Monday, June 2, 2014

Mississippi can end ProxyGate and cure national cancer on June 3: Don't elect Haley and Henry Barbour via proxy Thad Cochran and begin at last to free the country and the GOP from decades long cancer of the George Bush family dynasty. America needs its two party system back


"We need new leadership and a new vision for the GOP, like Reagan provided.
"The American new conservative majority we represent is not based on abstract theorizing of the kind that turns off the American people, but on common sense, intelligence, reason, hard work, faith in God, and the guts to say: “Yes, there are things we do strongly believe in, that we are willing to live for, and yes, if necessary, to die for.” That is not “ideological purity.” It is simply what built this country and kept it great." Ronald Reagan, February 6, 1977- CPAC- “A New Republican Party”

Everything old is new again. The broken GOP of the 70′s has fallen back into its rut, and We The People need to breathe new life into it, and subsequently, the country as a whole.

Three days before an important primary vote in Mississippi, the establishment GOP (GOPe) got their message put in the New York Times. People like Haley Barbour, who is really fighting for his future political influence, and Senator Ron Johnson, who turned against the conservative wave that washed him into office, repeat the same dogged message that has been heard all year. That outside influences are just trying to make money attacking the establishment Republicans, and that so-called purists in the GOP have to face the political reality that the GOP is going to remain a minority party.

Conservatives reject the notion that we are purists, what is being done to us by the GOPe is simple. 

In order to deflect any blame for the direction of the country, and their poor decision-making on messaging, amnesty, and a refusal to fight for traditional conservative values, they have refused to listen to their base, and instead, are attacking us for putting principles above personal and political expediency.

From the New York Times:

"The atmosphere has the energetic but hostile tone that helped propel conservatives to success in 2010. Yet outside of this hermetic setting, where the Republican Leadership Conference was meeting this weekend, the political reality was sharply different: Incumbents are fending off Tea Party challengers in primary after primary, and the establishment is reasserting itself as the party’s center of gravity."

First of all, the political reality is what can be provided with the proper leadership. The current leadership of the GOP, at every level, reacts and parries, rather than takes charge and assaults the left. 

They conduct themselves as if their boss is the Democrat Party, and they take the beating from them, look at us, and give us the beating to make themselves feel better. But no more. This nation has had enough of a morally bankrupt Democrat Party, and sees the GOP as collaborators toward the country’s demise.

We need Statesmen. They offer us members in good standing with the King’s Court.

"The ultimate test of its strength will come on Tuesday in Mississippi, where Senator Thad Cochran, a 76-year-old master of pork-barrel spending who is seeking a seventh termwill face a challenge from State Senator Chris McDaniel, who has attracted support from Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum and an array of conservative groups."

And McDaniel has the momentum right now. The latest poll, according to the Clarion Ledger has McDaniel at 46.4% to Cochran’s 44.3%. The nation has complained that the country is going the wrong way, and the GOPe offers Mississippi a man who has been in DC for 42 years, who didn’t want to run for a 7th term,but is doing so in order for the likes of Haley Barbour to pick a new Senator in a couple years when Cochran formally retires. Anything to keep new blood out of the party. A party that is not going to come out of this civil war with any dignity until they admit they need help.

Not all are Reaganites, but Reagan spoke of the constitution, free markets, opportunity, he spoke to us as individuals.  He spoke of principles. The current leadership speaks to groups, just like the left. They played footsie with the constitutionalists, but dropped their fake overtures when the Democrats said they had a constitution fetish. Since the Bushie moderates took over the party, they have used Reagan to get elected, and threw his agenda in the mud to gain social status. That is going to end.

"Emboldened by their success, establishment Republicans are using tough language about the party’s more conservative groups. They are suggesting that the federal government shutdown last fall — led by hard-liners like Senator Ted Cruz of Texas — and this year’s primary results have staggered the organizations claiming the Tea Party mantle."

What success? This ain’t over, not this year, or 2016, or 2018, or
2020.  We aren’t stopping until you do something you seem to know how to do to the Democrats, but not your own base. Capitulate.

And what about Ted Cruz, the guy that the capitulation experts treated like dirt when he led the charge to defund Obamacare? He won the straw poll at the very conference this NYT writer focuses on with a whopping 30.33%.

