and Human Services to care for them and find them safe housing. HHS is also urged to find them legal counsel and child advocates who can explain the process of applying for asylum or identifying other ways to stay in the country."...


Jan. 3, 2008, "William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008," HR 7311

"To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2008 through 2011 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000."... 

HR 7311 was sponsored by California Democrat Rep. Howard Berman.


7/5/14,  "Border Meltdown: Obama Delivering 290,000 Illegals To U.S. Homes," Daily Caller, Neil Munro

"The Central American parents of the 50,000 youths and children are using a 2008 law to ensure their children are transported to them for free by a relay of border patrol and Department of Health and Human Services officials. The youths are delivered to the border patrol by smugglers, dubbed coyotes, in exchange for several thousand dollars....

Experts say that President Barack Obama’s administration has failed to close the loopholes and is unlikely to deport more than a small percentage of the illegals, despite the high unemployment rates among American Latino, African-American and white youths, and the strapped budgets of many cities and towns....

Top immigration officials choose to not check if the relatives or parents who pick up the children are in the country legally....

Few of the illegal immigrants are high-school graduates, or have skills that would allow them to earn more than they cost to federal, state and local taxpayers."... 


4/6/14, "Jeb Bush says illegal immigration often 'an act of love'," Reuters, Peter Cooney  

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