Friday, May 2, 2014

'Four Dead in Benghazi' were collateral damage. For some reason, employees of the US taxpayer thought it was acceptable to leave Americans to die horribly then to repeatedly lie to the American people about why they died

5/1/14, "Four Dead in Benghazi," Kurt Howland and Lloyd Marcus

5/1/14, "Video, “Four Dead in Benghazi”," Canada Free Press, Lloyd Marcus

"In essence, Obama and Clinton decided that the lives of Americans at our consulate in Benghazi was acceptable collateral damage to protect Obama’s narrative. The Obama Administration’s decision was unprecedented because we never leave Americans behind."...


Comment: Both a coverup and a crime.


The United States of America left two CIA contractors alone defending the United States of America on the roof of a CIA annex. Obama personnel were at the airport at 5:15 fearing for their lives. Per US gov. statements Woods and Doherty died between 5:15 and 5:26

5/8/13, "Pentagon: Special Forces Would Not Have Saved Lives in Benghazi," Real Clear Defense, Dustin Walker
"Once the assault on the U.S. compound began sometime after 9:40 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, American Embassy officials in Tripoli began organizing a response effort to protect personnel. A four-member "quick reaction force," along with two members of a Department of Defense special mission unit, left for Benghazi at about 12:30 a.m., according to a Pentagon spokesman. (They arrived roughly one hour later.)...
Immediately following the second attack in Benghazi at approximately 5:15 a.m., U.S. personnel quickly made their way to the airport having realized their original position was vulnerable."...

"According to the CIA timeline provided to the Washington Post and other news organizations, Woods and Doherty were killed by mortar fire while on the roof of a CIA facility in Benghazi between 11:15 p.m. and 11:26 p.m. Washington time—or between 5:15 a.m. and 5:26 a.m. Sept. 12 Benghazi time.
Between 4:05 p.m. Washington time, when the State Department emailed the White House that the U.S diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack, and 11:15 p.m., when Wood and Doherty were killed, more than seven hours passed."...


1970 Neil Young song, "Four Dead in Ohio," after 4 students were killed on Kent State campus by US National Guard officers.

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