Thursday, June 26, 2014

Mitt Romney's campaign manager, Haley Barbour, John Cornyn, the Chamber of Commerce et al. accomplished in 3 weeks what the GOP has been trying to do for decades: Get rid of the conservative base. It's "Christmas Morning" for the GOP

It would be "Christmas Morning" for the GOP if the conservative base was angry enough to leave the Republican Party for good. Mr. Wright ties the loose ends together:

6/25/14, "Despicable Haley Barbour and the Mississippi Mafia: They’ve no idea what they’ve done….." C. Edmund Wright

"It is obviously karma that Haley Barbour is equipped with looks that resemble Ned Beatty from the “purty mouth” scene in the movie Deliverance - or perhaps his portrayal of the corrupt Senator in the movie Shooter. Given that the former head of the Republican National Committee and Mississippi Governor will evidently wallow in the excreta and politically copulate with just about anyone, it’s appropriate....
Haley Barbour

Consider: Haley’s Mississippi mafia has spent the past three weeks verifying Barbour’s electoral promiscuity in his hysteria to drag old Thad Cochran – and by old, I mean an OLD 76 – across the finish line against challenger Chris McDaniel. And by Mississippi mafia – in this case – I mean Barbour, Karl Rove, John Cornyn, the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), Mayor Bloomberg, Mitt Romney’s campaign manager, Facebook’s President, the Chamber of Crony Commerce, liberal black activists, various lobbyists, GOP consultants and Super PACs – to name a few. I would include Cochran himself in this cabal, but it is unclear if he could pass a thorough autopsy – and his presence often seemed irrelevant, if not detrimental.

Rumors have it this is the general attitude among his own Senate staffers too.

Certainly this kind of activity is not a new development for Barbour, now a wealthy lobbyist and power broker – yet what he and his minions did the past three weeks in Mississippi has now set a new low standard for odious campaign tactics practiced by the Republican Establishment. The corrupt, unethical and immoral political cross-dressing that Ned, er, Haley and his team implemented over the past 21 days is simply breathtaking.

To start with, the Cochran camp bragged about polling some 35 thousand mostly African American Democrat votes to their side – in yes, a Republican Primary.

These votes corrupted what should have been about an 8-9 per cent win for McDaniel. Never mind that the 35 thousand Democrats will never vote for any Republican in any general election beyond maybe 15-20% – and that they were motivated by walking around money, the promise of even more pork coming Mississippi’s way – and all manner of other considerations. This was in fact verified by Mississippi’s Democrat Party Chairman Ricky Cole.

To make it worse, one motivational tactic used on African Americans was to parrot the liberal line that Tea Partiers are racists and want to suppress the black vote. Say what you want about political infidelity, but using liberal talking points against other Republicans is as low as you can go Ned.

In addition, the NRSC gave their staff the “week off,” then redeployed them to Mississippi to do whatever it took to turn out Democrats for ole Thad. Keep in mind, the NRSC raises money under the guise that they work against Democrats. In Mississippi, they bribed Democrats. This was an all out effort by Washington Republicans, all the while moaning about “outside groups” polluting the pristine Mississippi electorate on behalf of McDaniel.

And it gets even more contemptible. According to The Hill, Hinds County GOP Chairman Pete Perry was paid by pro-Cochran Mississippi Conservatives PAC to conduct unspecified get-out-the-vote efforts for Cochran. Now rather obviously, this is a smidgeon of a potential conflict of interest between Perry’s duties as county GOP chairman and his work for the Cochran campaign.

So where did all the money for this come from? A bunch of it came from a lobbyist and Senator only fund raiser hosted by Mitch McConnell – who fresh off savaging Matt Bevin – raised some 800 thousand dollars from Washington to do the same to McDaniel the very day after the Primary three weeks ago. This is the same McConnell who has yet to savage Barack Obama over anything.

And then there’s the Chamber of Commerce, who’s cronies dumped 100 thousand dollars a day into media – which goes a long way in this state – behind Cochran. Got to keep that crony capitalism coming.

