5/14/14, "GOP CA Gov Candidate Hosted Shariah Finance Conference; Jihad Darrell Issa, Jeb Bush Defend Him," By Debbie Schlussel
"I always have to laugh when the blind lumpenconservatariat gush over
Congressman Darrell Issa’s grandstanding on Benghazi
and how the
Obamaniks subject our U.S. Embassy officials to terrorist attacks and
murder. That’s because, as I’ve repeatedly told you, Issa, himself, has
a long history of supporting Islamic terrorists and dissing their American victims.
He loves Hezbollah, had multiple orgasms over his terrorist-in-chief
buddy Yasser Arafat (whose “small hands” and “sense of humor” Issa
gushed over), and called the 9/11 attacks “simply a plane crash.” And, now, he’s defending a Republican candidate for Governor of California over a rival’s accurate report that the man hosted a Shariah finance conference as a (Bush) Treasury Department official.
And FOX News is taking Issa’s side on this, too, in a biased article casting
doubt on the very true fact that a Republican candidate for office
supported Shariah openly and proudly. It’s so predictable. Also
predictable is that the drooling masses of “conservatives” won’t notice
or care and will still pant over Issa’s every phony, grandstanding
Tim Donnelly, the Tea Party candidate for California’s Republican
Gubernatorial nomination, noted on his Facebook page that Neel Kashkari,
the GOP establishment candidate for California’s Republican
Gubernatorial nomination, hosted a Shariah finance conference at Harvard, when Kashkari was a Treasury Department official in the Bush Administration. All of this is entirely true. Kashkari did this, and he served as the Bush Shariah-pimp with your tax dollars (the program
from the tax-funded and unconstitutional event is posted below). Yes,
Kashkari–the Romney/Jeb Bush/Condi Clueless Rice/Jihad Darrell
candidate. They’ve all endorsed the guy–all of the Republican
establishment guys (and, make no mistake, Issa is every bit as
establishment as the Bushes and Romney). For some reason, FOX News
seems to think it’s important to note that Kashkari is Hindu, as if this
somehow makes it untrue that Kashkari hosted an event pimping Shariah
(which he definitely did do). Why? Are there no Hindus or non-Muslims
who support Islam and play water-carrier?! Um, ever heard of the word,
dhimmi? That’s the very definition.
Non-Muslims under Islam (who generally end up doing Islam’s bidding).
And there are, sadly, plenty of those of all religions, even Hindus
(despite the fact that Muslims very much want a jihadist takeover of
India and deadly purge of Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, etc.).
On November 6, 2008, Kashkari–then a Bush Assistant Secretary of the
U.S. Treasury–hosted a tax-funded event with Harvard University,
entitled, “Seminar at the U.S. Department of the Treasury: Islamic Finance 101.” The event’s purpose was to encourage the implementation and provision of Islamic-compliant financial services, in direct violation of the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
Kashkari not only hosted the event, but he delivered the “Welcome.”
Why did he host and speak at this event if he is anything other than for
Shariah finance? And why didn’t he host a Christian or Jewish finance event? Or why not a Wiccan-compliant finance
event? Or, heck, a Satanist Bitcoin one? This was the only
religion-related event he hosted, because Islam was the only religion
the U.S. Treasury was promoting (which is still the case). It was the
only religion he pimped.
And he should answer for that, no matter what FOX News or Jihad Darrell tell you.
And to prove that what he did–promoting Islamic law in America as a
U.S. official–is so noxious, Kashkari’s friends at HAMAS CAIR–the
Council on American-Islamic Relations, which even the Obama Justice
Department says is an unindicted co-conspirator in HAMAS terrorism–is up
in arms that Donnelly mentioned this. Because “thou shalt not speak
ill of Shariah” in CAIR’s view.
Yes, CAIR–whose officials openly said
they want the Koran to replace the Constitution. That’s who’s siding
with Kashkari and deems him a halal Republican. And Jihad Darrell a/k/a
Darell Issa, a known longtime supporter of Islamic terrorists who kill
Americans, including Hezbollah and Arafat. You know what they say about
“the company you keep.” This is the company Neel Shariah-complaint
Kashkari keeps. Would you vote for him? I wouldn’t.