The truth is, America is turning weary of a useless opposition party, and wants some strength, the strength we have shown in the past during revolutionary periods and wars when it was the country’s future at stake. That kind of strength is out here in the nation, and needs to be represented in DC.

“This is a bunch of out-of-state political gunslingers who have crowned themselves as the leaders of Tea Party Republicanism and are raising money in the name of a more conservative party and spending it all attacking Republicans,” former Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi said in an interview at the meeting here."

Don’t get me started on Haley Barbour. In 2009, that man showed up here in Michigan and said, “Politics is about multiplication, not division,” and proceeded to tell us that dropping the conservative traditional values would make the GOP more viable. I agree it is about multiplication, but what of Barbour’s own division, going on local talk radio in Mississippi to lie about State Senator McDaniel, and being a key player in the effort to smear McDaniel for photos taken of Cochran’s wife.

Haley, and his nephew Henry, are key players in the new leadership of the Republican Party, pushing for amnesty when it will lead to more losses for the GOP. To the Barbour’s, math isn’t a strong point.

"“If in 2016 we don’t have these people raising millions of Republican dollars and using it to attack Republicans, then we’ll be stronger against the Democrats for president and for keeping the House and for hopefully keeping the Senate,” said Mr. Barbour, who was one of the few speakers at the meeting to urge party unity."

This is the most disgusting lecherous poison coming from a forked tongue. What Barbour says here is that the public has no reason to reject the status quo. How stupid does he think the American people are? If people like Cochran and McConnell feel it’s necessary to outspend these small groups by a ten to one margin, who's wasting the money? What a joke! Remember that the Barbours are in the leadership club, and he shows just how the GOPe thinks of the American people.  It’s a “take it and like it” attitude that will never set well for the nation, and especially a GOP who remembers the individualist Reagan.

"Establishment Republicans are mocking conservative groups that are trumpeting their lower-profile House primary victories, like last week’s runoff defeat of 91-year-old Representative Ralph M. Hall of Texas. 

“That’s pathetic,” said Mr. Reed, of the Chamber of Commerce. “They’re bragging that they beat old Ralph Hall.”

Scott Reed is the conduit between the Republican Party and Big Business.  He is not talking here like a leader of an apolitical pro-entrepreneur, pro-small business group.  He is talking like he’s in the game in DC, because he is. Scott Reed is a former RNC suit who is now the political  head of the Chamber of Commerce, and is not making it clear that there is a distinction between big business and the GOP, because there is no distinction the leadership wishes to detail.

Scott Reed offers the DNC the GOP’s throat, because he proves their point that the current GOP only cares about big money and big business. These affiliations only hurt a shrinking party that Reagan successfully grew to become about the dreams of every man. The incestual relationship between the Chamber of Commerce and Republican lobbyists would be one thing, but now they attack the traditional, Reaganite base, and laugh at their efforts. Unity? Not while these dirtbags exist.

Republican Party leadership, you are rejecting your party workhorses and Statesmen in favor of your own political expediency and personal greed of your apparatchiks.

Don’t be surprised when the full realization and disgust of your wasted opportunities leaves you in the dust."

Added: Angelo Codevilla points to the Ruling Class as the source of the country's problems. Three citations:


(One): 2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes, op-ed  

They "collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old."....(subhead 'Public Safety')


(Two) 12/15/13, "Breaking The UniParty," Angelo Codevilla,

 "So long as the Uniparty exists, mere voters will have no way of affecting what the government does."

(Three): 10/20/11, "The lost decade," [2001-2011] Angelo M. Codevilla, Claremont Institute

"Our ruling class justified its ever-larger role in America’s domestic life by redefining war as a never-ending struggle against unspecified enemies for abstract objectives, and by asserting expertise far above that of ordinary Americans. (parag. 9)...It failed to ask the classic headwaters question: what is the problem?...(subhead, 'Whatever it takes')

"Whatever it Takes"...

That would have pointed to the Middle East’s regimes, and to our ruling class’ relationship with them, as the problem’s ultimate source. The rulers of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Palestinian Authority had run (and continue to run) educational and media systems that demonize America. Under all of them, the Muslim Brotherhood or the Wahhabi sect spread that message in religious terms to Muslims in the West as well as at home.


That message indicts America, among other things, for being weak.

