Sunday, May 18, 2014

Switzerland voters reject world's highest minimum wage, would've been $25 per hour-BBC

5/18/14, "Switzerland 'rejects world's highest minimum wage'," BBC

"Swiss voters have rejected a proposal to introduce what would be the highest minimum wage in the world in a referendum, first projections indicate.

Under the plan, employers would have had to pay workers a minimum 22 Swiss francs (about $25; £15; 18 euros) an hour.

Supporters said the move was necessary for people to live a decent life.

But critics argued that it would raise production costs and increase unemployment.

The proposal "to protect equitable pay" was the most prominent of several referendums held on Sunday morning....

A key element of the campaign in favour of a minimum wage was the argument that the Swiss welfare system was being forced to subsidise businesses which refuse to pay a living wage.

But business leaders and the government said low unemployment and high standards of living for the majority showed there was no need for change.

Small businesses, in particular Swiss farmers, were especially worried that being forced to pay their staff 4,000 francs a month would price their products out of the market.

Most of Switzerland's low-paid workers operate in the service industry, in hotels and restaurants, and the majority of them are women."


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