It is doubtful any Republican will ever again become Governor of
California, now that illegal aliens have taken over and their anchor babies
dominate the electorate (a sure sign of things to come across America
if and when amnesty is implemented). But, still, do you want the
shariah-compliant, Romney-preferred, Jeb Bushian, Jihad Darrell
candidate–Neel Kashkari–to get this nomination and know that his support
of shariah finance in America will go unpunished?
Or should voters finally send the GOP a telegram letting ‘em know:
we will not support organized Muslim attempts to take over our country
and get rid of the very basic Constitutional rights, like the separation
of mosque and state, that we hold dear and which are essential to our
continuing freedom?
And why isn’t anyone calling Jeb Bush–who wants to be Prez–to the mat
on this? Is his support for a Shariah pimp not a big deal?
Anyone who thinks it isn’t a big deal, clearly doesn’t think freedom
and Western civilization are a big deal either. Because they are
willing to give both of those away, just as Neel Kashkari, as a member
of the United States executive branch, demonstrated he was willing to
give those away." images from DebbieSchlussel.com
4/8/14, GOP Halal Social Engineer Karl Rove said: "Neel Kashkari
would be the party's best choice "to lose to Jerry Brown,"
"Veteran Republican political strategist and Beltway insider Karl
Rove told a gathering of Sacramento business leaders that Neel Kashkari
would be the party's best choice "to lose to Jerry Brown" in the
November election, according to the San Francisco Chronicle."...
To Carla Marinucci and the San Francisco Chronicle:
You say the "oldest Republican private organization" in California gave a "vote of no confidence" to candidate Tim Donnelly as if that's a negative for Mr. Donnelly. It's the reverse. The "vote of no confidence" came from a group with a stunning record of failure. It has the most historic responsibility for overseeing the destruction of the Republican Party in California. Party registration is at an all time low. The group is a giant failure. You say they're "major fundraisers" for GOP candidates. Obviously, they flopped at that too since there are no elected Republicans in statewide office in California and the party's bank account is less than zero. To the extent the GOP exists at all in California today it's a few RNC cronies doing a "bankruptcy workout." The "leaders" you cite only "lead" an embarrassing bill collection effort.
As long as Karl Rove is invited to give speeches to "California Republicans," the Democrat Party will remain in control.
5/15/14, "Tim Donnelly: I'm a threat to the GOP 'country club' (CA)," SF Gate, Carla Marinucci
"The state's oldest Republican private
organization, the Lincoln Club of Orange County, took the unprecedented
step of publicly rebuking him as a "divisive and destructive" candidate
for the party.
The club, a major fundraiser for GOP candidates,
gave Donnelly a vote of no confidence - a first in its 52 year history -
saying the assemblyman is "not the man to lead Republicans, the party
of Abraham Lincoln."
Leaders' unease...
He (Tim Donnelly) has maintained a
solid second-place standing in the polls behind Gov. Jerry Brown
leading up to the June 3 primary."...
RNC alum Jim Brulte is named head of near bankrupt California GOP "to move the party away from ideology" and focus on fundraising and other matters. "Brulte's first move was to secure Karl Rove...at the convention Saturday, a not-so-subtle message" to
10/14/13, "Party for sale? California's Republicans bailed out by unions," Washington Times, Communities, Shirley Husar
"Brulte began his CAGOP debt removal strategy just this year. When he
took over the party, he called his job “more like a bankruptcy workout.”
At the time, he put the Party’s debt as high as $800,000."...
3/9/13, "California’s New GOP Chair Donates $1300 to Democratic LA Mayoral Candidate," Legal Insurrection, Leslie Eastman
Jim Brulte, new Chair of penniless Calif. GOP, gave $1300 to a democrat LA Mayoral candidate saying he didn't realize the GOP candidate was viable. "Dr. Gary Gonsalves is a physician-turned-activist in 2009...says Brulte’s donation is one of the many reasons Californians need
to become involved outside the traditional political party structure."...
2/28/13, "California Republican Party Convention: GOP attempts to recover from disaster," San Jose Mercury News, by Steven Harmon
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