And indeed, ever since the 1970s U.S. policy had responded to acts of war and terrorism from the Muslim world by absolving the regimes for their subjects’ actions....Many influential Americans were making money in the Arab world."... 


Comment: Not well known is that the GOP establishment lost four big races this year before Texas, two in Florida, one in Pennsylvania, and one in North Carolina. In North Carolina congressional primary a well financed former George W. Bush staffer lost to an incumbent that John Boehner and the Establishment desperately wanted to get rid of and failed to. The NY Times says the Tea Party has lost "primary after primary," but the Tea Party has never been on the ballot. It's not a political party. Additionally, there are serious frauds and GOP Establishment co-opt jobs operating under the Tea Party name that have been ongoing since 2010. One in particular collects millions of dollars a year from small donors, gives little or none of the money directly to candidates, and is accepted as a national voice for the TP. This fraud has been reported since 2010 but nothing has been done to stop it.

So what? The problems that led to the TP's origin are still here. With the exception of Andrew Breitbart, most committed to removing these problems are still here and still committed.

Anti-establishment groups don't have to call themselves Tea Party. The March 2014 Pennsylvania winner was affiliated with a local group that pre-dated the TP by 4 years. He was sworn in on 4/2/14 as a Republican Pennsylvania State Senator.


Citations for four 2014 GOP Establishment losses not including Texas: North Carolina, Florida (2), and Pennsylvania (for statewide office):
  •   ------------------------------
1. North Carolina:

5/7/14, "DC GOP Establishment Flops in NC," Francis De Luca, Civitas Institute, "North Carolina's Conservative Voice"

"In a race that saw big outside money spent by “independent groups,” the Washington establishment suffered a defeat. I am not talking about the GOP primary for the U.S. Senate race to face Sen. Kay Hagan, which, by the end, was not really competitive; I am talking about the 3rd Congressional District in eastern North Carolina. 

The incumbent, Rep. Walter Jones Jr., defeated challenger Taylor Griffin in a race that saw Griffin’s D.C. and New York allies independently spend more than a million dollars to defeat Jones. This does not count the money Griffin was able to raise for his campaign from the same well-connected crowd of insiders, enabling him to out raise Jones in the final reporting period. By the way, a million dollars goes a long way in the Eastern North Carolina media market.

Proportionally, more money was spent in the 3rd District primary than was spent on the U.S. Senate primary when compared to candidate spending. The disparity is even greater when you factor in the cost of the 3rd District media market versus the cost of statewide media buys. This is not an indictment of independent expenditures or of more money in campaigns. In fact, campaign spending of all types is good – it drives turnout. In the 3rd District, the turnout was up over 60 percent from the primary in 2010. That meant voters learned more about both candidates, and they preferred the incumbent to the Washington insider.

Why did this race attract such big money in a primary? Walter Jones is a 20-year incumbent, first getting elected to Congress in 1994 after having served multiple terms in the state legislature. Jones has had a record that can best be described as independent. He is solidly conservative on social issues and has opposed increasing the debt limit and the bailouts Congress passed in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

What appears to be his biggest flaw to his colleagues in D.C. (but not his voters) was his falling out with the House leadership. This resulted in his being removed from his seat on the Financial Services Committee. He was one of several GOP members removed from committee assignments immediately after the 2012 elections. These members were generally seen as too independent and willing to vote against the wishes of leadership. Others targeted by the GOP leadership included Reps. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) and Justin Amash (R-MI).

The 2014 campaign against Jones looks like an attempt to send a message to other potential House GOP renegades that the leadership and D.C. establishment could and would come after them – and beat them. There also may have been some score-settling left over from Jones’ position shift in support of the war in Iraq to a vocal critic, even calling for the impeachment of President Bush. (As an aside, Jones was the congressman who proposed renaming French fries “Freedom Fries” over the French refusal to support our efforts in Iraq.) In trying and failing to unseat Jones, Republican leaders may have hurt themselves by showing both spitefulness and weakness.

The other interesting story in this election battle was the fascination of the media and lobbyists in D.C. with this race. This probably is a direct result of Griffin’s having operated in the bureaucratic, media and communications circles in D.C. He worked in the George W. Bush White House and the Treasury Department, and even formed his own communications and lobbying firm in D.C. Griffin hailed his roots in the Old North State, but that wasn’t enough, apparently, to erase the taint of his deep connections with the Washington Beltway.

