RNC alum Jim Brulte named head of near bankrupt California GOP "to move the party away from ideology" and focus on fundraising and other matters. "Brulte's first move was to secure Karl Rove..at the convention Saturday, a not-so-subtle message" to
10/14/13, "Party for sale? California's Republicans bailed out by unions," Washington Times, Communities, Shirley Husar
"Brulte began his CAGOP debt removal strategy just this year. When he
took over the party, he called his job “more like a bankruptcy workout.”
At the time, he put the Party’s debt as high as $800,000....
On October 4-6, 2013, the California Republican Party (CRP or CAGOP)
held its Fall Convention at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel. This year’s theme,
under the direction of newly elected Chairman Jim Brulte, was “Building
from the ground up.”...
year, the CRP Fall Convention set the tone for big changes in the Party.
But do these changes include partnership with the SEIU? Has
California’s GOP sold itself by taking money from SEIU?
California Republicans continue to decline. The number of voter
registrations fell statewide to below 30 percent. People are not joining
the party; zero to slow growth makes all the party’s existing problems
In a story titled “Teachers union, SEIU open wallets to California
Republican Party,” the Sacramento Bee reported that in recent weeks the
California Teachers Association PAC donated $10,000 to the California
GOP, SEIU Local 1000 donated $15,000, and the California Correctional
Peace Officers Association donated another $3,000. Representatives of
all three of these powerful public sector unions attended CRP’s Fall
2013 Convention, and some members welcomed them with open arms.
Chairman Brulte has taken charge by raising money faster than the
last two chairmen, Tom Del Beccaro and Ron Nehring. The CRP has raised
over $3.0 million so far this year and is on a fast track to total
financial recovery....
The union strategy on political contributions will have an effect
on the CAGOP in time. Whether this is a strategy to influence both
parties or an attempt to be responsive to members, it puts the unions in
a more powerful positions with both their traditional friends — the
Democrats — and the Republicans."
this election is
pretty much over," he said.
McClintock's remarks came after he gave a history-laced speech about
modern threats to the Constitution at a tea party meeting in Rocklin,
near Sacramento.
Moore, who said he was deployed overseas three times while in the
military, asserted that he and other Army officers did not vote because
they wanted to maintain neutrality if called to advise elected leaders.
"As soon as the officer corps and Army leadership is viewed as
political and biased, then it really hurts our credibility and can
negatively affect our national security," Moore said, wearing a gold West Point class ring, during a visit to a shelter for homeless veterans in the Sierra foothills community of Jackson.
Moore was a businessman and consultant in Washington, D.C., before
returning to Northern California, where he grew up and gave the
valedictory speech at Placer High School. He contrasts his deep ties to
the district with those of McClintock, who has never lived in it while
representing it.
Describing himself as fiscally conservative and socially libertarian,
Moore said McClintock has failed to put his district's needs ahead of
his rigid ideology. He pointed to McClintock's vote last year to shut down the federal government, which hurt a district that is home to several national forests and parks, including Yosemite.
A large portion of the district "needs the federal government being open for business," Moore said. McClintock, who earns the highest ratings from conservative groups
for his work in Congress, said he is proud of his unwavering principles."...
June 9, 2011, "SEIU California launches Republican PAC to back moderates," blogs.sacbee.com
3/25/14, "California Republican Party Partners With SEIU," watchdogwire.com, Stephen Frank
"You are known by the company you keep. Recently the Service
Employees International Union (SEIU) gave a total of $25,000 to the
California Republican Party. I was told by a party official there were
absolutely no conditions on the money. The SEIU was also a “sponsor” of
the California Republican Party convention a week ago in Burlingame!...It should also be noted that the SEIU 1000 (part of the State and
national SEIU) was a sponsor for the recent California Republican Party
convention in Burlingame!...They also put a “poster” in the information
bag given everyone that registered for the convention. This is what the
poster said: “’A strong, free labor movement is an invigorating and necessary part
of our industrial society’ a quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower.”
Yet the labor movement and the SEIU in particular are not FREE. Want
to work for government, you must pay....
Then you have the SEIU supporting illegal aliens as a significant
part of its efforts. How bad?
In the state of Washington the SEIU took over the headquarters of the Washington State Republican Party!
I guess the SEIU in Washington decided against a donation to the GOP—just take over the headquarters, completely.
Is this the type of partner the California Republican Party wants? Remember, the SEIU chair at the time a while back, Andy Stern, was on
the Board of Directors of ACORN—and SEIU offices were also ACORN offices
around the county. Political corruption is the legacy of the SEIU
sponsored ACORN....We need a Party that represents Constitutional values—no one, with a
straight face would say the SEIU believes in that. We need a real
discussion on the values, principles and direction of the Republican
Party in California. It needs to stand for something. What do you
think about all of this?
View the original post at California Political News & Views."
3/23/14, "Editorial by Stephen Frank: California Republican Party Partners With SEIU (NOT a Typo)," capoliticalnews.com, by Stephen Frank
"The California Republican Party, not one person, but the Party, has
allowed this radical, vicious organization to be a sponsor of its recent
convention. Imagine the storm of controversy if Planned Parenthood or
Brady Gun Control were a sponsor. At a time when less than 28% of
Californians register Republican, it is difficult to explain why a
radical, violent, anti-freedom, Left of Obama organization has any role
in the California Republican Party. The SEIU recently OCCUPIED the
headquarters of the Washington State GOP, forced caretakers to spend
money on dues and Andy (Stern) and his union had a subsidiary—ACORN. Enough
Comment: GOP "strategy" of having no ideology means its not a political party. It's something else. The Democrat Party has strong ideologies and is passionate about advancing them.
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