Friday, May 23, 2014

Thom Tillis is Kay Hagen without the skirt. In the US Senate he'd fight against Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and similar conservatives just as Kay Hagen would, North Carolina commenter, 5/22/14

"If he (Tillis) fights conservatives like Bradley, Brawley, Pittman, and others in the NC House, he will be fighting against Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Jeff Sessions, and similar conservatives in the US Senate. That is exactly what Kay Hagan would be doing. Thom TIllis is just Kay Hagan without the skirt. Tillis has had a chance in the short session to unify the party and instead is splitting it apart. He richly deserves the defeat that will bring him. Good riddance! Sadly, he has stuck us with 6 more years of Hagan."

The Brawley Censure: A parting shot from Speaker Thom,”" dailyHaymaker, Brant Clifton. And:

5/21/14, "#NCGA: “Hey! Who put this horse head in my bed?”," dailyHaymaker, Brant Clifton

"Brawley also dared to accuse state House speaker and US Senate nominee Thom Tillis of manipulating the legislative process to benefit people who ponied up big to his campaign fund."...Godfather image via DailyHaymaker 


Among comments to, The Brawley Censure: A parting shot from Speaker Thom:”


May 22, 2014 at 2:43 pm
This is the final shot (probably) in Tillis’ war on conservative legislators. In 2012, he used gerrymandering to destroy the districts of conservative representatives Glen Bradley and Bill Cook by slicing up their home counties. Both ran for the Senate, but had to confront Raleigh-recruited primary challengers. In Bradley’s case, it was a legislative staffer for a member of the House leadership who filed against him in the Senate race. With Cook, it was someone who had run the previous election for county commission as a Democrat but had conveniently switched to Republican. Cook made it to the Senate, no thanks to the Tillis mafia, but Bradley did not.

For the 2014 election, Tillis recruited the Mecklenburg GOP vice chairman to move to conservative Rep. Larry Pittman’s district to primary him, but that bombed, so he recruited a liberal woman who had tried to mount an independent challenge against Governor McCrory. Pittman won by a 2 to 1 margin. Tillis did recruit a progressive Republican to challenge Brawley and narrowly beat him. Tillis’ mafia made calls to try to recruit challengers to other conservative legislators including Rep. Mike Speciale, but were unable to find any other pigeons.

Do you have a list of those shameful hacks who voted against Brawley? Even a partial list would be helpful. Or a list of the courageous 11 (whose bills are probably now dead for this session)?.

We do not need malicious anti-conservatives thugs in the US Senate whether their name happens to be Kay Hagan or whether it happens to be Thom Tillis. There is not a dimes worth of difference between those vipers.

Tillis has had a chance in the short session to unify the party and instead is splitting it apart. He richly deserves the defeat that will bring him. Good riddance! Sadly, he has stuck us with 6 more years of Hagan."


Comment: Wherever you turn the GOP Establishment is obsessed with weakening the party and firming up its special interest partnerships. Democrats are loaded with special interests but they also have an actual political party with articulated beliefs voters can identify with. As such, the Democrat Party is the only functioning political party in the US today.

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