For the reporters and politicos in D.C., his running and their belief that he was going to win was a validation of their own worth and wisdom. Folks who make and report the news in Washington, D.C. have a worldview which includes the belief they truly are the best and brightest. Most of them think they are far smarter than the folks that get elected to office and that if they were in charge things would be better. If Taylor Griffin was able to return to NC, successfully run for office, and return to the capital as an elected congressman, then that validated their opinions of their own importance – because he is them.

So on May 7, 2014 we can look ahead and see a landscape a little more dangerous for the GOP leadership in the U.S. House. Do they try and force their members to do things they don’t want to do? Cut deals with the president on immigration, spending and debt? Pass more crony-capitalism legislation advancing the special interest of big businesses and banks? The election yesterday makes it much less likely that they will be able to force their will on individual members. Walter Jones was in a uniquely vulnerable position that gave a campaign like Griffin’s a good chance to succeed – but it didn’t.

There is a saying that if you mean to shoot someone, make sure you kill them. In this case Walter Jones is very alive and dangerous. The fact that the party fat cats failed means independent members of the Republican caucus will be emboldened to resist. For the country that is probably a good thing." 


2. Two races in Florida. 

One, David Jolly for US Congress whom the GOP Establishment didn't want. He beat them in the primary. They continued to sabotage him but he beat them again as well as the democrat and the libertarian. Following are 3 citations about the David Jolly race:

3/12/14, "Why is NRCC wiping egg off its face?" The Hill, Rick Manning

"Oops. David Jolly won election to Congress in Florida’s special election to take the place of recently deceased Rep. Bill Young (R). Republican hearts in D.C. should be leaping for joy, because early betting in town was that this was a near-certain Democrat takeover and Jolly upset that apple cart.

Everything pointed to a victory for Democrats. They recruited a candidate with high name identification who narrowly lost a race for the governorship in a district that voted for Obama in 2012, the ideal D.C. candidate-recruitment win.

The expectations on the Republican side of the aisle to retain the seat were so low that on the Monday before the election, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) was anonymously spinning to Politico that the election was likely to be lost due to Jolly and those running his campaign on the ground.

Imagine the fear in some unknown cubicle at NRCC headquarters as Jolly calls Chairman Greg Walden (Ore.) and asks for an accounting of why the group, whose sole responsibility is to elect Republicans to the House, sought to undermine his campaign in the final day.

Today, all the D.C. “gurus” are taking credit for their brilliance in winning the race and giving short shrift to the newly elected Jolly. Jolly ran a campaign against amnesty for illegal aliens, against ObamaCare, and he refused to modify his conservative stands and move to the middle, as the political intelligentsia so often suggests.

They cannot afford to give him credit or credibility, because his messaging directly contradicted their best advice. And in the next few days, he will be sworn in.

Now, Democrats in D.C. are scrambling for cover. And when they get there, chances are they’ll find a couple of NRCC staffers hoping to avoid the blowback from their almost treasonous attempt to submarine a soon-to-be-sitting member of Congress's
election campaign.

Somehow I think someone at the NRCC is going to find out the meaning of the saying “politics ain’t bean bag.”"

Second of three David Jolly citations:

3/13/14, "David Jolly’s Next Problem: Boehner and McConnell," Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator 

"So David Jolly wins the House special election in Florida this week by defeating a Democrat who pledged to fix Obamacare, not repeal it. But there’s more.

Jolly won the GOP congressional nomination in the first place by defeating State Representative Kathleen Peters in the GOP primary. And what was Peters promising? Said Peters:

“I do not think that we should take a stand and say absolutely repeal it. Not unless we have a plan and a proposal to replace it.”

Peters lost, Jolly won. Democrat Alex Sink made the same pledge as Peters. Jolly won again.

And what is John Boehner’s GOP House set to do? They’re going to fix Obamacare.

Yes, you read that right. Reports Politico’s Jennifer Haberkorn (hat tip Taegan Goddard here)....

In other words, Boehner’s GOP House is set to do exactly what Jolly won promising not to do....

