Sunday, May 4, 2014

California GOP installs RNC alum to manage 'bankruptcy workout' including taking money from SEIU which was also a sponsor of recent Calif. GOP convention.

RNC alum Jim Brulte named head of near bankrupt California GOP "to move the party away from ideology" and focus on fundraising and other matters. "Brulte's first move was to secure Karl the convention Saturday, a not-so-subtle message" to conservatives. 
10/14/13, "Party for sale? California's Republicans bailed out by unions," Washington Times, Communities, Shirley Husar

"Brulte began his CAGOP debt removal strategy just this year. When he took over the party, he called his job “more like a bankruptcy workout.” At the time, he put the Party’s debt as high as $800,000....

On October 4-6, 2013, the California Republican Party (CRP or CAGOP) held its Fall Convention at the Hilton Anaheim Hotel. This year’s theme, under the direction of newly elected Chairman Jim Brulte, was “Building from the ground up.”...

This year, the CRP Fall Convention set the tone for big changes in the Party. But do these changes include partnership with the SEIU? Has California’s GOP sold itself by taking money from SEIU?

California Republicans continue to decline. The number of voter registrations fell statewide to below 30 percent. People are not joining the party; zero to slow growth makes all the party’s existing problems worse....

In a story titled “Teachers union, SEIU open wallets to California Republican Party,” the Sacramento Bee reported that in recent weeks the California Teachers Association PAC donated $10,000 to the California GOP, SEIU Local 1000 donated $15,000, and the California Correctional Peace Officers Association donated another $3,000. Representatives of all three of these powerful public sector unions attended CRP’s Fall 2013 Convention, and some members welcomed them with open arms.

Chairman Brulte has taken charge by raising money faster than the last two chairmen, Tom Del Beccaro and Ron Nehring. The CRP has raised over $3.0 million so far this year and is on a fast track to total financial recovery....

The union strategy on political contributions will have an effect on the CAGOP in time. Whether this is a strategy to influence both parties or an attempt to be responsive to members, it puts the unions in a more powerful positions with both their traditional friends — the Democrats — and the Republicans."

Among comments to above article:

The moderates will soon "blend into" the Democrat party because their views are too similar. Without the views and ideas of Conservatives they have used over the years to win, left unchecked, California will someday become like Detroit because they won't have "the other viewpoint" that will provide a "constructive critique" of what's wrong with their way of doing things."

"Left to Right: Greg Raths, Candidate Running for 45th Congressional District, Former Congressman Barry Goldwater Jr., and CRP Chairman Jim Brulte. Friday night at the Barry Goldwater Jr. hospitality suite." Photo: Shirley Husar

 10/8/2013,  "Why Did the California State GOP Accept Donations from Public Sector Unions?" Ed Ring,

"None of this however addresses the intrinsic conflict of interests that make the very existence of public sector unions a threat to democracy, financial sustainability, public education, efficient government, effective social programs, economic growth, and civil liberties. Unlike the public they serve, public sector unions profit from more government jobs, and more compensation for public sector workers – even if the extra spending yields no benefit to society. While pursuing this agenda, their membership operates the machinery of government, with all the potential for abuse that entails. And, of course, public sector unions are funded by taxes, rather than having to earn a profit in a competitive market."...

3/9/13, "California’s New GOP Chair Donates $1300 to Democratic LA Mayoral Candidate," Legal Insurrection, Leslie Eastman

Jim Brulte, new Chair of penniless Calif. GOP, gave $1300 to a democrat LA Mayoral candidate saying he didn't realize the GOP candidate was viable. "Dr. Gary Gonsalves is a physician-turned-activist in 2009...says Brulte’s donation is one of the many reasons Californians need to become involved outside the traditional political party structure.

I’m not sure what is more objectionable; the idea that this “leader” was unaware of good candidate, that he donated to a democrat, or that he is stuck in this idea of labelling people as viable versus non-viable candidates. If we don’t all start looking outside the box and start supporting non-traditional candidates, our republic is doomed.""

In California's new primary system, big government advocate Art Moore is running on the Republican line to unseat popular Calif. conservative Tom McClintock in 2014. Before working as a Washington DC consultant, Art Moore was in the military but never voted, claiming it was best to be politically neutral in the military, that doing otherwise might "negatively affect national security":

5/2/14, "Reps. Mike Honda, Tom McClintock find reelection no longer a lock," LA Times, S. Mehta

"California's relatively new 'top two' primary system means the incumbents face challengers who may have stayed away before."

