Tuesday, May 6, 2014

In December 2012 Rep. Trey Gowdy agreed with New York Times that John Boehner was awesome and had catapulted in power as a result of Obama's re-election

A 12/6/2012 NY Times article reported statements by Rep. Trey Gowdy and others in a "private meeting" about Boehner's greatly increased power over individual GOP members as a result of Obama's re-election. Boehner is also quoted in the article. Rep. Trey Gowdy was described as one of those who had given Boehner problems in the past but after Obama's re-election recognized he had no choice but to submit to Boehner:

12/6/12, Boehner gains strong backing from House Republicans, NY Times, Jennifer Steinhauer

Many House Republicans appear to view Mr. Boehner with the same sort of respect that adult children award their parents for the sage counsel they ignored in their younger days.…

On Wednesday, in a private meeting between Mr. Boehner and House Republicans, member after member spoke in support of him, in some cases saying a deal they would have rejected six months ago would most likely be taken today.... 
With Mitt Romney’s and Mr. Ryan’s White House dreams dashed, Mr. Boehner resumes the role of the titular head of his party here, and many members realize they have little choice left but to support him.

“He is the de facto negotiator for the party,” said
 Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, who along

with other lawmakers from his state has given Mr. Boehner headaches in the past.

Perhaps I am practicing the grace that comes from watching someone try to do

Members who have previously supported Mr. Boehner without comment are beginning to raise their voices.
Representative Pat Tiberi, Republican of Ohio... 

was at once 

resigned and hopeful. 

“I don’t think we have much leverage, to be honest,” he said.
But, he added, “This is a rare opportunity to get something done."... 

Then there is the not-small matter of fund-raising:

Mr. Boehner, who on Wednesday spoke briefly by phone with Mr. Obama about the budget standoff, raised nearly $100 million for Republican House candidates this election cycle, including incumbents, further securing good will.

The dynamic may shift if some members, especially those from very conservative regions, begin to chafe against any deal they feel gives too much ground to Democrats. But for now, Mr. Boehner’s stronger hand is a significant shift from previous periods of negotiations....

Our members understand the serious issues this country faces,” Mr. Boehner said Wednesday, when asked about the shift in his conference. “They understand that we’ve got to solve this problem, and we will.”...
“I think the presidential election has something to do with it,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois. Also, there is an understanding that this is a very serious situation.“”…

“We understand that we’re going to have to deal with Obama for four more years.""...
Added: The 12/6/12 article about Boehner's "private meeting" followed a similar 11/10/12 Times article on Boehner's new power to stifle GOP House members as a result of Obama's re-election In the 11/10 article Boehner tells elected GOP "they lost badly," now must fall in line and compromise. The NY Times was miraculously able to obtain contents of both Mr. Boehner's private "conference call" as well as his "private meeting" with GOP members:
11/10/12, Boehner Tells House G.O.P. to Fall in Line, NY Times, by Jonathan Weisman and Jennifer Steinhauer 
On a conference call with House Republicans a day after the party’s electoral battering last week, Speaker John A. Boehner dished out some bitter medicine, and for the first time in the 112th Congress, most members took their dose.

Their party lost, badly, Mr. Boehner said, and while Republicans would still control the House and would continue to staunchly oppose tax rate increases as Congress grapples with the impending fiscal battle, they had to avoid the nasty showdowns that marked so much of the last two years.

Members on the call, subdued and dark, murmured words of support — even a few who had been a thorn in the speaker’s side for much of this Congress.

It was a striking contrast to a similar call last year, when Mr. Boehner tried to persuade members to compromise with Democrats."...

Rep. Adam Kinzinger has good reason to agree with any thesis Boehner may pose, in this case, declaring defeat before even trying. The GOP Establishment intervened in a "nasty" 2012 GOP primary on Kinzinger's behalf, Kinzinger won, and the more conservative candidate lost. Kinzinger and Manzullo were sitting Illinois GOP congressmen forced to run against each other because of redistricting:

4/10/2012, "GUEST COLUMN: Why GOP Young Guns program is deceptive," mywebtimes.com, Floyd and Mary Beth Brown
"Young Guns is a program of the National Republican Congressional Campaign (NRCC), which bills itself as committed to building the "next generation of conservative leaders." Those words are from the home page of the project's website http://www.gopyoungguns.com.
The website is misleading. While Young Guns solicits donations from Tea Party and conservative donors, the GOP house leaders that run the program actually use it to elect GOP moderates over conservatives.  

The corruption doesn't end there. Insiders that work for the NRCC actually use the money generated by the program to promote friends and business associates, "encouraging" candidates to hire certain consultants before they will get support....

In what political reporter John Gizzi of Human Events described as, "the nastiest primary of the year so far," Representative Adam Kinzinger defeated 20-year veteran Congressman Don Manzullo.
The Manzullo vs. Kinzinger race gave us a glimpse of how the program works. Manzullo is a strong conservative with a lifetime American Conservative Union (ACU) rating of 96, compared to the more moderate Kinzinger, who scores a miserable 72 out of 100 from the ACU. 
When two members face off against each other, it is unusual for the GOP leadership to choose sides. 

But in this case, the Young Guns Action Fund unleashed a $50,000 advertising blitz, which deceptively called the more moderate Kinzinger "an important part of the next generation of conservative leaders" and "a conservative rock in the fight against runaway government spending."...

Kinzinger versus Manzullo isn't an isolated example of the Young Guns Money being spent to help more moderate Republicans. And even more insidious is the way the money is spent to help prop up the consulting businesses of selected Republican insiders.

The manager of a congressional candidate confidentially shared his story with us. He recently received a call, which he considered threatening, from a staff member at the NRCC. The NRCC staff member told him, "we don't like the team of people you have on the campaign; they are too conservative. You won't get any support from the Young Guns program unless you fire your current consultants and hire the consultants we have recommended." This manager felt he was being "extorted" by this NRCC staffer.
With a series of important GOP House primaries ahead, conservatives are closely watching to see if GOP leaders and NRCC staff will meddle in favor of more moderate voices using money raised from conservatives....Conservatives must hold the NRCC leadership and staff accountable."


By Sept. 2013 Kinzinger was officially tagged a "Boehner Yes Man:"

9/21/13, "Rockford Tea Party Leader Looks To Primary Boehner Yes Man Rep. Adam Kinzinger," RedState, Ulysses Arn

Comment: The problem is that Boehner is a democrat yes-man. If elected GOP House members become "Boehner Yes-Men," the two party system no longer exists. Everyone wants to be a democrat, no one wants to be a Republican.

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