This is why the widening gulf between the GOP Establishment and conservatives, whether one describes the latter as Tea Partiers, conservative reformers, the heirs of Ronald Reagan or groups such as the Senate Conservatives Fund, Heritage Action, The Club for Growth, Freedom Works, Americans for Prosperity and the Madison Project....

As the election of David Jolly illustrates yet again, there is a considerable difference between the grass roots — the base — of the GOP and its Establishment leaders in Washington....

The other message out of that Florida special election is a shot across the bow of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Establishment GOP Republicans."... 


Third citation re: David Jolly win in Florida, cites GOP Establishment letting Jolly twist in the wind:
3/12/14, "Republican David Jolly wins special election in Florida," AP via NY Post
"Republicans failed to recruit their top picks, leaving Jolly to fight a bruising three-way primary."...


Second 2014 GOP Establishment defeat in Florida:

Florida Tea Party favorite won GOP primary, defeated Establishment pick Benacquisto to replace disgraced Rep. Radel who'd been endorsed by George P. Bush (Jeb's son):

4/22/14, "Tea party candidate Curt Clawson wins Republican primary to replace former Rep. Trey Radel," Tampa Bay Times, Alex Leary

"Curt Clawson, a businessman who was little known months ago in Southwest Florida, won a contentious GOP primary Tuesday to fill the U.S. House seat left open by the scandalous downfall of Trey Radel.

Clawson, 54, pitched himself as an outsider against more established candidates and was embraced by the tea party. He poured more than $2 million into television ads. In one, the former Purdue basketball player challenged President Barack Obama to a three-point contest.

The Bonita Springs resident took about 38 percent of the vote in the Congressional District 19 race, besting several rivals, including state Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto, whose swift rise to prominence in Tallahassee made her an establishment favorite. Benacquisto was fighting for second place with former state Rep. Paige Kreegel.

"I got into this race because I felt like we needed more outsiders in Congress," Clawson said in a tweet. "The career politicians aren't getting the job done."

Clawson has to run in a general special election set for June 24 but enters as the favorite against Democrat April Freeman; the district is solidly Republican.

He would replace Radel, who was elected in 2012 and made a name for himself among Washington reporters for his incessant use of social media. Then Radel was arrested buying cocaine from an undercover police officer in Washington. Radel pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor and eventually resigned amid widespread calls to do so."...


Citation for George P. Bush (Jeb's son) backing of Fla. Rep who was caught buying cocaine:

1/27/14, "George P. Bush’s PAC backed Fla. lawmaker resigning after cocaine bust," Dallas Morning News, Ben Kamisar


4. Pennsylvania-George W. Bush hire and current lobbyist Tom Ridge campaigned for the Establishment candidate for State Senate who lost. The "Pennsylvania election reveals yet again an electorate that is in full revolt against the political establishment:"
3/20/14, "Scott Wagner Beats the GOP Establishment, CAP and a Pennsylvania write-in revolt." Jeffrey Lord, American Spectator

"First, it was a Florida congressional race. Now? A Pennsylvania special election for the state Senate.

The Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania scores a major win — and yes, the winner says he heard about Obamacare. Scott Wagner is a Pennsylvania state Senator this morning. It wasn’t supposed to happen.

In a stunning upset, the York County businessman, taking a stand against the state’s political establishment of both parties, made state history by winning a special election for the Pennsylvania state Senate — in a write-in landslide, defeating both the Republican and Democrat nominees.

Wagner captured 48 percent of the vote. His Republican opponent, a state representative with the backing of the local and state GOP, received 27 percent; the Democrat 26 percent.

The election was set in motion by the resignation of a sitting Republican senator. The GOP establishment, in this case both in York County (located in the heart of central Pennsylvania) and in Harrisburg, decided to back state Representative Ron Miller.

With the Pennsylvania primary already scheduled for May 20, it was assumed that Wagner would face off with Miller in the primary. Out of the blue, the state GOP conspired to hold a special election on March 18, the winner to take the seat immediately. Miller was quickly endorsed and an incensed Wagner was out. He could still run in the May primary, but would then be up against a sitting senator in the GOP leaning district. The only way Wagner could participate in the March election was as a write-in candidate. In other words, Wagner was supposed to be out — quite deliberately targeted by the Forces That Be.

There is a story here, and yes it has national implications.

