Thursday, July 31, 2014

Border Patrol agents and their children have contracted scabies, lice, or chicken pox from illegal aliens and are in danger of contracting TB per IG report. Agents spend own money to buy food for illegals. No instances of Border Patrol misconduct despite claims by ACLU and other grps.

7/31/14, "Homeland Security Report Confirms Diseases Spreading at Border Facilities," Breitbart, Kerry Picket

"The Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General released a memo on Thursday confirming the problem of communicable diseases that are being spread throughout detention centers.

The OIG outlined a two-week report from the beginning of the month on the detention of Unaccompanied Alien Children. According to DHS IG John Roth’s memo to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, the IG office continues to make unannounced site visits to numerous detention centers along the southern border where Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are temporarily sheltering UACs.

The IG says they did not observe any misconduct or inappropriate conduct of DHS employees during their unannounced visits and did not receive any new complaints during their random interviews of UACs. However, the IG office stressed the problem of communicable diseases that are being spread at the detention centers.

Many UAC and family units require treatment for communicable diseases, including respiratory illnesses, tuberculosis, chicken pox, and scabies,” the IG report said. “UAC and family unit illnesses and unfamiliarity with bathroom facilities resulted in unsanitary conditions and exposure to human waste in some holding facilities.” The report continued:
Contract cleaners and OHS employees are working to maintain sanitary conditions. DHS employees reported exposure to communicable diseases and becoming sick on duty. For example, during a recent site visit to the Del Rio USBP Station and Del Rio Port of Entry, CBP personnel reported contracting scabies, lice, and chicken pox. Two CBP Officers reported that their children were diagnosed with chicken pox within days of the CBP Officers’ contact with a UAC who had chicken pox. In addition, USBP personnel at the Clint Station and Santa Teresa Station reported that they were potentially exposed to tuberculosis. 
A senior spokesman for the CDC told Marc Siegel at that HHS is spearheading medical services for facilities in southwest Texas and Arizona. According to Slate, it takes two to three weeks “for a vaccine to confer protection, [so] more cases of flu are likely within the centers. It is also possible that the disease will spread to the local community and beyond.”

Additionally, the IG report says that DHS employees are “donating clothing, toys, and games to UAC and family units,” as well as buying food “with their own money, to supplement contract food supplies.”"


7/31/14, "Border agents cleared of civil rights complaints from illegal immigrant children," Washington Times, Stephen Dinan

"Internal investigators have already dismissed most complaints of civil rights violations against immigration agents handling the surge of illegal immigrant children on the border, the Homeland Security Department inspector general said in a new report Thursday that details near-heroic efforts agents and officers are making.

In its first report since the surge, the IG said agents have contracted everything from scabies and lice to chicken pox, including bringing the disease home to their own children, as they care for the children. Investigators also said they saw instances of agents and officers spending their own money to buy toys, clothing and food for children and families.

The report largely clears immigration authorities of dozens of complaints of civil rights violations detailed in a complaint last month from the American Civil Liberties Union and other immigrant-rights advocates.

Of the 116 complaints the ACLU filed, the IG has dismissed 78 of them. The other 38 are still under review.

Investigators said in addition to looking at the old complaints, they made 87 unannounced visits to 63 sites including border entry points, Border Patrol checkpoints, holding facilities where children are being kept and the new facility in New Mexico specifically designed to detain illegal immigrant families.

They found no evidence of misconduct, and none of the children they randomly interviewed reported problems, the IG said." via Mark Levin show


Retired Border Patrol agent Zach Taylor tells what's going on at the former US southern border. published 7/19/14


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