"McClintock said Moore's voting record, or lack thereof, will be his downfall. "Once people realize Art Moore has never voted in his life, and never even bothered to register to vote until January,
this election is pretty much over," he said.

McClintock's remarks came after he gave a history-laced speech about modern threats to the Constitution at a tea party meeting in Rocklin, near Sacramento.

Moore, who said he was deployed overseas three times while in the military, asserted that he and other Army officers did not vote because they wanted to maintain neutrality if called to advise elected leaders.

"As soon as the officer corps and Army leadership is viewed as political and biased, then it really hurts our credibility and can negatively affect our national security," Moore said, wearing a gold West Point class ring, during a visit to a shelter for homeless veterans in the Sierra foothills community of Jackson.

Moore was a businessman and consultant in Washington, D.C., before returning to Northern California, where he grew up and gave the valedictory speech at Placer High School. He contrasts his deep ties to the district with those of McClintock, who has never lived in it while representing it.

Describing himself as fiscally conservative and socially libertarian, Moore said McClintock has failed to put his district's needs ahead of his rigid ideology. He pointed to McClintock's vote last year to shut down the federal government, which hurt a district that is home to several national forests and parks, including Yosemite.

A large portion of the district "needs the federal government being open for business," Moore said. McClintock, who earns the highest ratings from conservative groups for his work in Congress, said he is proud of his unwavering principles."...

Brulte "was also a White House advance representative for Vice President George HW Bush." (side panel on page) 
12/27/13, "Californians to watch in 2014: Jim Brulte’s challenge to pick up legislative seats for GOP," Sacramento Bee, David Siders via Merced Sun Star

Read more here:
"Republican voter registration has dropped below 30 percent statewide, and no Republican holds statewide office. Brulte...was recruited by the GOP to move the party away from ideology, refocusing on fundraising, voter registration and turnout....

After 10 years as a legislative aide and working for the Republican National Committee, the Reagan administration and George H. W. Bush, Brulte won an Assembly seat from Rancho Cucamonga in 1990. He served 14 years in the Assembly and Senate and was the GOP leader in each house....

Last year, as Republicans lobbied Brulte to run, Mike Spence, president of the Conservative Republicans of California, said installing a chairman with Brulte’s credentials “shows we’re not dead in California.” More recently, Aaron Park, a conservative blogger and official with the conservative California Republican Assembly, cited the high “energy level” at the CRP’s fall convention, which he attributed to Brulte’s leadership....

Garry South, a Democratic strategist who works with Brulte at the Sacramento public affairs company California Strategies LLC, called Brulte a “really, really good political strategist.”...

However, he added, “I don’t think it’s there...I don’t know how you resurrect the Republican Party.”" 


Brulte's website says he favors abolishing the Electoral College and going to a national popular vote:

"2011-Present: Promoter, National Popular Vote"

Read more here:
In 2011 the FBI raided Jim Brulte's home and lobbying offices in connection with corruption probe:
"Late last week, FBI agents raided Jim Brulte’s home and lobbying office in connection to a corruption probe regarding the $102 million legal settlement between Rancho Cucamonga developer Colonies Partners LP and San Bernardino County in 2006. Prosecutors have been investigating the settlement, which they say was obtained through a conspiracy of bribery and extortion. Brulte, one of the most influential Republicans in Southern California and currently a lobbyist with the firm California Strategies, is also a former assemblyman and state senator who led both GOP caucuses while in office.
Already, former Board of Supervisors chairman Bill Postmus admitted accepting a $100,000 bribe from Colonies executive Jeff Burum. Prosecutors allege that the Colonies Partners’ lobbying strategy manipulated the San Bernardino County Taxpayers Association, the San Bernardino Young Republicans, and other bribes were made in connection to the settlement. Although he has not been charged with a crime, the FBI raid on Brulte raises questions about his role as lobbyist working for Colonies Partners. The Contra Costa Times reports:"...
2/28/13, "California Republican Party Convention: GOP attempts to recover from disaster," San Jose Mercury News, by Steven Harmon
"Having sunk to its lowest depths in its 159-year history, the California Republican Party's first order of business at this weekend's convention will be to lick its wounds....It's $500,000 in debt and doesn't even have offices for its staff, which has dwindled to a handful of employees who work from home. The GOP's only gubernatorial prospect for 2014 is a conservative assemblyman who was once a border vigilante. And Republican voter registration in the state is at an all-time low of 29.3 percent.

