Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24 In Mississippi ends what began on June 3 as "an agonizing blow" to the permanent political class: 'McDaniel's upset showing is an agonizing blow to entrenched GOP leaders,' Politico...Chris McDaniel 'won key battleground of DeSoto County handily...and pulled an upset in Cochran's Coast stronghold,' Clarion-Ledger


6/3/14, McDaniel supporters election night in Hattiesburg, via NY Times: "On election night in Hattiesburg, Miss., supporters cheered Mr. McDaniel, who forced a runoff in the Senate primary." George Clark, AP

"McDaniel’s upset showing is an agonizing blow to entrenched GOP leaders in Jackson and Washington D.C."


6/3/14, "Cochran, McDaniel: Runoff likely," Clarion-Ledger, by Geoff Pender and Deborah Barfield Berry and Dustin Barnes 
"McDaniel on Tuesday won the key battleground of DeSoto County handily, 65 percent to 35 percent, and pulled an upset in Jackson County, in Cochran's Coast stronghold, winning there 49.5 percent to Cochran's 47.6 percent....
Turnout ended up better than early indications and estimates, at about 300,000 for the GOP primary, around the same number as the heated 2012 presidential primary."...images above, Haley Barbour, Karl Rove


6/4/14, "Thad Cochran-Chris McDaniel barrels toward runoff," Politico, Alexander Burns 


"McDaniel: June 24th we make history," Chris McDaniel for United States Senate

Chris McDaniel video via Mississippi Conservative Daily.


Please, Mississippi, help us remove the entrenched political class pushing open borders for cheaper labor:

6/23/14, "The Straw that May Break the Establishment's Back," American Thinker, William Sullivan

 "Just as Rome could not have been built in a day, the razing of the corrupt edifice it became took more than a day, too.  And given the bold and prescient social contract our Founders gave us, we have no need to sack the Capitol, but to employ the Constitutional measures afforded us to reclaim the sovereignty which is rightfully ours, and has never rightfully belonged to an elite gaggle of career politicians in Washington.

This is the entire premise driving Chris McDaniel in running a winnable campaign against six-term incumbent Thad Cochran in Mississippi, and why Dr. Milton Wolf may very well win a campaign in Kansas against three-term establishment Republican Pat Roberts.  These will both be elections to watch with keen interest....

The illegal immigration issue, and the recent unsustainable and calculated influx, has only brought what was once an obscure abstraction into the realm of uncomfortable reality for Americans, reaffirming our nation’s need for borders, and the enforcement of them.... 

Illegal, 6/13/14, UK Daily Mail
To grant any path to citizenship for lawbreakers prior to securing our borders and enforcing existing federal law is nothing more than an effort to subvert our existing law. Americans will not tolerate this, which is why the recent outcry against the influx of illegal immigrants has come to pass, and illegal immigration will continue to be, barring a drastic change in public policy that Barack Obama may be attempting to signify, a rallying issue against the Washington establishment."...

Image of so-called Central American "child" via UK Daily Mail: 6/13/14, Caption with image: "Disease: A border guard said the resources are so slim that diseased children are separated simply by yellow police evidence tape.

"Known gang members among thousands of illegal immigrant children storming the U.S. border and officials are now trying to silence officers from talking to the media," UK Daily Mail, by Ashley Collman and Ryan Parry In Nogales, Arizona  

Illegals, 6/5/14
Illegals, 6/5/14

Two images above: 6/5/14, "Leaked Images Reveal Children Warehoused in Crowded U.S. Cells, Border Patrol Overwhelmed," Breitbart Texas, Brandon Darby 


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