Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Lobbyist to billionaires Haley Barbour imagines himself an elected official of the US, separate from the American people, saying 'the American people will have a right to be furious with us' if we don't 'control the border.' Breitbart

Who is "us," Mr. Barbour? "Haley Barbour, like so many before and after him, is a lobbyist. Principle hurts his bottom line."...Erick Erickson

6/16/14, "Haley Barbour: Congress Can Still Pass Amnesty After Cantor Defeat," Breitbart, Tony Lee

"On Monday, despite House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's (R-VA) shocking primary loss last week that was viewed as a referendum against amnesty legislation, former Mississippi Governor and lobbyist Haley Barbour said the House could still pass amnesty legislation this year. 

"I don't think Eric's loss should have anything to do with it," Barbour said at the New York Meeting before pushing for a bill that would give a pathway to citizenship to "everybody's who's here illegally" so long as they confess they are in America illegally, pay fines and back taxes, and are put on probation.

Barbour said the House should pass "a very strong bill" that is to the right of the Senate's comprehensive amnesty bill and emphasized that "we gotta control the border at the end of the day or the American people will have a right to be furious with us."

Barbour talked about the struggling American economy and blamed Obama's policies for the country's lack of jobs, but he refused to acknowledge that amnesty legislation that would flood the U.S. with more foreign workers would make it tougher for Americans to find jobs while lowering their wages.

He also referenced the thousands of illegal immigrant children who are flooding across the U.S. border and being warehoused without mentioning that they are coming to the United States thinking they will be granted amnesty. When President Barack Obama indicates he will unilaterally ease deportations or Barbour pushes for amnesty legislation, they entice more illegal immigrants to make the treacherous trek to America.

The monthly meeting is run by Mallory Factor and O’Brien Murray, and panelists included the Wall Street Journal's James Taranto and Mary Kissel and the New York Times's Jim Rutenberg."


Haley Barbour is on the Board of Directors of billionaire backed advocacy group "Americans for a Conservative Direction" which urges members of Congress to make immigration laws more favorable for the hiring of foreign workers by Silicon Valley billionaires:

5/4/2013, "Latest Product From Tech Firms: An Immigration Bill," NY Times, by Eric Lipton and Somini Sengupta

"But most who watched the commercial, sponsored by a new group that calls itself Americans for a Conservative Direction may be surprised to learn who bankrolled it: senior executives from Silicon Valley, like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn, who run companies where the top employees donate mostly to Democrats. 

The advertising blitz reflects the sophisticated lobbying campaign being waged by technology companies and their executives. ...
Those deals were worked out through what Senate negotiators acknowledged was extraordinary access by American technology companies to staff members who drafted the bill. The companies often learned about detailed provisions even before all the members of the so-called Gang of Eight senators who worked out the package were informed."...

"Why is a prostitute for the special interests like Haley Barbour even allowed into a conservative meeting?" commenter

6/17/14, "Principle over Profits," RedState.com, Erick Erickson

"Yesterday at the New York Meeting, a gathering of conservatives in New York, Haley Barbour said the GOP’s goal should not be purity. He also praised Eric Cantor.

There is a great disconnect in the political press and among politicians like Haley Barbour over the endgame of conservatives in America. It is not actually about purity for the sake of purity. It never has been. What it has been about is getting people into office who mean what they say and say what they mean. It has, in other words, been about putting men and women in office who put principle over profit."...

Among comments to Erickson article:



After the Dave Brat victory here in Virginia, one comment struck me, made in reference to Eric Cantor, "we are voters, not his (Cantor's) vassals." Building a conservative firewall against K Street and all of those with intentions to destroy our republic will take a long time to build, but it is worth the effort. I have to be able to tell my children and future generations that I tried."


Why is a prostitute for the special interests like Haley Barbour even allowed into a conservative meeting? That guy would sell out his own mother if there was a lobbying dollar in it for him. Barbour and his equally sleazy nephew should be persona non grata at conservative meetings."


Just two questions: Why a conservative meeting in NY, and why was Barbour there?"


Senator Thad Cochran's lack of a forceful response to a question about Obamacare and his ties to lobbyist scandals that banished the GOP by 2007 on are indicators of rot and a do- nothing- for- the- conservatives and the people of Mississippi if it rocks a gravy train.
Thad 's mush knee generic reply about monitoring health care may have been directed at the VA scandal not Ocare his office later corrected. Either target, Thad's is unwilling to take a stand to Repeal Ocare and fire and punish the men and women who mismanaged criminally the VA. Thad's lack of immediate concern signals corruption and the gridlock that permeates DC. Barbour is king of the network that perpetuates this system of scratch my back from DC to Mississippi. He backs amnesty now and runs with those who do not secure borders at home or abroad. Barbour runs with the abortion crowd who constitute the Hail O crowd. Why, I do not know or care.

May Chris McDaniel win the run off so liberty and light can shine. May he guard the people's money as precious resources and protect our economy.

Then I worry about him and all those lobbyists and donors we never see. Its a pity our people have no org and four walls with members like a tea party caucus and foundation. with members to remind them who sent them there."


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