Moreover, there was never even any pretense that Cochran understands, let alone concurs with, conservative base principles. He ran about as shamelessly liberal a campaign as any Mississippi Democrat would run. He didn’t even pretend to be conservative.

Did I mention that this was a Republican Primary?

Now Barbour is fond of saying that “Mike Castle is the best we can ever do” in Delaware, and has said the same of Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Scott Brown and other moderates in the Senate. He uses this as his justification for working against people like Christine O’Donnell and Sharon Angle. He self-righteously claims this in his frequent speeches to Republican organizations.

Frankly, he’s right about Brown – but he’s wrong about Castle and maybe about Snow and Collins – but for the sake of argument, I’ll concede Haley’s point for just a minute. If this “best we can ever do” litmus is the guiding philosophy, then are you telling me that 

Thad Cochran “is the best we can ever do” in Mississippi?

Hell no he’s not! It would be hard to do any worse in Mississippi.

By Haley’s own theory, he should have been working to defeat Cochran, not desperately pulling out every trick in the book, and some that aren’t even in the book, to preserve power for a man so clueless that he doesn’t even know what the Tea Party movement is about. Yes, I realize that argument uses logic, and up against the naked aggression of power preservation, logic doesn’t stand a chance.

Obviously, Barbour and his coterie are not concerned with any philosophy or principles other than greed and power. They are much more interested in certain people retaining government power than they are reducing government power in the first place. This is the axis on which the tension between the GOP establishment and the Tea Party / base exists. This intramural battle is of course pleasing to the Democrats. It’s the only thing standing between them and electoral disaster this November." via Free Republic


10/16/13, Rush Limbaugh says it would be "Christmas Morning" for the GOP if it could get rid of its conservative base and that they plan to anger the base enough so it leaves. The GOP wants democrat voters which they see as a group who'll be dependent on them and unable to give them trouble:
10/16/13, "GOP Seeks to Rid Itself of the Tea Party," Rush Limbaugh

"So it's a done deal, and for the conservatives, it's regroup time. I just want you to be prepared.  There's gonna be an all-out assault on the people that you think have done a good job and by extension an all-out assault on you It's gonna come from both parties, gonna come from the media....

There will be a fast move in Republican circles to push "comprehensive immigration reform," to go all-in now.  I can't tell you what the Republicans think they're gonna achieve, except this: I really do believe that some of this is oriented toward driving the conservatives out of the party.  I really think some of this is oriented toward the Republicans actually seeking to get rid of their conservative base.

Even if it takes 15 years in the wilderness to rebuild a new base of people who don't embarrass them, of people who are of the right temperament.  Maybe that's what they're willing to do.  Maybe they've got commitments from their donors to keep 'em afloat if they just get rid of some of these wacko right-wing extremists. "We'll just go all-in here. We'll try to put together a new base of really responsible moderate, temperate, independent-type American voters.

"We'll go out, we'll expand our demographics, we'll get a lot of Hispanics doing this, by throwing away the Tea Party, and we'll get a lot of women voters coming back. We'll throw away our base, and we'll get the transgender and the lesbian, gay, bisexual groups, we'll go out and get the Indians that are ticked off at the Redskins. We'll get them! We'll come out against that, and pretty soon we're gonna own the country."

That is the way they're thinking, and all they gotta do to bring all that off? All they gotta do is throw away their base.  That's Christmas morning for 'em.  Now, the Democrats never stop whipping up their base.  Have you noticed?  There's never any pressure on the Democrats to get rid of their base, and you never hear Democrats ripping in their base. You never hear the Democrats acting embarrassed -- and believe me, their base is genuine Looney Tunes....

But the Democrats never act embarrassed by 'em, never act like they want to get rid of 'em. They never, ever do anything other than whip them up, keep them engaged, and turn them out.  Meanwhile, the Republicans are tamping their base down.  Why? 'Cause the Democrats don't like their (the Republicans') base, and it's more important to be liked by the Democrats within the establishment, I guess, than it is to have the current base they've got."...image from


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