California sent only 8 poll workers to monitor 25,000 precincts on Nov. 6, 2012:
5/19/14, "The Watercooler ~ Citizen Ninjas and the Election Integrity Project," WestCoastPatriette, RedState, "Conservative projects worthy of note"
"I hope the following information will assist
those who want to get more involved in influencing the political
As I reported in the weekend open thread,
I attended the first Unite IE Conservative Conference on Saturday. The
conference was held in Riverside, CA and was a fantastically organized
meeting to bring together numerous conservative organizations operating
in and around Southern California. I promised to highlight at least part
of the information-packed event and will share about two conservative
projects that I learned about in today’s Watercooler.
The first one is called, “Citizen Ninja,” and offers workshops on “How to Become a Citizen Ninja.”:
"The framers of our Constitution knew that to preserve our
blessings of liberty, the Republic would require self-governing
We base all our experiments on the capacity of mankind for self-government. ~James Madison
Do you worry about being marginalized if you express your opinion in public?
Have you been bullied in a public forum or town hall meeting?
Do you wonder if civil discourse is even possible?
How to Become a Citizen Ninja is a workshop designed for Free
Range Americans who recognize they have a duty to engage in the civic process but are unsure how to go about it or are fearful of bully
tactics being used against them."
The site has many testimonials from people who were transformed into civic-minded ninjas through the training.
The second project is really interesting. It is California’s version
of “True the Vote,” and, in fact, the founder, Linda Paine, who calls
the California version, “Election Integrity Project,”
founded the organization after the True the Vote model. Founded in
2010, the all-volunteer organization is doing a fantastic job of
exposing just how vulnerable elections in California have become. In
their first report, the EIP sent out Poll Observers to monitor the 2012
On November 6, 2012, Election Integrity Project deployed Poll Observers to polling places throughout California. This report is an analysis of 1,740 incidents recorded that day by 469 of EIP’s Poll Observers
who observed over 650 precincts in in the following 21 counties: Los
Angeles, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Orange, Santa
Barbara, Fresno, Kern, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, Sacramento, Monterey,
Placer, Shasta, Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Solano, Tulare and
Interestingly, in a state of over 100,000 poll workers, 25,000
precincts and over 13 million ballots cast, California’s Secretary of
State Debra Bowen deployed just eight poll observers to seven
counties. The report of their findings can be found here. Its finding
that, “… only a few problems were encountered by voters and poll workers
on election day” conflicts with EIP’s general finding suggesting that
there were “many” as opposed to “few” problems encountered by voters and
poll workers."
Note that while California’s Secretary of State Democrat Debra Bowen
deployed just eight poll observers to monitor 25,000 precincts, the EIP
sent out 469 Poll Observers across the state.
Follow the link above to
see a detailed account of specific election errors and election law
infractions they uncovered. EIP is doing a fantastic job of exposing
how poorly managed the electoral process in California has become, as
well as documenting many errors and exposing evidence of intentional
fraud. (I’m sure they would be thrilled if they had more volunteers to
help them in the upcoming elections.)
Hooray for volunteers who care."
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