Let’s go back to another story about Scott Wagner and the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania, written in this space back there in July of 2012. Titled “Pennsylvania’s Capitalist Revolt,” we recorded the sorry state of Pennsylvania politics. Two former Speakers of the statehouse — a post once held by Benjamin Franklin — were in jail on corruption charges, literally sharing a cell. A former state Senate Democratic Leader was also in the slammer — but with a $330,000 a year pension. Then there was the “Iron Triangle," the career politicians, the lobbyists, and the public employee unions that were increasingly seen as simply looting the state treasury. A few years before this, in 2005, literally in the dead of night (2 a.m.), the legislature had passed a pay raise for itself (without any hearings in advance) that ranged from a low of 16 percent on up to 34 percent, depending on the legislator’s length of service. There was an explosion at this, with legislative leaders losing seats in the next election.

As we noted in 2012, a group of Pennsylvania citizens who were so thoroughly disgusted — outraged is a better word — came together to form the Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania, CAP, as it is known. Predating the Tea Party by four years and unconnected with it, the new reform group sought to get citizens involved in the system and began targeting legislators across the state. Led by a Republican businessman named John Kennedy, who had served two terms in the House and voluntarily departed, the group included businessman Scott Wagner. At the time we wrote this of Wagner:

CAP, to the surprise — and anger — of its critics, is getting the job done
. In fact, the reason the three-year old group has critics in the first place is that it has made an impact.

To start they have had Scott R. Wagner. Scott Wagner is a capitalist. An enthusiastic entrepreneur. A job creator.

This is the kind of guy who has been at the center of the storm over President Obama's gaffe-that-really-wasn't-a-gaffe about small business owners not creating their own business — the "someone else did that" routine.

Wagner begs to differ. After allowing that he respects the office of the presidency, Wagner pulls no punches whether the topic is the President, state government, or the 13 attorneys.
The 13 attorneys? What's up with that?

You guessed it. Here is a man who founded his first business when he was 20, turning his passion for skiing into a ski shop. Working night and day, he began adding rental properties and Laundromats. By 1985 he began a waste company, developed it in 12 years, sold it — and had so much fun he did it again, starting in 2000.

In 2000, Wagner began Penn Waste. Contrary to the impression left by President Obama, Mr. Wagner has built his business into a considerable success without the President's input. Respectfully, he calls Barack Obama "totally clueless," the presidential socializing profits routine leaving Wagner feeling "insulted." Wagner notes crisply that it was he who has "borrowed, leveraged and worked 100 hour work weeks" to build a company that now employs 300 people as it provides waste disposal services with 100 trucks in six Pennsylvania counties. All told, Scott Wagner is involved in 9 different businesses, directly or indirectly employing over a thousand people. And the 13 attorneys.

By now you can imagine. Scott Wagner is awash in government regulations — and he needs to retain 13 outside attorneys just to figure out how to satisfy bureaucrats he says make a profession not of helping entrepreneurs but of finding something they are doing wrong. Then fining them for it. And by the way, put Scott down as highly skeptical that bureaucrats are even capable of holding a job in the private sector.

In other words, Scott Wagner was one frustrated Pennsylvanian. Fed up.

CAP was his kind of deal.

To talk to Scott Wagner in the wake of all this is to realize the sheer anger that is in fact rolling across not only Pennsylvania but all of America. All these state legislators want to do, scorns Wagner, is get elected — and re-elected. That's it, that's the agenda. Why? Because the legislature, says Kennedy, has become the embodiment of Ben Franklin's warning about people in a position of power who can profit from that power wanting, endlessly, to retain that power.

Thirteen attorneys working for Scott Wagner are thirteen too many.

For the first time in some five decades of Pennsylvania politics, CAP is asking the question once posed by Ronald Reagan:

"If not us, who? If not now, when?"

With this in the background, one can only imagine the wave of incensed anger that swept through Wagner and a lot of York County residents when they realized some fancy footwork behind the scenes by the state’s GOP establishment had effectively denied Wagner a place on the ballot for the state Senate special election. There was little time for Wagner to make his case to the local GOP committee members who would nominate the candidate.

So Wagner was thought to be out as a candidate for the special election. The expectation, of course, was that Wagner was done for, his only recourse the impossibility of a write-in. He would stay as a primary candidate, but with Miller presumably elected to the Senate in the March special, that too was now an uphill battle.

