Sunday, May 18, 2014

Maybe it's time Ted Cruz fully liberated himself from the National Republican Senatorial Committee-Erick Erickson, RedState

In March 2014 Sen. Cruz said he'd be taking a hiatus from the NRSC until general elections. It might be better to get out entirely.

5/18/14, "It Is Time for Ted Cruz to Leave the National Republican Senatorial Committee," Erick Erickson, RedState

"Ted Cruz is the Vice Chairman for Grassroots Outreach of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (“NRSC”). It is through that appointment that the NRSC hoped to patch up its differences with conservatives.

Instead, it is more and more clear the NRSC is both at war with those groups who support Ted Cruz and at war with those candidates most likely to assist Ted Cruz in the Senate.

From the relationship, the NRSC gets the veneer of working with conservatives and Ted Cruz gets beaten up at every opportunity by the NRSC and its staff and outside consultants.

Here for example, is an NRSC paid consultant subtly attacking Cruz. There have been plenty out in the open in the past. Likewise, the NRSC worked against Ben Sasse in Nebraska, going so far as to invite lobbyists over to their building to fund Shane Osborn’s campaign."...


Comment: Since Ted is all we have it's only natural to wonder if he's being co-opted like so many others have been. A commenter to EE's article had the same concern:

At last, EE, yes its time for Cruz to move. Cruz is on the road to being co-opted and ineffective unless he speaks up at least. Jim DeMint had no such honor as Vice chair and refused a seniority chair a long time so they could not take it away from him. Cruz can do the same.

Cruz is where he is at NRSC, National Republican Senatorial Committee because the men and women in GOP caucus selected him for that slot. But he is in US Senate thanks to SCF and conservatives nationwide and Texas.

The NRSC itself is a political PAC that helps reelect incumbents under the guise of electing a Republican Senate. But, once these lifers get a challenge NRSC kick in and side in a primary to destroy the GOP challenger. Gullible patriotic voters may assume the NRSC is about electing Republicans which it is but only after the incumbents have won the primary. Its not an open minded field PAC nor a neutral PAC as many assume it should be in a primary. Its a self perpetuating PAC pushing the men and women who use a backdrop of solemn US Senate. NRSC ask for money to do more of the same and they want to clear their road. Silent no more, Mr. Cruz."

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