Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Thad Cochran admits he's an outsider in Mississippi, on May 30, 2014 referred to Washington, DC as "back home." An embarrassment for GOP Establishment and Haley Barbour

Of Cochran's longtime executive assistant he said, "She's popular back home and I am glad she's a member of my staff.”... 

5/31/14, "Cochran Accidentally Calls Obamacare 'Important Effort of the Federal Government'," Breitbart, Matthew Boyle, Biloxi, Miss.

"When Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) goes on the record with reporters, it always seems to bring a surprise or two....

In a third interview, Cochran addressed controversy over his longtime executive assistant, Kay Webber, for the first time, saying she is “an outstanding member of my staff.”

“Well, I haven't seen any real attacks on her," Cochran said when Fox 13 Memphis asked him about criticism of Webber. “I've seen speculation and heard a lot of rumors, but we are not running a campaign based on rumors. She is an outstanding member of my staff and has been there a long time. She's popular back home and I am glad she's a member of my staff.”"...

Source for Cochran "back home" quote:

5/30/14, "Cochran Campaigns In DeSoto Co. Days Before Primary,", Tom Dees, Mississippi correspondent


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