Scott Wagner has built his business from scratch. He knew something about a challenge. And so, it turned out, did a lot of his fellow citizens who were enraged at the game played with the Senate nomination process. Wagner refused to throw in the towel. And while he would stay in the May 20 primary, he would now mount the uphill write-in campaign. He would treat the race just as he treated his business, coming up with what he told The American Spectator was a “rock solid plan” for the campaign, “doing everything by the book.” Suddenly he found the political guns of the state’s GOP establishment trained on him. As the Harrisburg Patriot-News recorded:

Ads that were run cast Wagner as a bully and his trash hauling company, York-based Penn Waste, an environmental violator…. The attacks against him angered Wagner. He was astonished that his business-friendly Republican Party would go after a job creator like himself.
The ads — $350,000 worth of them engineered by GOP state Senate President Joe Scarnati and GOP state Senate Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi — were sponsored by the state Senate’s Republican Caucus. Former Governor Tom Ridge, now a Washington lobbyist, suddenly appeared to campaign for Miller. A man of means, Wagner fired back with both barrels. The air waves quickly filled with Wagner ads charging that the GOP had sold out to “Philadelphia politicians.” Being associated with the state’s largest city has always been a negative in other parts of the state — and the fact that a major player in funding the anti-Wagner ads — Pileggi — represents the Philadelphia area quickly gave Wagner a face and a name to match to the establishment’s shenanigans.

While he kept his name on the primary ballot, Wagner turned his guns on the March special election and began firing. He went after the legislature for “high salaries, lavish pensions, automatic pay raises and excessive per diems” that “are just a few examples of why we have the most expensive legislature in the country.” He was an unapologetic supporter of the Second Amendment. 

Pennsylvania, he told voters, needed to create more private sector jobs — and fewer government jobs. He said it was time to control property taxes. And he was pro-life.

Wagner’s resounding 48 percent write-in victory has sent shock waves through the state and local GOP establishment. Last night he compared the state’s Harrisburg politicians to a country club, telling the Spectator that “there are country clubs that just don’t let people in” — and that in this case what was at issue was a “political club.” His victory makes him a Senator immediately and an overwhelming favorite for the May primary, not to mention the November election. Wagner has now crashed his way through the gates of the Harrisburg clubhouse, set to join the Senate Republican Caucus that had spent over a quarter of a million dollars to defeat him. As of last night, he said he has not received a congratulatory call from Pennsylvania state GOP Chair Rob Gleason.

Why is the Wagner victory important? Two reasons.

First, nationally, coming as it does on the heels of the upset victory of David Jolly in the recent Florida congressional special election, the nature of the Pennsylvania election reveals yet again an electorate that is in full revolt against the political establishment. While this was a race for the state senate, Wagner confirms that he did indeed hear from voters angry over Obamacare. One man told Wagner he had bladder cancer and before Obamacare was paying “$100 a pop” for his cancer medication. Now? The cost has shot up to “$600 a pop.”"...


Scott Wagner was sworn in as a Republican Pennsylvania State Senator on 4/2/14. 


In Nov. 2010 the GOP said it was imperative to "co-opt" the Tea Party:

11/20/2010, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund
"Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" the tea partiers arriving in D.C....   

An old Washington story goes that when Martians land near the White House, everyone inside the Beltway flees in terror.  

Everyone, that is, except for the folks at the favor-factories known as Congress's Appropriations Committees, who rush to greet the spaceship and say, "We're here to help with the transition.""... 


George and Jeb Bush and ethanol:

2007 Washington Post article on  how profiteers Jeb Bush and  George Soros with help of then President George Bush invest in ethanol crops that require massive deforestation:

7/31/2007, "Losing forests to fuel cars," Washington Post, Sabrina Valle

"The roots of this transformation lie in the worldwide demand for ethanol, recently boosted by a U.S. Senate bill that would mandate the use of 36 billion gallons of ethanol by 2022,
  • more than six times the capacity of the United States' 115 ethanol refineries.
President Bush, who proposed a similar increase in his State of the Union address, visited Brazil and negotiated a deal in March
  • to promote ethanol production in Latin America and the Caribbean.
U.S. companies and investors -- including George Soros and agribusiness giants Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill -- are staking out territory in Brazil, expecting even greater growth in biofuels.

