Sunday, June 8, 2014

If Thad Cochran won't debate Chris McDaniel, how about a 'debate' with an empty chair? Like when David Dewhurst refused to debate Ted Cruz. MSNBC really likes Cochran, so there's that. Comments to article about Cochran's loss of acuity and his campaign's denial

6/7/14, "Thad Cochran’s campaign denies he’s a lackwit," Streiff,

"On the day of the Mississippi primary election, The Atlantic’s Molly Ball published a profile on septuagenarian Senator Thad Cochran called Thad Cochran, the last of the naïve Republicans. Great piece. I encourage you to read it. It gives a good profile of the pathetic nature of Cochran, his campaign, and his supporters. What is most interesting is the way Ball revealed his severely diminished mental acuity:

"I followed Cochran from the square to a local diner, Jean’s Restaurant, where patrons swiveled away from plastic plates of boiled okra and corn fritters to shake his hand. On the wall were two framed photographs of Chris McDaniel. The restaurant’s owner, Diane Trammell, told me McDaniel had visited twice and stayed for an hour each time. “I don’t recall the last time I seen Thad,” she said. She’d always voted for Cochran in the past, but now she wasn’t sure.

Cochran didn’t pose for any pictures during his brief sweep. As he made his way toward the exit, the senator held out his hand to me. I had met and interviewed him less than half an hour before. “Hello, how are you doing?” he said with a kindly smile. “I’m Thad Cochran.”"
Thad Cochran, not a genius on his best day, has had his mental faculties the subject of rumors for some time....It was a subject widely discussed in political circles but only now seeping into the public consciousness. For instance, Dave Weigel writing in Thad Cochran and the age issue no one wants to talk about....

Let’s cut to the chase. Thad Cochran is an old man. Nothing inherently wrong with that, in fact, most of us aspire to that status. But where some old men have wisdom and mental acuity, Thad Cochran is manifestly not one of them. He is disinterested in politics beyond wanting to be a senator, he is unable to answer softball questions, and he can’t remember who he talked to a mere half hour after the event. Even his staff can’t deny this."...

8 among comments to above at RedState:



If Cochran't won't debate, and the Miss MSM can't successfully force one ( which I think they can easily do - unless they don't want to help McDaniel) then Chris should borrow a page from Clint Eastwood..which would be wildly popular in Miss, and hold a "debate" with an empty chair on the stage."


Heh, heh, that's sounds like a good idea. The only problem I see with that is that a faux debate would likely make Cochran look far more in touch than he is or has been for some time now."


Ted Cruz did that to Dewhurst, only since the forum had all the candidates seated at a long table on stage, he had the empty chair and a milk carton with Dewhurst's picture on it. I only went to one meet the candidate event, but I imagine that milk carton traveled all over Texas with Cruz! Dewhurst never bothered to show up, assuming that Senate seat was his to buy/inherit."


Shades of Robert Byrd, a denizen of D.C., who hadn't even visited his home state of W. Virginia in over two years prior to his death in office following 50 years of image building by his staff and his propagandists in the media."


I was thinking the same thing. Pathetic how they would wheel Bobby in for important votes and wheel him out again after the vote was cast. The "greatest deliberative body" indeed."

Sen. Robert Byrd in 2009 at age 91.


He is a senile old fart living a real life version of Weekend at Bernie's being propped up by his coterie of scumbag lackeys because he is their meal ticket at the Royal Court of St. Inside the Beltway."


The morons on MSNBC have been heavily supporting Thad; which says a lot."


It says all you need to know. IF I knew nothing else about him, this would be enough."


Image above AP from article, Byrd was 91 at the time: Nov. 18, 2009, "Sen. Robert Byrd D-W.Va., accompanied by long time staffer and scheduler Martha Anne McIntosh, waves as he arrives back on Capitol Hill in August. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh, File)

"West Virginia Sen. Robert C. Byrd becomes longest-serving U.S. lawmaker," AP via, 

WASHINGTON  -- "West Virginia Sen. Robert C. Byrd became the longest-serving lawmaker in congressional history Wednesday, a milestone to be marked with a morning of Senate tributes and a special resolution....

Friday is his 92nd birthday."


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