Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sarah Palin: Thank-you, Virginia and congratulations to Dave Brat on his victory. Next on the way to November are Chris McDaniel, TW Shannon, and Rob Maness who are also being massively outspent by the Establishment

6/11/14, Sarah Palin: "Congratulations to Dave Brat in Virginia on such an encouraging victory tonight! You shocked the political world and reminded D.C. that power lies with We the People and not any conventional party establishment. Dave Brat was massively outspent (more than 10 to 1) and laughed off by most, but he won the trust of voters the old fashioned way – one by one.

Dave Brat and citizen
Tonight’s victory showed the power of the local grassroots- the ones with boots on the ground who put up the campaign signs and go door to door to provide needed support for great candidates. Appreciation also goes to those with powerful microphones like Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter and others who recognized Dave’s strengths and had the guts to provide him a megaphone to reach concerned citizens.

Grassroots commonsense conservatives can use this momentum to push good candidates like Chris McDaniel, T.W. Shannon, and Rob Maness to victory for America. These candidates are also being massively outspent by establishment candidates and they need our help and energy.

Thank you, Virginia! On to November!

- Sarah Palin"
Dave Brat photo from Sarah Palin Facebook page. via Mark Levin twitter


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