Into all that gloom rides Jim Brulte, a former Republican leader in the Assembly and state Senate, as the presumptive new party chairman. Brulte has vowed to rebuild the party the old-fashioned way: through voter registration, candidate recruitment and fundraising....

Brulte's first move was to secure Karl Rove, the Republican uber-strategist, as the lunchtime speaker at the convention Saturday, a not-so-subtle message to conservative activists that he's seeking a pragmatic way out of the GOP's political morass.

It was controversial pick. Rove didn't endear himself to conservatives when he recently formed a new political group that he said would drum extremist candidates out of GOP primaries -- including those from the tea party -- as a way to appeal to the center.

Rove was himself at the center of GOP failures in the fall: His American Crossroads super PAC spent $300 million on mostly losing candidates.

In a nod to party activists, GOP officials hastily added conservative blogger Ben Shapiro as the convention's keynote speaker Saturday night, while moving Rove to the Saturday afternoon slot. But the strain between the activists and pragmatists remains.

"Going after the tea party and conservatives will be a huge mistake because it's the conservatives who deliver the votes, who have the passion and commitment," said Celeste Greig, president of the California Republican Assembly, a conservative faction of the state party. "I want to win elections, but compromising on principle is not going to work very well."

Greig argues that California Republicans can revive their party simply by improving their message and making more personal contact with communities of color....

Brulte said he understands the depths of the GOP's problems...."I don't think you rebuild everything you lose in one election cycle," he said. "It's going to take some time.""


Establishment GOP "care more about controlling the party than winning elections," AEI member Ken Green:

7/13/12, "George Shultz Endorses Carbon Tax – You Were Surprised?", Marlo Lewis

"This pattern is becoming boringly familiar....There has always been a wing of the GOP — the establishment,” “Country Club,” or “Rockefeller” Republicans — who care more about controlling the party than about advancing liberty or even about winning elections
. AEI’s Ken Green (a colleague of Hassett’s) hits the nail on the head."...


June 9, 2011, "SEIU California launches Republican PAC to back moderates,"


3/25/14, "California Republican Party Partners With SEIU,", Stephen Frank

"You are known by the company you keep. Recently the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) gave a total of $25,000 to the California Republican Party.  I was told by a party official there were absolutely no conditions on the money.  The SEIU was also a “sponsor” of the California Republican Party convention a week ago in Burlingame!...It should also be noted that the SEIU 1000 (part of the State and national SEIU) was a sponsor for the recent California Republican Party convention in Burlingame!...They also put a “poster” in the information bag given everyone that registered for the convention. This is what the poster said: “’A strong, free labor movement is an invigorating and necessary part of our industrial society’ a quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Yet the labor movement and the SEIU in particular are not FREE.  Want to work for government, you must pay....

Then you have the SEIU supporting illegal aliens as a significant part of its efforts. How bad?

In the state of Washington the SEIU took over the headquarters of the Washington State Republican Party!  

I guess the SEIU in Washington decided against a donation to the GOP—just take over the headquarters, completely.

Is this the type of partner the California Republican Party wants? Remember, the SEIU chair at the time a while back, Andy Stern, was on the Board of Directors of ACORN—and SEIU offices were also ACORN offices around the county. Political corruption is the legacy of the SEIU sponsored ACORN....We need a Party that represents Constitutional valuesno one, with a straight face would say the SEIU believes in that.  We need a real discussion on the values, principles and direction of the Republican Party in California. It needs to stand for something.  What do you think about all of this?

View the original post at California Political News & Views."


3/23/14, "Editorial by Stephen Frank: California Republican Party Partners With SEIU (NOT a Typo),", by Stephen Frank

"The California Republican Party, not one person, but the Party, has allowed this radical, vicious organization to be a sponsor of its recent convention. Imagine the storm of controversy if Planned Parenthood or Brady Gun Control were a sponsor.  At a time when less than 28% of Californians register Republican, it is difficult to explain why a radical, violent, anti-freedom, Left of Obama organization has any role in the California Republican Party.  The SEIU recently OCCUPIED the headquarters of the Washington State GOP, forced caretakers to spend money on dues and Andy (Stern) and his union had a subsidiary—ACORN. Enough said."...


Comment: GOP "strategy" of having no ideology means its not a political party. It's something else. The Democrat Party has strong ideologies and is passionate about advancing them.

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