"There was already a race for Brazilian ethanol, and President Bush's announcements gave more credibility to the process," said Roberto Rodrigues, former Brazilian agriculture minister, who formed the Interamerican Ethanol Commission with former Florida
  • governor Jeb Bush in December....
Sugarcane is touted by environmentalists as a better option than corn for producing ethanol. Sugarcane ethanol costs half as much to produce, and the process is five times as efficient in its use of fossil fuels.

Lured by the prospect of making ethanol from Brazilian sugarcane, many U.S. firms are trying to catch up with European and Asian investors. The company Soros is backing, Adecoagro, has become one of the main investors in Brazilian ethanol, planning to spend $1 billion to build three plants over the next five years. Goldman Sachs and  

Carlyle Group are also behind new ethanol investments in Brazil.

In addition, as use of corn-based ethanol grows in the United States, rising prices are influencing American soybean farmers to switch to corn. And as the United States, the world's largest soybean producer, cuts soybean plantings, buyers are looking to Brazil, the No. 2 soy producer, to expand its production. Brazilian soybean production is already at record levels and is predicted to increase another 4.5 percent this year, according to Abiove, an industry association.

"There is a dual pressure in Brazil," Buchanan said. "The direct pressure to expand production of sugarcane and the indirect pressure to expand Brazilian soy,
  • if U.S. soy is reduced."...
"Brazil is the only country with a vast amount of land available for immediate expansion of sustainable agriculture. If the U.S. races after ethanol, soybean prices tend to climb and demand will be supplied by Brazil," said Carlo Lovatelli, corporate affairs director for Bunge, one of the largest soy traders in Brazil, headquartered in White Plains, N.Y.

Lovatelli, who also represents companies responsible for 93 percent of all soy traded in Brazil, said that if demand escalates,
Brazil is already the scene of the most extensive deforestation in the world, accounting for 42 percent of the world's net forest losses from 2000 to 2005, according to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization, an arm of the United Nations. Nongovernmental organizations say 7 million hectares of the Amazon were cleared in the past five years by soybean farmers with the help of multinational companies such as Cargill....
  • The Cerrado, however, has not had the spotlight that the Amazon has, and so the environmental impact of expansion of the sugarcane business into the savanna is under less international scrutiny.
This month, Brazilian Agriculture Minister Reinhold Stephanes announced new measures to avoid devastation from sugarcane plantations. But some groups say enforcement would be effective only with large investments in mapping tools and ground supervision,
And ethanol investments keep growing. The sugar industry estimates that $17 billion will be invested through 2012 in 86 new sugarcane processing plants, adding to the 330 plants in Brazil today.

So far, the impact of the U.S. thirst for Brazilian ethanol has been blunted by the 51-cent-per-gallon subsidy paid to American corn ethanol producers and by the 54-cent-per-gallon tariff on imported ethanol. The Senate extended the tariff until 2009, even though Bush signed an accord to jointly promote biofuel production with Brazil.

Nevertheless, of the 680 million gallons of ethanol the United States imported last year,
  • about 500 million gallons came from Brazil, the world's leading ethanol exporter.
"The tariff was not an eliminating factor when we, last year, had $78-a-barrel oil on a sustained basis," says Roger K. Conway, director for the Agriculture Department's Office of Energy Policy and New Uses. "There certainly could be more imports from Brazil. It depends on energy prices."
Soros's company in Brazil is betting that the United States will have to increase ethanol imports and that a calendar for gradual reduction of the tariff
  • could be established from 2010.
"If the U.S. entirely lifts the tariff, demand for ethanol will go through the roof and the pressure on the environment would be enormous," said a former Brazilian secretary of state for science and technology, José Goldemberg,
8/2/2007, "Soros, Goldman Sachs financing destruction of Brazilian forests," Grist

"It's particularly ironic that Soros is working hand-in-hand with the Bush family by investing $1 billion in growing sugarcane in Brazil. Jeb Bush formed the Interamerican Ethanol Commission in December to promote increased ethanol exports from Latin America, leading,
  • perhaps not coincidentally to
President Bush's March deal with Brazilian President Luis Lula Ignacio da Silva."...


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