Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stop Jeb Now and Reject Common Core pix from anti-Jeb, anti Common Core rally in Cincinnati outside $32,400 a plate RNC fundraiser. Participants point out both RNC and Hamilton County, Ohio GOP passed resolutions rejecting Common Core

6/16/14, "Common Core “Stop Jeb Now” Rally – Pictures,", "Grassroots organizing for liberty in Ohio and beyond."

"In Cincinnati on Monday, the RNC held a $32,400 per “co-chair” fundraiser with featured speaker, former Florida Governor, Jeb Bush. Rally attendees were on hand from Ohioans Against Common Core to point out to Mr. Bush – a major pro Common Core cheerleader – that both the Hamilton County GOP and the RNC have passed resolutions rejecting the initiative.

The goal of the rally was also to:
“…let Reince Priebus know, Southwest Ohio opposes Common Core, and that Jeb Bush is not the candidate that the base of conservatives in THE key county in THE key state want to see on the 2016 Presidential ballot.” (Link)
Get better acquainted with Jeb Bush and his view on Common Core in this interview: (5 min.)

Learn more about some of Jeb Bush’s other policy positions at this link:

Learn more about this event from the Blaze at this link:

Event invitation and “price list.

Pictures from the event / rally:"...




Video of Anti-Jeb, Anti Common Core Rally: by Ann Becker (One minute video of rally, includes brief explanation of purpose at the beginning, ends with great music):
"Jeb Bush Protest in Ohio over Common Core"

(More photos at link)


"The Gates Foundation spread money...."

6/7/14, "How Bill Gates pulled off the swift Common Core revolution," Washington Post, Lyndsey Layton

"The Gates Foundation spread money across the political spectrum, to entities including the big teachers unions, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, and business organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — groups that have clashed in the past but became vocal backers of the standards.
Money flowed to policy groups on the right and left, funding research by scholars of varying political persuasions who promoted the idea of common standards. Liberals at the Center for American Progress and conservatives affiliated with the American Legislative Exchange Council who routinely disagree on nearly every issue accepted Gates money and found common ground on the Common Core....

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush, whose nonprofit Foundation for Excellence in Education has received about $5.2 million from the Gates Foundation since 2010, is one of the Common Core’s most vocal supporters....

Whether the Common Core will deliver on its promise is an open question.

Tom Loveless, a former Harvard professor who is an education policy expert at the Brookings Institution, said the Common Core was “built on a shaky theory.” He said he has found no correlation between quality standards and higher student achievement.

“Everyone who developed standards in the past has had a theory that standards will raise achievement, and that’s not happened,” Loveless said.

Jay P. Greene, head of the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas, says the Gates Foundation’s overall dominance in education policy has subtly muffled dissent.

“Really rich guys can come up with ideas that they think are great, but there is a danger that everyone will tell them they’re great, even if they’re not,” Greene said."...


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